Cpcl::AutoPointer< EventHandlers > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< FastMersenneTwister > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< FileDialogPrivate > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< FileFormatImplementationPrivate > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< FileFormatPrivate > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< GetDirectoryDialogPrivate > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< MessageBoxPrivate > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< OpenFileDialogPrivate > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::AstrometricMetadata::DescriptionItems > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::BidimensionalInterpolation< sample > > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::CheckBox > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::Compression > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::CryptographicHash > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::CubicFilter > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::Exception > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::GenericImage > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::KernelFilter > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::MorphologicalOperator > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::ProgressDialog > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::ProjectionBase > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::SeparableFilter > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::StructuringElement > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::WorldTransformation > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::XISFLogHandler > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< ProcessParameterPrivate > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< ProcessPrivate > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< SaveFileDialogPrivate > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< SettingsTree > | |
►Cpcl::AutoPointer< T, StandardDeleter< T > > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointerCloner< T, D > | A smart pointer able to generate dynamically allocated copies of the objects pointed to by other smart pointers |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< XISFReaderEngine > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointer< XISFWriterEngine > | |
Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< double > | |
Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< int > | |
Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< pcl::IsoString > | |
Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< pcl::String > | |
Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< pcl::TimePoint > | |
Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< unsigned > | |
Cpcl::Flags< FileAttribute::mask_type > | |
Cpcl::Flags< FileMode::mask_type > | |
Cpcl::Flags< XMLNodeType::mask_type > | |
Cpcl::Flags< XMLParserOption::mask_type > | |
►Cpcl::GenericCharTraits< char > | |
Cpcl::IsoCharTraits | A template instantiation of GenericCharTraits for the char type |
►Cpcl::GenericCharTraits< char16_type > | |
Cpcl::CharTraits | A template instantiation of GenericCharTraits for char16_type |
►Cpcl::GenericGaussJordan< double > | |
Cpcl::GaussJordan | Gauss-Jordan linear system solver for Matrix objects |
►Cpcl::GenericGaussJordan< float > | |
Cpcl::FGaussJordan | Gauss-Jordan linear system solver for FMatrix objects |
►Cpcl::GenericInPlaceSVD< double > | |
Cpcl::InPlaceSVD | In-place singular value decomposition algorithm for Matrix and Vector objects |
►Cpcl::GenericInPlaceSVD< float > | |
Cpcl::FInPlaceSVD | In-place singular value decomposition algorithm for FMatrix and FVector objects |
►Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< Complex< double > > | |
Cpcl::DComplexPixelTraits | 64-bit IEEE 754 normalized floating point complex pixel traits |
►Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< Complex< float > > | |
Cpcl::ComplexPixelTraits | 32-bit IEEE 754 normalized floating point complex pixel traits |
►Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< double > | |
Cpcl::DoublePixelTraits | 64-bit IEEE 754 normalized floating point real pixel traits |
►Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< float > | |
Cpcl::FloatPixelTraits | 32-bit IEEE 754 normalized floating point real pixel traits |
►Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< uint16 > | |
Cpcl::UInt16PixelTraits | 16-bit unsigned integer pixel traits |
►Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< uint32 > | |
Cpcl::UInt20PixelTraits | 20-bit unsigned integer pixel traits |
Cpcl::UInt24PixelTraits | 24-bit unsigned integer pixel traits |
Cpcl::UInt32PixelTraits | 32-bit unsigned integer pixel traits |
►Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< uint8 > | |
Cpcl::UInt8PixelTraits | 8-bit unsigned integer pixel traits |
►Cpcl::GenericSVD< double > | |
Cpcl::SVD | Singular value decomposition algorithm for Matrix and Vector objects |
►Cpcl::GenericSVD< float > | |
Cpcl::FSVD | Singular value decomposition algorithm for FMatrix and FVector objects |
►Cpcl::Iterator< RandomAccessIterator, T > | |
►Cpcl::ReverseIteratorBase< RI, RandomAccessIterator, T > | |
Cpcl::ReverseRandomAccessIterator< RI, T > | Reverse random access iterator |
Cpcl::ReferenceArray< T, A >::const_iterator | Immutable ReferenceArray iterator |
Cpcl::ReferenceArray< T, A >::iterator | Mutable ReferenceArray iterator |
Cpcl::Optional< double > | |
Cpcl::Optional< pcl::TimePoint > | |
►Cpcl::AbstractFFT< T > | Abstract base class of all fast Fourier transform classes |
Cpcl::GenericFFT< T > | Generic fast Fourier transform of complex data |
Cpcl::GenericRealFFT< T > | Generic fast Fourier transform of real data |
Cpcl::AbstractImage::ThreadData | Thread synchronization data for status monitoring of parallel image processing tasks |
Cpcl::ActionInfo | Provides information about the current state of the core application's GUI to module-defined actions |
Cpcl::Allocator< T, A > | Provides memory allocation for PCL containers |
CAPASSSearchData | Data items and parameters for APASS catalog search operations |
Cpcl::APASSStarData | Star data structure for APASS catalog search operations |
Cpcl::Argument | A command-line argument |
Cargument_item_mode | Represents an ArgumentItemMode enumerated value |
CArgumentList | A dynamic array of command-line arguments |
CArgumentOptions | A combination of ArgumentOption flags |
Cpcl::Association< T1, T2 > | Generic association of two objects |
Cpcl::AstrometricMetadata | Astrometric metadata |
Cpcl::AstrometricMetadata::DescriptionItems | A collection of strings describing the properties and parameters of an astrometric solution |
Cpcl::AtomicInt | Atomic operations on integers |
Cpcl::ATrousWaveletTransform::WaveletScalingFunction | The scaling function of a wavelet transform |
Cpcl::AutoLock | Automatic mutex lock/unlock |
Cpcl::AutoLockCounter | Automatic mutex lock/unlock with limited concurrent access allowance |
►Cpcl::AutoPointer< T, D > | A smart pointer with exclusive object ownership and optional automatic object destruction |
Cpcl::AutoPointerCloner< pcl::RGBColorSystem > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointerCloner< pcl::ObserverPosition > | |
Cpcl::AutoPointerCloner< pcl::EphemerisFile::Handle > | |
Cpcl::AutoReentrancyGuard | Automatic reentrancy guard sentinel |
Cpcl::AutoStatusCallbackRestorer | Automatic recovery of status monitoring callbacks |
►Cpcl::AutoViewLock | Automatic view lock/unlock |
Cpcl::AutoViewWriteLock | Automatic write-only view lock/unlock |
►Cpcl::BidimensionalInterpolation< T > | A generic interface to two-dimensional interpolation algorithms |
Cpcl::BicubicFilterInterpolation< T > | Bicubic filter interpolation algorithms |
►Cpcl::BicubicInterpolationBase< T > | Base class for bicubic interpolation algorithm implementations |
Cpcl::BicubicBSplineInterpolation< double > | |
Cpcl::BicubicBSplineInterpolation< T > | Bicubic B-Spline Interpolation Algorithm |
►Cpcl::BicubicSplineInterpolation< T > | Bicubic spline interpolation algorithm |
Cpcl::BicubicInterpolation< T > | Bicubic interpolation - an alias for BicubicSplineInterpolation |
Cpcl::BilinearInterpolation< T > | Bilinear interpolation algorithm |
Cpcl::LanczosInterpolation< T > | Two dimensional Lanczos interpolation algorithm |
Cpcl::NearestNeighborInterpolation< T > | Two-dimensional nearest neighbor interpolation algorithm |
CByteArray | Dynamic array of 8-bit unsigned integers |
CByteMatrix | 8-bit unsigned integer matrix |
CByteVector | 8-bit unsigned integer vector |
CC32Matrix | 32-bit floating point complex matrix |
CC32Vector | 32-bit floating point complex vector |
CC64Matrix | 64-bit floating point complex matrix |
CC64Vector | 64-bit floating point complex vector |
Cpcl::CanvasColor | A set of color values used to fill free or unused areas of images |
CCharMatrix | 8-bit signed integer matrix |
CCharVector | 8-bit signed integer vector |
CChebyshevFit | 64-bit floating point Chebyshev function approximation |
►Cpcl::Cipher | Abstract base class for cipher algorithm implementations |
Cpcl::AES256 | AES-256 cipher |
►Cpcl::ColorFilterArray | Color filter array (CFA) structure |
Cpcl::BayerFilterBGGR | BGGR Bayer filter representation |
Cpcl::BayerFilterGBRG | GBRG Bayer filter representation |
Cpcl::BayerFilterGRBG | GRBG Bayer filter representation |
Cpcl::BayerFilterRGGB | RGGB Bayer filter representation |
Ccomplex | A complex number whose components are 64-bit floating point real numbers |
Cpcl::Complex< T > | Generic complex number |
CComplex32 | A complex number whose components are 32-bit floating point real numbers |
CComplex64 | A complex number whose components are 64-bit floating point real numbers |
CComplexImage | 32-bit floating point complex image |
Cpcl::Compression::Performance | Compression/decompression performance measurements |
Cpcl::Compression::Subblock | Compression subblock data |
Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< T > | An object that can be in consistently defined or undefined/inconsistent states |
Cpcl::Console | A high-level interface to a PixInsight processing console |
Cpcl::Const< T > | Fundamental numeric constants |
►Cpcl::Container | Root base class of all PCL containers |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< pcl::View > | |
Cpcl::Array< pcl::View > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< HistogramTransformation > | |
Cpcl::Array< HistogramTransformation > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< sample > | |
Cpcl::Array< sample > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< double > | |
Cpcl::Array< double > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< scalar > | |
Cpcl::GenericVector< scalar > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< Index > | |
Cpcl::Array< Index > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< float > | |
Cpcl::Array< float > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< int > | |
Cpcl::GenericVector< int > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< const sample * > | |
Cpcl::GenericVector< const sample * > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< pcl::PSFData > | |
Cpcl::Array< pcl::PSFData > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< String > | |
Cpcl::Array< String > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< ICCProfile::handle > | |
Cpcl::Array< ICCProfile::handle > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< IndexNode > | |
Cpcl::Array< IndexNode > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< sample_pointer > | |
Cpcl::GenericVector< sample_pointer > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< StarData > | |
Cpcl::Array< StarData > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< SubsplineData > | |
Cpcl::Array< SubsplineData > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< coefficient > | |
Cpcl::GenericMatrix< coefficient > | |
Cpcl::GenericVector< coefficient > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< uint64 > | |
Cpcl::GenericVector< uint64 > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< SampledSpectrumData > | |
Cpcl::Array< SampledSpectrumData > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< weight > | |
Cpcl::GenericVector< weight > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< size_type > | |
Cpcl::GenericVector< size_type > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< DPoint > | |
Cpcl::Array< DPoint > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< uint8 > | |
Cpcl::Array< uint8 > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< existence_mask > | |
Cpcl::GenericVector< existence_mask > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< XPSD::IndexTree > | |
Cpcl::Array< XPSD::IndexTree > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< IsoString > | |
Cpcl::Array< IsoString > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< matrix_interpolation > | |
Cpcl::Array< matrix_interpolation > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< void * > | |
Cpcl::Array< void *, StandardAllocator > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< sample * > | |
Cpcl::GenericVector< sample * > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< char > | |
►Cpcl::GenericString< char, IsoCharTraits, PCL_STRING_ALLOCATOR > | |
Cpcl::IsoString | Eight-bit string (ISO/IEC-8859-1 or UTF-8 string) |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< XMLNode > | |
Cpcl::ReferenceArray< XMLNode > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< bool > | |
Cpcl::GenericVector< bool > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< EphemerisConstant > | |
Cpcl::Array< EphemerisConstant > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< XMLAttribute > | |
Cpcl::Array< XMLAttribute > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< point > | |
Cpcl::Array< point > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< SerializableEphemerisData > | |
Cpcl::Array< SerializableEphemerisData > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< layer > | |
Cpcl::Array< layer > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< block_index_item > | |
Cpcl::Array< block_index_item > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< const pcl::XMLElement * > | |
Cpcl::Array< const pcl::XMLElement * > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< char16_type > | |
►Cpcl::GenericString< char16_type, CharTraits, PCL_STRING_ALLOCATOR > | |
Cpcl::String | Unicode (UTF-16) string |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< ImageSelections > | |
Cpcl::Array< ImageSelections > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< pcl::GenericPoint > | |
Cpcl::Array< pcl::GenericPoint > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< ImageDescription > | |
Cpcl::Array< ImageDescription > | |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< GenericVector< T > > | |
►Cpcl::Array< GenericVector< T > > | |
Cpcl::GenericMultiVector< T > | Generic array of vectors |
►Cpcl::DirectContainer< T > | Root base class of all PCL containers of objects |
Cpcl::Array< T, StandardAllocator > | |
Cpcl::ReferenceArray< T, StandardAllocator > | |
►Cpcl::Array< T, A > | Generic dynamic array |
Cpcl::GenericMultiVector< Ty > | |
►Cpcl::DirectSortedContainer< T > | Root base class of all PCL sorted containers of objects |
Cpcl::ReferenceSortedArray< FileDataCacheItem > | |
Cpcl::SortedArray< Node * > | |
Cpcl::ReferenceSortedArray< T, A > | Dynamic sorted array of pointers to objects providing direct iteration and element access by reference |
Cpcl::SortedArray< T, A > | Generic dynamic sorted array |
Cpcl::GenericMatrix< T > | Generic dynamic matrix of arbitrary dimensions |
Cpcl::GenericString< T, R, A > | Generic character string |
Cpcl::GenericVector< T > | Generic vector of arbitrary length |
Cpcl::ReferenceArray< T, A > | Dynamic array of pointers to objects providing direct iteration and element access by reference |
►Cpcl::IndirectContainer< T > | Root base class of all PCL containers of pointers to objects |
Cpcl::IndirectArray< XMLNode, StandardAllocator > | |
Cpcl::IndirectArray< T, StandardAllocator > | |
Cpcl::IndirectArray< MetaObject > | |
Cpcl::IndirectArray< T, A > | Generic dynamic array of pointers to objects |
►Cpcl::IndirectSortedContainer< T > | Root base class of all PCL sorted containers of pointers to objects |
Cpcl::IndirectSortedArray< T, A > | Generic dynamic sorted array of pointers to objects |
►Cpcl::CryptographicHash | Abstract base class for cryptographic hashing algorithm implementations |
Cpcl::CryptographicHashFactory | Selectable cryptographic hashing algorithm |
Cpcl::MD5 | Implementation of the MD5 cryptographic hashing algorithm |
Cpcl::SHA1 | Implementation of the SHA-1 cryptographic hashing algorithm |
Cpcl::SHA224 | Implementation of the SHA-224 cryptographic hashing algorithm |
Cpcl::SHA256 | Implementation of the SHA-256 cryptographic hashing algorithm |
Cpcl::SHA384 | Implementation of the SHA-384 cryptographic hashing algorithm |
Cpcl::SHA512 | Implementation of the SHA-512 cryptographic hashing algorithm |
►Cpcl::CubicFilter | Mitchell-Netravali parameterized cubic filters |
Cpcl::CatmullRomSplineFilter | Catmull-Rom spline filter |
Cpcl::CubicBSplineFilter | Cubic B-spline filter |
Cpcl::MitchellNetravaliCubicFilter | Mitchell-Netravali cubic filter with B=C=1/3 |
Cpcl::CUDADevice | Access to core CUDA device services |
CDChebyshevFit | 64-bit floating point Chebyshev function approximation |
Cdcomplex | A complex number whose components are 64-bit floating point real numbers |
CDComplexImage | 64-bit floating point complex image |
CDFFT | Fast Fourier transform of 64-bit floating point complex data |
CDFFT2D | Fast Fourier transform of 64-bit floating point complex data |
CDImage | 64-bit floating point real image |
CDMatrix | 64-bit floating point real matrix |
CDMultiVector | 64-bit floating point real multivector |
CDPoint | 64-bit floating-point point in the R^2 space |
CDRealFFT | Fast Fourier transform of 64-bit floating point real data |
CDRealFFT2D | Fast Fourier transform of 64-bit floating point real data |
CDRect | 64-bit floating-point rectangle in the R^2 space |
Cpcl::DrizzleData | Drizzle integration data parser and generator |
CDrizzleParserOptions | A collection of Drizzle data parsing options |
CDScalarChebyshevFit | 64-bit floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation |
CDVector | 64-bit floating point real vector |
Cpcl::ElapsedTime | High-resolution time stamp |
Cpcl::EphemerisConstant | A numerical constant defined in an ephemeris file (XEPH format) |
CEphemerisConstantList | Dynamic list of ephemeris numerical constants |
Cpcl::EphemerisFile | Solar system ephemerides from XEPH files |
Cpcl::EphemerisFile::Handle | Calculation of ephemerides from data stored in XEPH files |
Cpcl::EphemerisMetadata | Metadata items available in ephemeris files (XEPH format) |
Cpcl::EphemerisObject | Identifiers and descriptive data of an object available in an ephemeris file |
CEphemerisObjectList | Dynamic list of object identifiers and descriptions |
►Cpcl::Exception | Root base class for all PCL exception classes |
Cpcl::CaughtException | An exception that has already been handled |
►Cpcl::Error | A simple exception with an associated error message |
Cpcl::FatalError | Errors that cause immediate program termination |
Cpcl::File::Error | File I/O exception |
Cpcl::NotImplemented | An exception that indicates an unsupported feature |
Cpcl::ParseError | Base class for exceptions thrown by parsing routines |
Cpcl::SourceCodeError | Base class for exceptions thrown by source code interpreters |
Cpcl::XMLParseError | XML parsing error with automatic text location information generation |
Cpcl::UnixSignalException | A UNIX synchronous signal handler that throws C++ exceptions |
Cpcl::Win32Exception | A Win32 structured exception handler that throws C++ exceptions |
CF32ChebyshevFit | 32-bit floating point Chebyshev function approximation |
CF32Matrix | 32-bit floating point real matrix |
CF32Point | 32-bit floating-point point in the R^2 space |
CF32Rect | 32-bit floating-point rectangle in the R^2 space |
CF32ScalarChebyshevFit | 32-bit floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation |
CF32Vector | 32-bit floating point real vector |
CF64ChebyshevFit | 64-bit floating point Chebyshev function approximation |
CF64Matrix | 64-bit floating point real matrix |
CF64Point | 64-bit floating-point point in the R^2 space |
CF64Rect | 64-bit floating-point rectangle in the R^2 space |
CF64ScalarChebyshevFit | 64-bit floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation |
CF64Vector | 64-bit floating point real vector |
CF80ChebyshevFit | 80-bit extended precision floating point Chebyshev function approximation |
CF80Matrix | 80-bit extended precision floating point real matrix |
CF80ScalarChebyshevFit | 80-bit extended precision floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation |
CF80Vector | 80-bit extended precision floating point real vector |
Cpcl::Fact< T > | Factorial function |
CFChebyshevFit | 32-bit floating point Chebyshev function approximation |
Cfcomplex | A complex number whose components are 32-bit floating point real numbers |
CFComplexImage | 32-bit floating point complex image |
CFFFT | Fast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point complex data |
CFFFT2D | Fast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point complex data |
CFFT | Fast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point complex data |
CFFT2D | Fast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point complex data |
►Cpcl::FFTRegistrationEngine | Base class of FFT-based image registration algorithms |
Cpcl::FFTRotationAndScaling | FFT registration engine: rotation and scaling |
Cpcl::FFTTranslation | FFT registration engine: translation |
Cpcl::File | A platform-independent interface to the local file system |
Cpcl::File::Find | Directory search operation |
Cpcl::File::Progress | Abstract base class of file progress objects |
CFileAttributes | A combination of file type, attribute and access mode flags |
Cpcl::FileDataCache | Abstract base class of file data cache implementations |
Cpcl::FileDataCacheItem | Element of a file data cache |
►Cpcl::FileDialog | Abstract base class of PCL file dialogs |
Cpcl::GetDirectoryDialog | A modal dialog box to select an existing directory |
Cpcl::OpenFileDialog | A modal dialog box to select one or more existing files |
Cpcl::SaveFileDialog | A modal dialog box to select a single file name for output |
Cpcl::FileFilter | A description of a file type and its associated file extensions |
►Cpcl::FileFormatBase | Abstract base class for image file format descriptions |
Cpcl::FileFormat | High-level interface to an installed image file format |
Cpcl::MetaFileFormat | A formal description of an image file format in PixInsight |
Cpcl::FileFormatImplementation | Implementation of a PixInsight file format instance |
Cpcl::FileInfo | Platform-independent information on file and directory items |
CFileInfoList | A dynamic array of FileInfo structures |
CFileModes | A combination of file access, share and opening/creation mode flags |
Cpcl::FileTime | File date and time |
CFImage | 32-bit floating point real image |
Cpcl::FindFileInfo | File information structure used by File::Find |
Cpcl::FITSHeaderKeyword | FITS header keyword |
CFITSKeywordArray | Dynamic array of FITS header keywords |
Cpcl::Flags< E > | A type-safe collection of enumerated flags |
Cpcl::FluxCalibrationData | Flux calibration data parser and generator |
CFMatrix | 32-bit floating point real matrix |
CFMultiVector | 32-bit floating point real multivector |
►Cpcl::ForwardIterator | Forward iterator class |
►Cpcl::BidirectionalIterator | Bidirectional iterator class |
Cpcl::RandomAccessIterator | Random access iterator class |
CFPoint | 32-bit floating-point point in the R^2 space |
CFRealFFT | Fast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point real data |
CFRealFFT2D | Fast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point real data |
CFRect | 32-bit floating-point rectangle in the R^2 space |
CFScalarChebyshevFit | 32-bit floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation |
CFVector | 32-bit floating point real vector |
►Cpcl::GaiaStarDataBase | Star data base structure for Gaia catalog search operations |
Cpcl::GaiaStarData | Star data structure for Gaia catalog search operations |
Cpcl::GammaRandomDeviates< RNG > | Generation of random gamma deviates |
Cpcl::GenericCharTraits< T > | Generic base class of character traits classes |
►Cpcl::GenericChebyshevFit< Tx, Ty > | Approximation of vector-valued functions by Chebyshev polynomial expansions |
Cpcl::GenericScalarChebyshevFit< Tx, Ty > | Approximation of scalar-valued functions by Chebyshev polynomial expansion |
Cpcl::GenericGaussJordan< T > | Generic Gauss-Jordan linear system solver |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_filter_pixel_iterator< F > | Immutable filter pixel iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_filter_sample_iterator< F > | Immutable filter pixel sample iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_pixel_iterator | Immutable pixel iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_roi_filter_pixel_iterator< F > | Immutable region-of-interest, filter pixel iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_roi_filter_sample_iterator< F > | Immutable region-of-interest, filter pixel sample iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_roi_pixel_iterator | Immutable region-of-interest pixel iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_roi_sample_iterator | Immutable region-of-interest pixel sample iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_sample_iterator | Immutable pixel sample iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::filter_pixel_iterator< F > | Mutable filter pixel iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::filter_sample_iterator< F > | Mutable filter pixel sample iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::pixel_iterator | Mutable pixel iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::roi_filter_pixel_iterator< F > | Mutable region-of-interest, filter pixel iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::roi_filter_sample_iterator< F > | Mutable region-of-interest, filter pixel sample iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::roi_pixel_iterator | Mutable region-of-interest pixel iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::roi_sample_iterator | Mutable region-of-interest pixel sample iterator |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::sample_iterator | Mutable pixel sample iterator |
Cpcl::GenericInPlaceSVD< T > | Generic in-place singular value decomposition algorithm |
Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< S > | Base class of all pixel traits classes |
Cpcl::GenericPoint< T > | A generic point in the two-dimensional space |
Cpcl::GenericRectangle< T > | A generic rectangle in the two-dimensional space |
Cpcl::GenericSVD< T > | Generic singular value decomposition algorithm |
Cpcl::GradientBrush::Stop | Gradient stop |
Cpcl::HistogramTransformation::Flags | Characterizes a histogram transformation pertaining to a histogram transformation chain |
Cpcl::Homography | Homography geometric transformation |
CI16Matrix | 16-bit signed integer matrix |
CI16Vector | 16-bit signed integer vector |
CI32Matrix | 32-bit signed integer matrix |
CI32Point | 32-bit integer point on the plane |
CI32Rect | 32-bit integer rectangle on the plane |
CI32Vector | 32-bit signed integer vector |
CI64Matrix | 64-bit integer matrix |
CI64Vector | 64-bit integer vector |
CI8Matrix | 8-bit signed integer matrix |
CI8Vector | 8-bit signed integer vector |
CICCColorSpaces | A combination of ICCColorSpace values |
Cpcl::ICCProfile | A high-level interface to ICC color profiles |
Cpcl::ICCProfile::Info | A structure to hold descriptive data about ICC profiles |
CICCProfileClasses | A combination of ICCProfileClass values |
CImage | 32-bit floating point real image |
►Cpcl::ImageColor | Implements color space properties of images |
►Cpcl::AbstractImage | Base class of all two-dimensional images in PCL |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P1 > | |
Cpcl::GenericImage< UInt8PixelTraits > | |
Cpcl::GenericImage< P > | Implements a generic, two-dimensional, shared or local image |
Cpcl::ImageDescription | A structure to transport basic information and options for an image stored in an image file |
CImageDescriptionArray | Dynamic array of ImageDescription structures |
►Cpcl::ImageGeometry | Implements geometric properties of two-dimensional images |
Cpcl::AbstractImage | Base class of all two-dimensional images in PCL |
Cpcl::ImageInfo | A simple structure to hold basic information about images |
Cpcl::ImageOptions | Format-independent, fundamental image stream options |
►Cpcl::ImageResolution | Image resolution data |
Cpcl::Crop | Image cropping/expansion algorithm |
Cpcl::Resample | Image resampling algorithm |
Cpcl::ImageSelections | A structure used to store rectangular image selections, channel ranges, anchor points, and clipping ranges |
Cpcl::ImageStatistics::Data | Statistical data in the normalized [0,1] range |
►Cpcl::ImageTransformation | Root base class of all PCL image transformations |
Cpcl::AdaptiveLocalFilter | Adaptive, local noise reduction filter in the spatial domain |
►Cpcl::BidirectionalImageTransformation | Root base class for bidirectional PCL image transformations |
Cpcl::FourierTransform | Out-of-place discrete Fourier transform of two-dimensional images |
Cpcl::PyramidalWaveletTransform | Discrete two-dimensional wavelet transforms by the pyramidal algorithms |
►Cpcl::RedundantMultiscaleTransform | Base class of all redundant multiscale transforms |
Cpcl::ATrousWaveletTransform | Discrete isotropic à trous wavelet transform |
Cpcl::MultiscaleLinearTransform | A redundant multiscale transform using separable convolutions |
Cpcl::MultiscaleMedianTransform | Multiscale median transform / hybrid median-wavelet transform |
Cpcl::DisplayFunction | Adaptive histogram transformations for image visualization |
Cpcl::FFTConvolution | Fourier-based two-dimensional convolution in the spatial domain |
►Cpcl::GeometricTransformation | Abstract base class of all PCL geometric image transformations |
Cpcl::Crop | Image cropping/expansion algorithm |
Cpcl::HorizontalMirror | Mirrors images horizontally |
Cpcl::IntegerResample | A geometric transformation to resample images by integer ratios |
►Cpcl::InterpolatingGeometricTransformation | Abstract base class of all PCL interpolating geometric image transformations |
Cpcl::AstrometricReprojection | Astrometric image reprojection |
►Cpcl::PolarTransformBase | Base class of polar transforms |
Cpcl::LogPolarTransform | In-place transformation to log-polar coordinates |
Cpcl::PolarTransform | In-place transformation to polar coordinates |
Cpcl::Resample | Image resampling algorithm |
Cpcl::Rotation | Image rotation algorithm |
Cpcl::Translation | Image translation algorithm |
Cpcl::Rotate180 | Rotates images by 180 degrees |
Cpcl::Rotate90CCW | Rotates images by -90 degrees (counter-clockwise) |
Cpcl::Rotate90CW | Rotates images by 90 degrees (clockwise) |
Cpcl::VerticalMirror | Mirrors images vertically |
Cpcl::HistogramTransformation | Multiple histogram transformation |
►Cpcl::ICCProfileTransformation | Conversion of pixel values between ICC profile color spaces |
Cpcl::ICCProofingTransformation | A soft proofing ICC profile transformation |
►Cpcl::InPlaceFourierTransform | In-place discrete Fourier transform of two-dimensional complex images |
Cpcl::InPlaceInverseFourierTransform | In-place discrete inverse Fourier transform of two-dimensional complex images |
►Cpcl::InterlacedTransformation | Interlaced image transformation in the spatial domain |
Cpcl::Convolution | Discrete two-dimensional nonseparable convolution in the spatial domain |
Cpcl::MorphologicalTransformation | Generic n-way morphological transformation |
Cpcl::SeparableConvolution | Discrete two-dimensional separable convolution in the spatial domain |
Cpcl::SeparableMedianFilter | A two-dimensional separable filter that approximates a median filter |
►Cpcl::ThresholdedTransformation | Thresholded image transformation |
Cpcl::Convolution | Discrete two-dimensional nonseparable convolution in the spatial domain |
Cpcl::MorphologicalTransformation | Generic n-way morphological transformation |
Cpcl::ImageVariant | Acts like a union for all types of images in PCL, with optional class-wide ownership of transported images |
CIMatrix | 32-bit signed integer matrix |
CIMultiVector | Integer multivector |
Cpcl::IndirectBinaryFunction< T1Ptr, T2Ptr, BF > | A wrapper class that applies a binary function to pointers to objects |
Cpcl::IndirectBinaryPredicate< T1Ptr, T2Ptr, BP > | A wrapper class that applies a binary predicate to pointers to objects |
Cpcl::IndirectEqual< TPtr > | A functional class that tests two pointers for equality of the pointed objects |
Cpcl::IndirectLess< TPtr > | A functional class that applies the less than relational operator to the objects pointed to by two pointers |
Cpcl::IndirectUnaryFunction< TPtr, UF > | A wrapper class that applies a unary function to pointers to objects |
Cpcl::IndirectUnaryPredicate< TPtr, UP > | A wrapper class that applies a unary predicate to pointers to objects |
CInterfaceFeatures | A collection of interface feature flags |
►Cpcl::ISO8601ConversionOptions | Formatting options for string representations of dates and times in ISO 8601 format |
Cpcl::ISO8601ConversionOptionsNoTimeZone | Formatting options for string representations of dates and times in ISO 8601 format. Special variant to disable time zone specifiers |
CIsoStringKeyValue | Key-value association of two 8-bit strings |
CIsoStringKeyValueList | Dynamic list of key-value associations implemented as 8-bit strings |
CIsoStringList | Dynamic list of 8-bit strings |
►Cpcl::Iterator< C, T > | Generic container iterator |
►Cpcl::ReverseIteratorBase< BI, BidirectionalIterator, T > | |
Cpcl::ReverseBidirectionalIterator< BI, T > | Reverse bidirectional iterator |
Cpcl::ReverseIteratorBase< BI, C, T > | Base class of reverse iterators |
CIVector | 32-bit signed integer vector |
Cpcl::JPLEphemeris | JPL planetary ephemeris |
Cpcl::KDTree< T > | Bucket PR K-d tree for point data in arbitrary dimensions |
►Cpcl::KernelFilter | Kernel filter in two dimensions |
Cpcl::GaussianFilter | A kernel filter implementing a discrete Gaussian distribution in two dimensions |
Cpcl::LinearFilter | A kernel filter that follows a discrete linear distribution with radial symmetry in two dimensions |
Cpcl::MeanFilter | Square block average kernel filter |
Cpcl::MoffatFilter | A kernel filter implementing a discrete Moffat distribution in two dimensions |
Cpcl::VariableShapeFilter | A kernel filter with variable kurtosis |
CKeyboardModifiers | A combination of keyboard modifier codes |
Cpcl::KeyValue< T1, T2 > | Generic key-value association |
CLDChebyshevFit | 80-bit extended precision floating point Chebyshev function approximation |
CLDMatrix | 80-bit extended precision floating point real matrix |
CLDScalarChebyshevFit | 80-bit extended precision floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation |
CLDVector | 80-bit extended precision floating point real vector |
Cpcl::LinearFit | Robust straight line fitting by minimization of mean absolute deviation |
Cpcl::LinearTransformation | A linear geometric transformation on the plane defined as a 2x3 matrix of 64-bit floating point scalars |
Cpcl::LocalNormalizationData | Normalization data parser and generator |
CMatrix | 64-bit floating point real matrix |
Cpcl::MessageBox | High-level interface to a PixInsight MessageBox object |
►Cpcl::MetaObject | Root base class for all PixInsight module components |
Cpcl::MetaFileFormat | A formal description of an image file format in PixInsight |
Cpcl::MetaModule | A formal description of a PixInsight module |
►Cpcl::MetaParameter | Root base class for PCL classes providing formal descriptions of process parameters |
Cpcl::MetaBoolean | A formal description of a Boolean process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaEnumeration | A formal description of an enumerated process parameter |
►Cpcl::MetaNumeric | A formal description of a numeric process parameter |
►Cpcl::MetaInteger | A formal description of an integer process parameter |
►Cpcl::MetaSignedInteger | A formal description of a signed integer process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaInt16 | A formal description of a 16-bit signed integer process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaInt32 | A formal description of a 32-bit signed integer process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaInt64 | A formal description of a 64-bit signed integer process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaInt8 | A formal description of an 8-bit signed integer process parameter |
►Cpcl::MetaUnsignedInteger | A formal description of an unsigned integer process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaUInt16 | A formal description of a 16-bit unsigned integer process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaUInt32 | A formal description of a 32-bit unsigned integer process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaUInt64 | A formal description of a 64-bit unsigned integer process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaUInt8 | A formal description of an 8-bit unsigned integer process parameter |
►Cpcl::MetaReal | A formal description of a real process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaDouble | A formal description of a 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaFloat | A formal description of a 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point process parameter |
►Cpcl::MetaVariableLengthParameter | A formal description of a variable length process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaBlock | A formal description of a block process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaString | A formal description of a string process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaTable | A formal description of a table process parameter |
Cpcl::MetaProcess | A formal description of a PixInsight process |
Cpcl::ProcessInterface | Client-side interface to a PixInsight process interface window |
►Cpcl::MorphologicalOperator | Abstract base class of all PCL morphological operators |
Cpcl::AlphaTrimmedMeanFilter | Alpha-trimmed mean operator |
Cpcl::DilationFilter | Dilation morphological operator |
Cpcl::ErosionFilter | Erosion morphological operator |
Cpcl::MedianFilter | Morphological median operator |
Cpcl::MidpointFilter | Midpoint operator |
Cpcl::SelectionFilter | Morphological selection operator |
CMultiVector | 64-bit floating point real multivector |
Cpcl::Mutex | Adaptive mutual exclusion lock variable |
Cpcl::NormalRandomDeviates< RNG > | Generation of random normal (Gaussian) deviates |
Cpcl::ObserverPosition | Geodetic coordinates of a terrestrial observer |
Cpcl::Optional< T > | An object that can be in a defined or undefined state |
Cpcl::OsculatingElements | Osculating conic orbital elements |
►Cpcl::ParallelProcess | A process using multiple concurrent execution threads |
►Cpcl::AbstractFFT2D< T > | Abstract base class of all two-dimensional fast Fourier transform classes |
Cpcl::GenericFFT2D< T > | Generic two-dimensional fast Fourier transform of complex data |
Cpcl::GenericRealFFT2D< T > | Generic two-dimensional fast Fourier transform of real data |
Cpcl::AbstractImage | Base class of all two-dimensional images in PCL |
Cpcl::AdaptiveLocalFilter | Adaptive, local noise reduction filter in the spatial domain |
Cpcl::AstrometricReprojection | Astrometric image reprojection |
►Cpcl::Compression | Abstract base class of data compression algorithm implementations |
Cpcl::LZ4Compression | Implementation of the LZ4 compression algorithm |
Cpcl::LZ4HCCompression | Implementation of the LZ4-HC compression algorithm |
Cpcl::ZLibCompression | Implementation of the ZLib/Deflate compression algorithm |
Cpcl::ZstdCompression | Implementation of the Zstandard compression algorithm |
Cpcl::Convolution | Discrete two-dimensional nonseparable convolution in the spatial domain |
Cpcl::FFTConvolution | Fourier-based two-dimensional convolution in the spatial domain |
Cpcl::FourierTransform | Out-of-place discrete Fourier transform of two-dimensional images |
Cpcl::GridInterpolation | Discretized scalar surface interpolation/approximation in two dimensions |
Cpcl::Histogram | Discrete image histogram function |
Cpcl::HistogramTransformation | Multiple histogram transformation |
Cpcl::ICCProfileTransformation | Conversion of pixel values between ICC profile color spaces |
Cpcl::ImageStatistics | Descriptive image statistics |
Cpcl::InPlaceFourierTransform | In-place discrete Fourier transform of two-dimensional complex images |
Cpcl::IntegerResample | A geometric transformation to resample images by integer ratios |
Cpcl::MorphologicalTransformation | Generic n-way morphological transformation |
►Cpcl::PSFEstimator | Base class of estimators based on PSF photometry |
Cpcl::PSFScaleEstimator | Estimation of relative image scale based on PSF photometry |
Cpcl::PSFSignalEstimator | Signal estimation based on PSF photometry |
Cpcl::PointGridInterpolation | Discretized vector surface interpolation/approximation in two dimensions |
Cpcl::PolarTransformBase | Base class of polar transforms |
Cpcl::RecursivePointSurfaceSpline | Vector surface spline interpolation/approximation in two dimensions with recursive subspline generation |
Cpcl::RedundantMultiscaleTransform | Base class of all redundant multiscale transforms |
Cpcl::Resample | Image resampling algorithm |
Cpcl::Rotation | Image rotation algorithm |
Cpcl::SeparableConvolution | Discrete two-dimensional separable convolution in the spatial domain |
Cpcl::SeparableMedianFilter | A two-dimensional separable filter that approximates a median filter |
Cpcl::StarDetector | Automatic star detection |
Cpcl::Translation | Image translation algorithm |
Cpcl::pcl_bool | A first-class data type that can be safely used to implement Boolean process parameters on all supported platforms |
►Cpcl::PixelInterpolation | Abstract root base class for all pixel interpolation algorithms |
Cpcl::BicubicBSplinePixelInterpolation | Bicubic B-spline pixel interpolation |
Cpcl::BicubicFilterPixelInterpolation | Pixel interpolation based on Mitchell-Netravali parameterized bicubic filters |
►Cpcl::BicubicSplinePixelInterpolation | Bicubic spline pixel interpolation |
Cpcl::BicubicPixelInterpolation | Bicubic pixel interpolation - an alias for BicubicSplinePixelInterpolation |
Cpcl::BilinearPixelInterpolation | Bilinear pixel interpolation |
Cpcl::Lanczos3LUTPixelInterpolation | Lanczos 3rd-order LUT-based pixel interpolation |
Cpcl::Lanczos4LUTPixelInterpolation | Lanczos 3rd-order LUT-based pixel interpolation |
Cpcl::Lanczos5LUTPixelInterpolation | Lanczos 5th-order LUT-based pixel interpolation |
Cpcl::LanczosPixelInterpolation | Lanczos pixel interpolation |
Cpcl::NearestNeighborPixelInterpolation | NearestNeighbor pixel interpolation |
Cpcl::PixelInterpolation::Interpolator< P > | Generic two-dimensional pixel interpolator |
Cpcl::PixInsightSettings | Retrieves global settings from the PixInsight core application |
Cpcl::PixInsightVersion | Provides version information for the PixInsight core application |
CPoint | 32-bit integer point on the plane |
Cpcl::PointsClockwisePredicate | Predicate class for sorting a set of points in clockwise direction |
Cpcl::PointShepardInterpolation< P > | Vector Shepard interpolation/approximation in two dimensions |
Cpcl::PointSurfacePolynomial< P > | Vector polynomial interpolation/approximation in two dimensions |
Cpcl::PointSurfaceSpline | Vector surface spline interpolation/approximation in two dimensions |
Cpcl::PoissonRandomDeviates< RNG > | Generation of random Poisson deviates |
Cpcl::Position | Reduction of planetary and stellar positions |
Cpcl::Pow10I< T > | Exponential function 10**n, n being a signed integer |
Cpcl::Pow2I< T > | Exponential function 2**n, n being a signed integer |
CProcessAborted | An exception class signaling the interruption of a process |
►Cpcl::ProcessBase | Abstract base class for process descriptions |
Cpcl::MetaProcess | A formal description of a PixInsight process |
Cpcl::Process | High-level interface to an installed process |
Cpcl::ProcessImplementation | Implementation of a PixInsight process instance |
Cpcl::ProcessParameter | Identifies and describes a process parameter |
Cpcl::ProcessParameter::EnumerationElement | Structure used to describe an enumeration element |
►Cpcl::ProjectionBase | Base class of all projection systems |
Cpcl::GnomonicProjection | Gnomonic projection system |
Cpcl::HammerAitoffProjection | Hammer-Aitoff projection system |
Cpcl::MercatorProjection | Mercator projection system |
Cpcl::OrthographicProjection | Orthographic projection system |
Cpcl::PlateCarreeProjection | Plate-Carree projection system |
►Cpcl::ZenithalProjectionBase | Base class of zenithal projection systems |
Cpcl::StereographicProjection | Stereographic projection system |
Cpcl::ZenithalEqualAreaProjection | Zenithal equal-area projection system |
Cpcl::ProjectionFactory | Selectable projection system |
Cpcl::Property | An identifier-value association |
CPropertyArray | Dynamic array of Property objects |
Cpcl::PropertyDescription | A structure to describe a data property |
CPropertyDescriptionArray | Dynamic array of PropertyDescription structures |
Cpcl::PSFData | PSF fit parameters |
Cpcl::PSFFit | Numerical Point Spread Function (PSF) fit to a source in an image |
Cpcl::PSFScaleEstimator::Estimates | Structure to hold a PSF relative scale estimate |
Cpcl::PSFSignalEstimator::Estimates | Structure to hold PSF flux and robust mean background estimates |
Cpcl::QuadTree< T > | Bucket PR quadtree for two-dimensional point data |
►Cpcl::QuadTree< T >::Node | Quadtree node structure |
Cpcl::QuadTree< T >::LeafNode | Quadtree leaf node structure |
CRandomizationOptions | A collection of string randomization options |
Cpcl::RandomNumberGenerator | Mersenne Twister (MT19937) pseudo-random number generator |
Cpcl::ReadoutOptions | A structure to hold global pixel readout options |
CReadTextOptions | A combination of file text reading mode flags |
CRealFFT | Fast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point real data |
CRealFFT2D | Fast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point real data |
Cpcl::RealTimePreview | Client-side interface to the Real-Time Preview system |
CRealTimePreviewGenerationFlags | A collection of real-time preview generation flags |
CRect | 32-bit integer rectangle on the plane |
Cconst_reverse_iterator | Immutable ReferenceArray reverse iterator |
Creverse_iterator | Mutable ReferenceArray reverse iterator |
Cpcl::ReferenceCounter | Thread-safe reference counter for copy-on-write data structures |
Cpcl::ReverseIterable< C > | Reverse container adaptor |
Cpcl::RGBColorSystem | Colorimetrically defined RGB working color space |
Cpcl::RigidTransformation | Rigid geometric transformation |
Cpcl::RobustChauvenetRejection | Robust Chauvenet outlier rejection algorithm |
CScalarChebyshevFit | 64-bit floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation |
Cpcl::SeparableFilter | Separable filter in two dimensions |
Cpcl::SerializableEphemerisData | Chebyshev polynomial expansion coefficients for ephemeris serialization |
CSerializableEphemerisDataList | Dynamic list of Chebyshev polynomial expansions for ephemeris serialization |
Cpcl::SerializableEphemerisObjectData | A set of Chebyshev polynomial expansions and associated ancillary data for ephemeris serialization |
CSerializableEphemerisObjectDataList | Dynamic list of per-object data for ephemeris serialization |
Cpcl::Settings | Persistent module settings |
Cpcl::SettingsData | Serializable, thread-safe settings data |
►Cpcl::SexagesimalConversionOptions | Formatting options for string sexagesimal representations |
Cpcl::AngleConversionOptions | A set of options specific for string representations of angles |
►Cpcl::LatitudeConversionOptions | A set of options specific for string representations of latitude angles |
Cpcl::DecConversionOptions | A set of options specific for string representations of declination angles |
Cpcl::LongitudeConversionOptions | A set of options specific for string representations of longitude angles |
Cpcl::RAConversionOptions | A set of options specific for string representations of right ascensions |
►Cpcl::SharedPixelData | Handles transparent, type-independent allocation of local and shared pixel data blocks |
Cpcl::PixelAllocator< P > | Manages transparent allocation and deallocation of shared and local pixel data |
Cpcl::ShepardInterpolation< T > | Two-dimensional surface interpolation with the local Shepard method |
CShortArray | Dynamic array of 16-bit signed integers |
CSortedByteArray | Dynamic sorted array of 8-bit unsigned integers |
CSortedIsoStringKeyValueList | Dynamic sorted list of key-value associations implemented as 8-bit strings |
CSortedIsoStringList | Dynamic sorted list of 8-bit strings |
CSortedShortArray | Dynamic sorted array of 16-bit signed integers |
CSortedStringKeyValueList | Dynamic sorted list of key-value associations implemented as Unicode (UTF-16) strings |
CSortedStringList | Dynamic sorted list of Unicode (UTF-16) strings |
CSortedWordArray | Dynamic sorted array of 16-bit unsigned integers |
Cpcl::SphericalRotation | Rotation in spherical coordinates |
►Cpcl::StandardAllocator | A block allocator class that uses the standard new and delete operators |
Cpcl::AlignedAllocator | A block allocator class for aligned memory allocation/deallocation |
Cpcl::StandardDeleter< T > | An object deleter that uses the standard delete operator |
Cpcl::StarDetector::Star | Structure to hold the data of a detected star |
CStarletTransform | Starlet wavelet transform, a synonym for ATrousWaveletTransform |
Cpcl::StarPosition | Positional data of a star |
►Cpcl::StatusCallback | Provides status monitoring callback functions |
►Cpcl::MuteStatus | A status monitoring callback that does not provide any progress information |
Cpcl::RealTimeProgressStatus | A status monitoring callback to provide progress feedback during long real-time preview generation procedures |
Cpcl::ProgressBarStatus | A status monitoring callback that shows a modal progress dialog |
Cpcl::SpinStatus | A status monitoring callback that shows a spinning character animation on the processing console |
Cpcl::StandardStatus | A status monitoring callback that sends progress information to the process console |
Cpcl::StatusMonitor | An asynchronous status monitoring system |
CStringKeyValue | Key-value association of two Unicode (UTF-16) strings |
CStringKeyValueList | Dynamic list of key-value associations implemented as Unicode (UTF-16) strings |
CStringList | Dynamic list of Unicode (UTF-16) strings |
►Cpcl::StructuringElement | Abstract base class of all PCL structuring elements |
Cpcl::BitmapStructure | A structuring element where static strings are used to define custom existence matrices |
Cpcl::BoxStructure | Standard box (square) structure |
Cpcl::CircularStructure | Standard circular structure |
Cpcl::DiagonalStructure | Standard diagonal structure |
Cpcl::OrthogonalStructure | Standard orthogonal structure |
Cpcl::StarStructure | Standard star structure |
Cpcl::ThreeWayStructure | Standard three-way structure |
Cpcl::SurfacePolynomial< T > | Two-dimensional interpolating/approximating surface polynomial |
Cpcl::SurfaceSimplifier | Shape-preserving simplification of 2-D surfaces |
Cpcl::SurfaceSpline< T >::NodeData | Auxiliary structure for data sanitization |
►Cpcl::SurfaceSplineBase | Base class of two-dimensional surface splines |
Cpcl::SurfaceSpline< double > | |
Cpcl::SurfaceSpline< T > | Two-dimensional interpolating/approximating surface spline |
CSVGRenderOptions | A collection of rendering options for raster image representation of SVG documents |
CSzVector | Size_type integer vector |
Cpcl::TimePoint | An instant in any timescale |
Cpcl::TwoSidedEstimate | Two-sided descriptive statistical estimate |
CUI16Matrix | 16-bit unsigned integer matrix |
CUI16Vector | 16-bit unsigned integer vector |
CUI32Matrix | 32-bit unsigned integer matrix |
CUI32Vector | 32-bit unsigned integer vector |
CUI64Matrix | 64-bit unsigned integer matrix |
CUI64Vector | 64-bit unsigned integer vector |
CUI8Matrix | 8-bit unsigned integer matrix |
CUI8Vector | 8-bit unsigned integer vector |
CUIMatrix | Unsigned integer matrix |
CUInt16Image | 16-bit unsigned integer image |
CUInt32Image | 32-bit unsigned integer image |
CUInt8Image | 8-bit unsigned integer image |
►Cpcl::UIObject | Root base class for all user interface objects |
Cpcl::Action | Client-side interface to a PixInsight module-defined action object |
Cpcl::Bitmap | Client-side interface to a PixInsight Bitmap object |
►Cpcl::Brush | Client-side interface to a PixInsight Brush object |
►Cpcl::GradientBrush | Base class of PCL gradient brushes |
Cpcl::ConicalGradientBrush | Conical gradient brush |
Cpcl::LinearGradientBrush | Linear gradient brush |
Cpcl::RadialGradientBrush | Radial gradient brush |
►Cpcl::Control | Client-side interface to a PixInsight Control object |
►Cpcl::Button | Abstract base class for all client-side interfaces to PixInsight button controls |
Cpcl::CheckBox | Client-side interface to a PixInsight CheckBox control |
Cpcl::PushButton | Client-side interface to a PixInsight PushButton control |
Cpcl::RadioButton | Client-side interface to a PixInsight RadioButton control |
Cpcl::ToolButton | Client-side interface to a PixInsight ToolButton control |
Cpcl::CodeEditor | Client-side interface to a PixInsight CodeEditor control |
►Cpcl::ComboBox | Client-side interface to a PixInsight ComboBox control |
Cpcl::ColorComboBox | A ComboBox descendant class to select RGB colors |
Cpcl::FontComboBox | A ComboBox descendant class to select font faces |
►Cpcl::Dialog | Client-side interface to a PixInsight modal dialog |
Cpcl::FileDataCachePreferencesDialog | A dialog to edit file data cache preferences settings |
Cpcl::MultiViewSelectionDialog | A simple dialog box to select a set of existing views |
Cpcl::OnlineObjectSearchDialog | A dialog box to search for object data on online astronomical database services |
Cpcl::PreviewSelectionDialog | A simple dialog box to select an existing preview |
Cpcl::ProgressDialog | A simple progress bar dialog box |
Cpcl::SimpleColorDialog | A simple color selection dialog |
Cpcl::ViewSelectionDialog | A simple dialog box to select an existing view |
►Cpcl::Frame | Client-side interface to a PixInsight Frame control |
Cpcl::BitmapBox | Client-side interface to a PixInsight BitmapBox control |
Cpcl::Edit | Client-side interface to a PixInsight Edit control |
Cpcl::Label | Client-side interface to a PixInsight Label control |
►Cpcl::ScrollBox | Client-side interface to a PixInsight ScrollBox control |
Cpcl::ImageView | Client-side interface to a PixInsight ImageView control |
Cpcl::TreeBox | Client-side interface to a PixInsight TreeBox control |
Cpcl::TextBox | Client-side interface to a PixInsight TextBox control |
Cpcl::GroupBox | Client-side interface to a PixInsight GroupBox control |
►Cpcl::NumericEdit | A label/edit compound control to edit numeric parameters |
Cpcl::NumericControl | A label/edit/slider compound control to edit numeric parameters |
Cpcl::ProcessInterface | Client-side interface to a PixInsight process interface window |
Cpcl::SectionBar | A control to manage collapsible sections of interface windows and dialogs |
►Cpcl::Slider | Client-side interface to a PixInsight Slider control |
Cpcl::HorizontalSlider | Horizontal slider control |
Cpcl::VerticalSlider | Vertical slider control |
Cpcl::SpinBox | Client-side interface to a PixInsight SpinBox control |
Cpcl::TabBox | Client-side interface to a PixInsight TabBox control |
Cpcl::ViewList | Client-side interface to a PixInsight ViewList object |
Cpcl::WebView | Client-side interface to a PixInsight WebView control |
Cpcl::Cursor | Client-side interface to a PixInsight Cursor object |
Cpcl::ExternalProcess | Execution of external programs |
Cpcl::FileFormatInstance | High-level interface to an image file format instance |
Cpcl::Font | Client-side interface to a PixInsight Font object |
►Cpcl::GraphicsContextBase | Base class of client-side interface classes to PixInsight graphics contexts |
Cpcl::Graphics | Client-side interface to a PixInsight graphics context object |
Cpcl::VectorGraphics | Client-side interface to a PixInsight vector graphics context |
Cpcl::ImageWindow | High-level interface to an image window object in the PixInsight core application |
Cpcl::NetworkTransfer | Synchronous network transfers |
Cpcl::Pen | Client-side interface to a PixInsight Pen object |
Cpcl::ProcessInstance | High-level interface to a process instance |
Cpcl::ReadWriteMutex | Client-side interface to a PixInsight read/write mutex object |
Cpcl::SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics generation |
►Cpcl::Sizer | Base class for PixInsight sizer objects |
Cpcl::HorizontalSizer | Client-side interface to a PixInsight horizontal sizer |
Cpcl::VerticalSizer | Client-side interface to a PixInsight vertical sizer |
Cpcl::Thread | Client-side interface to a PixInsight thread |
Cpcl::Timer | Client-side interface to a PixInsight Timer object |
Cpcl::TreeBox::Node | Client-side interface to a PixInsight TreeBox node |
Cpcl::View | High-level interface to a PixInsight view object |
CUIVector | 32-bit unsigned integer vector |
CUndoFlags | A collection of history data item specifiers |
Cpcl::UnidimensionalInterpolation< T > | A generic interface to one-dimensional interpolation algorithms |
Cpcl::UniqueFileChecks | A simple POD structure to hold file uniqueness and overwrite verification results |
Cpcl::Variant | Acts like a union to store instances of different data types |
CVector | 64-bit floating point real vector |
Cpcl::Version | Provides PCL version numbers |
►Cpcl::WaveletFilter | Abstract base class of all orthogonal wavelet filters |
Cpcl::Daubechies10Filter | Daubechies-10 wavelet filter |
Cpcl::Daubechies12Filter | Daubechies-12 wavelet filter |
Cpcl::Daubechies20Filter | Daubechies-20 wavelet filter |
Cpcl::Daubechies4Filter | Daubechies-4 wavelet filter |
Cpcl::Daubechies6Filter | Daubechies-6 wavelet filter |
Cpcl::Daubechies8Filter | Daubechies-8 wavelet filter |
Cpcl::WCSKeywords | A structure for management of WCS FITS header keywords and associated image properties |
Cpcl::WinsorizedSigmaClippingRejection | Winsorized sigma clipping outlier rejection algorithm |
CWordArray | Dynamic array of 16-bit unsigned integers |
►Cpcl::WorldTransformation | Abstract base class of world coordinate transformations |
Cpcl::LinearWorldTransformation | Linear world coordinate transformation |
Cpcl::SplineWorldTransformation | Surface spline world coordinate transformation |
Cpcl::XISF | Utility functions, data and constants for XISF support |
Cpcl::XISFFileSignature | XISF monolithic file signature |
Cpcl::XISFLogHandler | XISF stream message logger |
Cpcl::XISFOptions | XISF-specific file options |
Cpcl::XISFReader | XISF input file stream |
Cpcl::XISFWriter | XISF output file stream |
Cpcl::XML | Utility functions and data for XML document parsing and generation |
Cpcl::XMLAttributeList | Dynamic list of XML element attributes |
►Cpcl::XMLComponent | Root base class of all XML document components |
Cpcl::XMLAttribute | XML element attribute |
Cpcl::XMLDeclaration | XML declaration |
Cpcl::XMLDocTypeDeclaration | XML DOCTYPE declaration |
►Cpcl::XMLNode | Abstract base class of all XML document node classes |
Cpcl::XMLCDATA | XML CDATA section |
Cpcl::XMLComment | XML comment section |
Cpcl::XMLElement | XML element |
Cpcl::XMLProcessingInstructions | XML processing instructions |
Cpcl::XMLText | XML text block |
Cpcl::XMLUnknownElement | Unsupported or invalid XML element |
Cpcl::XMLDocument | XML document parsing and generation |
Cpcl::XMLElementFilter | A functional class for filtering XML elements |
CXMLElementList | Dynamic list of XML elements |
CXMLNodeList | Dynamic list of XML node objects |
Cpcl::XMLNodeLocation | Source code location of a parsed XML document node |
CXMLNodeTypes | A collection of XML node types |
CXMLParserOptions | A collection of XML document parsing options |
Cpcl::XorShift1024 | Implementation of the XorShift1024* pseudo-random number generator |
►Cpcl::XoShiRoBase | Base class of xoshiro and xoroshiro pseudo-random number generators |
Cpcl::XoRoShiRo1024ss | Implementation of the xoroshiro1024** pseudo-random number generator |
Cpcl::XoShiRo256ss | Implementation of the xoshiro256** pseudo-random number generator |
►Cpcl::XPSD | Base class of point source database implementations |
►Cpcl::StarDatabaseFile | Point source and star catalog database files (XPSD format) |
Cpcl::APASSDatabaseFile | APASS catalog star database file (XPSD format) |
Cpcl::GaiaDatabaseFile | Gaia catalog star database file (XPSD format) |
Cpcl::XPSD::Metadata | Metadata items available in point source database files |
►Cpcl::XPSD::SearchDataBase | Parameters and output instrumentation data for catalog search operations |
►Cpcl::XPSD::SearchData< GaiaStarData > | |
Cpcl::GaiaSearchData | Data items and parameters for Gaia catalog search operations |
Cpcl::XPSD::SearchData< StarData > | Data items and parameters for catalog search operations |
Cpcl::XPSD::Statistics | Structural and statistical data about an XPSD database file |
Cpcl::QuadTree< Node > | |
Cpcl::QuadTree< vector_type > | |
Cpcl::ShepardInterpolation< double > | |
Cpcl::SurfacePolynomial< double > | |
►Cpcl::UnidimensionalInterpolation< double > | |
Cpcl::AkimaInterpolation< T > | Akima subspline interpolation algorithm |
Cpcl::CubicSplineInterpolation< T > | Generic interpolating cubic spline |
Cpcl::LinearInterpolation< T > | Linear interpolation algorithm |