Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< EventHandlers >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< FastMersenneTwister >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< FileDialogPrivate >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< FileFormatImplementationPrivate >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< FileFormatPrivate >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< GetDirectoryDialogPrivate >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< MessageBoxPrivate >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< OpenFileDialogPrivate >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::AstrometricMetadata::DescriptionItems >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::BidimensionalInterpolation< sample > >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::CheckBox >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::Compression >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::CryptographicHash >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::CubicFilter >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::Exception >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::GenericImage >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::KernelFilter >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::MorphologicalOperator >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::ProgressDialog >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::ProjectionBase >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::SeparableFilter >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::StructuringElement >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::WorldTransformation >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< pcl::XISFLogHandler >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< ProcessParameterPrivate >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< ProcessPrivate >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< SaveFileDialogPrivate >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< SettingsTree >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< T, StandardDeleter< T > >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< XISFReaderEngine >
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< XISFWriterEngine >
 Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< double >
 Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< int >
 Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< pcl::IsoString >
 Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< pcl::String >
 Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< pcl::TimePoint >
 Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< unsigned >
 Cpcl::Flags< FileAttribute::mask_type >
 Cpcl::Flags< FileMode::mask_type >
 Cpcl::Flags< XMLNodeType::mask_type >
 Cpcl::Flags< XMLParserOption::mask_type >
 Cpcl::GenericCharTraits< char >
 Cpcl::GenericCharTraits< char16_type >
 Cpcl::GenericGaussJordan< double >
 Cpcl::GenericGaussJordan< float >
 Cpcl::GenericInPlaceSVD< double >
 Cpcl::GenericInPlaceSVD< float >
 Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< Complex< double > >
 Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< Complex< float > >
 Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< double >
 Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< float >
 Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< uint16 >
 Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< uint32 >
 Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< uint8 >
 Cpcl::GenericSVD< double >
 Cpcl::GenericSVD< float >
 Cpcl::Iterator< RandomAccessIterator, T >
 Cpcl::Optional< double >
 Cpcl::Optional< pcl::TimePoint >
 Cpcl::AbstractFFT< T >Abstract base class of all fast Fourier transform classes
 Cpcl::AbstractImage::ThreadDataThread synchronization data for status monitoring of parallel image processing tasks
 Cpcl::ActionInfoProvides information about the current state of the core application's GUI to module-defined actions
 Cpcl::Allocator< T, A >Provides memory allocation for PCL containers
 CAPASSSearchDataData items and parameters for APASS catalog search operations
 Cpcl::APASSStarDataStar data structure for APASS catalog search operations
 Cpcl::ArgumentA command-line argument
 Cargument_item_modeRepresents an ArgumentItemMode enumerated value
 CArgumentListA dynamic array of command-line arguments
 CArgumentOptionsA combination of ArgumentOption flags
 Cpcl::Association< T1, T2 >Generic association of two objects
 Cpcl::AstrometricMetadataAstrometric metadata
 Cpcl::AstrometricMetadata::DescriptionItemsA collection of strings describing the properties and parameters of an astrometric solution
 Cpcl::AtomicIntAtomic operations on integers
 Cpcl::ATrousWaveletTransform::WaveletScalingFunctionThe scaling function of a wavelet transform
 Cpcl::AutoLockAutomatic mutex lock/unlock
 Cpcl::AutoLockCounterAutomatic mutex lock/unlock with limited concurrent access allowance
 Cpcl::AutoPointer< T, D >A smart pointer with exclusive object ownership and optional automatic object destruction
 Cpcl::AutoReentrancyGuardAutomatic reentrancy guard sentinel
 Cpcl::AutoStatusCallbackRestorerAutomatic recovery of status monitoring callbacks
 Cpcl::AutoViewLockAutomatic view lock/unlock
 Cpcl::BidimensionalInterpolation< T >A generic interface to two-dimensional interpolation algorithms
 CByteArrayDynamic array of 8-bit unsigned integers
 CByteMatrix8-bit unsigned integer matrix
 CByteVector8-bit unsigned integer vector
 CC32Matrix32-bit floating point complex matrix
 CC32Vector32-bit floating point complex vector
 CC64Matrix64-bit floating point complex matrix
 CC64Vector64-bit floating point complex vector
 Cpcl::CanvasColorA set of color values used to fill free or unused areas of images
 CCharMatrix8-bit signed integer matrix
 CCharVector8-bit signed integer vector
 CChebyshevFit64-bit floating point Chebyshev function approximation
 Cpcl::CipherAbstract base class for cipher algorithm implementations
 Cpcl::ColorFilterArrayColor filter array (CFA) structure
 CcomplexA complex number whose components are 64-bit floating point real numbers
 Cpcl::Complex< T >Generic complex number
 CComplex32A complex number whose components are 32-bit floating point real numbers
 CComplex64A complex number whose components are 64-bit floating point real numbers
 CComplexImage32-bit floating point complex image
 Cpcl::Compression::PerformanceCompression/decompression performance measurements
 Cpcl::Compression::SubblockCompression subblock data
 Cpcl::ConsistentlyDefined< T >An object that can be in consistently defined or undefined/inconsistent states
 Cpcl::ConsoleA high-level interface to a PixInsight processing console
 Cpcl::Const< T >Fundamental numeric constants
 Cpcl::ContainerRoot base class of all PCL containers
 Cpcl::CryptographicHashAbstract base class for cryptographic hashing algorithm implementations
 Cpcl::CubicFilterMitchell-Netravali parameterized cubic filters
 Cpcl::CUDADeviceAccess to core CUDA device services
 CDChebyshevFit64-bit floating point Chebyshev function approximation
 CdcomplexA complex number whose components are 64-bit floating point real numbers
 CDComplexImage64-bit floating point complex image
 CDFFTFast Fourier transform of 64-bit floating point complex data
 CDFFT2DFast Fourier transform of 64-bit floating point complex data
 CDImage64-bit floating point real image
 CDMatrix64-bit floating point real matrix
 CDMultiVector64-bit floating point real multivector
 CDPoint64-bit floating-point point in the R^2 space
 CDRealFFTFast Fourier transform of 64-bit floating point real data
 CDRealFFT2DFast Fourier transform of 64-bit floating point real data
 CDRect64-bit floating-point rectangle in the R^2 space
 Cpcl::DrizzleDataDrizzle integration data parser and generator
 CDrizzleParserOptionsA collection of Drizzle data parsing options
 CDScalarChebyshevFit64-bit floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation
 CDVector64-bit floating point real vector
 Cpcl::ElapsedTimeHigh-resolution time stamp
 Cpcl::EphemerisConstantA numerical constant defined in an ephemeris file (XEPH format)
 CEphemerisConstantListDynamic list of ephemeris numerical constants
 Cpcl::EphemerisFileSolar system ephemerides from XEPH files
 Cpcl::EphemerisFile::HandleCalculation of ephemerides from data stored in XEPH files
 Cpcl::EphemerisMetadataMetadata items available in ephemeris files (XEPH format)
 Cpcl::EphemerisObjectIdentifiers and descriptive data of an object available in an ephemeris file
 CEphemerisObjectListDynamic list of object identifiers and descriptions
 Cpcl::ExceptionRoot base class for all PCL exception classes
 CF32ChebyshevFit32-bit floating point Chebyshev function approximation
 CF32Matrix32-bit floating point real matrix
 CF32Point32-bit floating-point point in the R^2 space
 CF32Rect32-bit floating-point rectangle in the R^2 space
 CF32ScalarChebyshevFit32-bit floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation
 CF32Vector32-bit floating point real vector
 CF64ChebyshevFit64-bit floating point Chebyshev function approximation
 CF64Matrix64-bit floating point real matrix
 CF64Point64-bit floating-point point in the R^2 space
 CF64Rect64-bit floating-point rectangle in the R^2 space
 CF64ScalarChebyshevFit64-bit floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation
 CF64Vector64-bit floating point real vector
 CF80ChebyshevFit80-bit extended precision floating point Chebyshev function approximation
 CF80Matrix80-bit extended precision floating point real matrix
 CF80ScalarChebyshevFit80-bit extended precision floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation
 CF80Vector80-bit extended precision floating point real vector
 Cpcl::Fact< T >Factorial function
 CFChebyshevFit32-bit floating point Chebyshev function approximation
 CfcomplexA complex number whose components are 32-bit floating point real numbers
 CFComplexImage32-bit floating point complex image
 CFFFTFast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point complex data
 CFFFT2DFast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point complex data
 CFFTFast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point complex data
 CFFT2DFast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point complex data
 Cpcl::FFTRegistrationEngineBase class of FFT-based image registration algorithms
 Cpcl::FileA platform-independent interface to the local file system
 Cpcl::File::FindDirectory search operation
 Cpcl::File::ProgressAbstract base class of file progress objects
 CFileAttributesA combination of file type, attribute and access mode flags
 Cpcl::FileDataCacheAbstract base class of file data cache implementations
 Cpcl::FileDataCacheItemElement of a file data cache
 Cpcl::FileDialogAbstract base class of PCL file dialogs
 Cpcl::FileFilterA description of a file type and its associated file extensions
 Cpcl::FileFormatBaseAbstract base class for image file format descriptions
 Cpcl::FileFormatImplementationImplementation of a PixInsight file format instance
 Cpcl::FileInfoPlatform-independent information on file and directory items
 CFileInfoListA dynamic array of FileInfo structures
 CFileModesA combination of file access, share and opening/creation mode flags
 Cpcl::FileTimeFile date and time
 CFImage32-bit floating point real image
 Cpcl::FindFileInfoFile information structure used by File::Find
 Cpcl::FITSHeaderKeywordFITS header keyword
 CFITSKeywordArrayDynamic array of FITS header keywords
 Cpcl::Flags< E >A type-safe collection of enumerated flags
 Cpcl::FluxCalibrationDataFlux calibration data parser and generator
 CFMatrix32-bit floating point real matrix
 CFMultiVector32-bit floating point real multivector
 Cpcl::ForwardIteratorForward iterator class
 CFPoint32-bit floating-point point in the R^2 space
 CFRealFFTFast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point real data
 CFRealFFT2DFast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point real data
 CFRect32-bit floating-point rectangle in the R^2 space
 CFScalarChebyshevFit32-bit floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation
 CFVector32-bit floating point real vector
 Cpcl::GaiaStarDataBaseStar data base structure for Gaia catalog search operations
 Cpcl::GammaRandomDeviates< RNG >Generation of random gamma deviates
 Cpcl::GenericCharTraits< T >Generic base class of character traits classes
 Cpcl::GenericChebyshevFit< Tx, Ty >Approximation of vector-valued functions by Chebyshev polynomial expansions
 Cpcl::GenericGaussJordan< T >Generic Gauss-Jordan linear system solver
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_filter_pixel_iterator< F >Immutable filter pixel iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_filter_sample_iterator< F >Immutable filter pixel sample iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_pixel_iteratorImmutable pixel iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_roi_filter_pixel_iterator< F >Immutable region-of-interest, filter pixel iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_roi_filter_sample_iterator< F >Immutable region-of-interest, filter pixel sample iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_roi_pixel_iteratorImmutable region-of-interest pixel iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_roi_sample_iteratorImmutable region-of-interest pixel sample iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::const_sample_iteratorImmutable pixel sample iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::filter_pixel_iterator< F >Mutable filter pixel iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::filter_sample_iterator< F >Mutable filter pixel sample iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::pixel_iteratorMutable pixel iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::roi_filter_pixel_iterator< F >Mutable region-of-interest, filter pixel iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::roi_filter_sample_iterator< F >Mutable region-of-interest, filter pixel sample iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::roi_pixel_iteratorMutable region-of-interest pixel iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::roi_sample_iteratorMutable region-of-interest pixel sample iterator
 Cpcl::GenericImage< P >::sample_iteratorMutable pixel sample iterator
 Cpcl::GenericInPlaceSVD< T >Generic in-place singular value decomposition algorithm
 Cpcl::GenericPixelTraits< S >Base class of all pixel traits classes
 Cpcl::GenericPoint< T >A generic point in the two-dimensional space
 Cpcl::GenericRectangle< T >A generic rectangle in the two-dimensional space
 Cpcl::GenericSVD< T >Generic singular value decomposition algorithm
 Cpcl::GradientBrush::StopGradient stop
 Cpcl::HistogramTransformation::FlagsCharacterizes a histogram transformation pertaining to a histogram transformation chain
 Cpcl::HomographyHomography geometric transformation
 CI16Matrix16-bit signed integer matrix
 CI16Vector16-bit signed integer vector
 CI32Matrix32-bit signed integer matrix
 CI32Point32-bit integer point on the plane
 CI32Rect32-bit integer rectangle on the plane
 CI32Vector32-bit signed integer vector
 CI64Matrix64-bit integer matrix
 CI64Vector64-bit integer vector
 CI8Matrix8-bit signed integer matrix
 CI8Vector8-bit signed integer vector
 CICCColorSpacesA combination of ICCColorSpace values
 Cpcl::ICCProfileA high-level interface to ICC color profiles
 Cpcl::ICCProfile::InfoA structure to hold descriptive data about ICC profiles
 CICCProfileClassesA combination of ICCProfileClass values
 CImage32-bit floating point real image
 Cpcl::ImageColorImplements color space properties of images
 Cpcl::ImageDescriptionA structure to transport basic information and options for an image stored in an image file
 CImageDescriptionArrayDynamic array of ImageDescription structures
 Cpcl::ImageGeometryImplements geometric properties of two-dimensional images
 Cpcl::ImageInfoA simple structure to hold basic information about images
 Cpcl::ImageOptionsFormat-independent, fundamental image stream options
 Cpcl::ImageResolutionImage resolution data
 Cpcl::ImageSelectionsA structure used to store rectangular image selections, channel ranges, anchor points, and clipping ranges
 Cpcl::ImageStatistics::DataStatistical data in the normalized [0,1] range
 Cpcl::ImageTransformationRoot base class of all PCL image transformations
 Cpcl::ImageVariantActs like a union for all types of images in PCL, with optional class-wide ownership of transported images
 CIMatrix32-bit signed integer matrix
 CIMultiVectorInteger multivector
 Cpcl::IndirectBinaryFunction< T1Ptr, T2Ptr, BF >A wrapper class that applies a binary function to pointers to objects
 Cpcl::IndirectBinaryPredicate< T1Ptr, T2Ptr, BP >A wrapper class that applies a binary predicate to pointers to objects
 Cpcl::IndirectEqual< TPtr >A functional class that tests two pointers for equality of the pointed objects
 Cpcl::IndirectLess< TPtr >A functional class that applies the less than relational operator to the objects pointed to by two pointers
 Cpcl::IndirectUnaryFunction< TPtr, UF >A wrapper class that applies a unary function to pointers to objects
 Cpcl::IndirectUnaryPredicate< TPtr, UP >A wrapper class that applies a unary predicate to pointers to objects
 CInterfaceFeaturesA collection of interface feature flags
 Cpcl::ISO8601ConversionOptionsFormatting options for string representations of dates and times in ISO 8601 format
 CIsoStringKeyValueKey-value association of two 8-bit strings
 CIsoStringKeyValueListDynamic list of key-value associations implemented as 8-bit strings
 CIsoStringListDynamic list of 8-bit strings
 Cpcl::Iterator< C, T >Generic container iterator
 CIVector32-bit signed integer vector
 Cpcl::JPLEphemerisJPL planetary ephemeris
 Cpcl::KDTree< T >Bucket PR K-d tree for point data in arbitrary dimensions
 Cpcl::KernelFilterKernel filter in two dimensions
 CKeyboardModifiersA combination of keyboard modifier codes
 Cpcl::KeyValue< T1, T2 >Generic key-value association
 CLDChebyshevFit80-bit extended precision floating point Chebyshev function approximation
 CLDMatrix80-bit extended precision floating point real matrix
 CLDScalarChebyshevFit80-bit extended precision floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation
 CLDVector80-bit extended precision floating point real vector
 Cpcl::LinearFitRobust straight line fitting by minimization of mean absolute deviation
 Cpcl::LinearTransformationA linear geometric transformation on the plane defined as a 2x3 matrix of 64-bit floating point scalars
 Cpcl::LocalNormalizationDataNormalization data parser and generator
 CMatrix64-bit floating point real matrix
 Cpcl::MessageBoxHigh-level interface to a PixInsight MessageBox object
 Cpcl::MetaObjectRoot base class for all PixInsight module components
 Cpcl::MorphologicalOperatorAbstract base class of all PCL morphological operators
 CMultiVector64-bit floating point real multivector
 Cpcl::MutexAdaptive mutual exclusion lock variable
 Cpcl::NormalRandomDeviates< RNG >Generation of random normal (Gaussian) deviates
 Cpcl::ObserverPositionGeodetic coordinates of a terrestrial observer
 Cpcl::Optional< T >An object that can be in a defined or undefined state
 Cpcl::OsculatingElementsOsculating conic orbital elements
 Cpcl::ParallelProcessA process using multiple concurrent execution threads
 Cpcl::pcl_boolA first-class data type that can be safely used to implement Boolean process parameters on all supported platforms
 Cpcl::PixelInterpolationAbstract root base class for all pixel interpolation algorithms
 Cpcl::PixelInterpolation::Interpolator< P >Generic two-dimensional pixel interpolator
 Cpcl::PixInsightSettingsRetrieves global settings from the PixInsight core application
 Cpcl::PixInsightVersionProvides version information for the PixInsight core application
 CPoint32-bit integer point on the plane
 Cpcl::PointsClockwisePredicatePredicate class for sorting a set of points in clockwise direction
 Cpcl::PointShepardInterpolation< P >Vector Shepard interpolation/approximation in two dimensions
 Cpcl::PointSurfacePolynomial< P >Vector polynomial interpolation/approximation in two dimensions
 Cpcl::PointSurfaceSplineVector surface spline interpolation/approximation in two dimensions
 Cpcl::PoissonRandomDeviates< RNG >Generation of random Poisson deviates
 Cpcl::PositionReduction of planetary and stellar positions
 Cpcl::Pow10I< T >Exponential function 10**n, n being a signed integer
 Cpcl::Pow2I< T >Exponential function 2**n, n being a signed integer
 CProcessAbortedAn exception class signaling the interruption of a process
 Cpcl::ProcessBaseAbstract base class for process descriptions
 Cpcl::ProcessImplementationImplementation of a PixInsight process instance
 Cpcl::ProcessParameterIdentifies and describes a process parameter
 Cpcl::ProcessParameter::EnumerationElementStructure used to describe an enumeration element
 Cpcl::ProjectionBaseBase class of all projection systems
 Cpcl::ProjectionFactorySelectable projection system
 Cpcl::PropertyAn identifier-value association
 CPropertyArrayDynamic array of Property objects
 Cpcl::PropertyDescriptionA structure to describe a data property
 CPropertyDescriptionArrayDynamic array of PropertyDescription structures
 Cpcl::PSFDataPSF fit parameters
 Cpcl::PSFFitNumerical Point Spread Function (PSF) fit to a source in an image
 Cpcl::PSFScaleEstimator::EstimatesStructure to hold a PSF relative scale estimate
 Cpcl::PSFSignalEstimator::EstimatesStructure to hold PSF flux and robust mean background estimates
 Cpcl::QuadTree< T >Bucket PR quadtree for two-dimensional point data
 Cpcl::QuadTree< T >::NodeQuadtree node structure
 CRandomizationOptionsA collection of string randomization options
 Cpcl::RandomNumberGeneratorMersenne Twister (MT19937) pseudo-random number generator
 Cpcl::ReadoutOptionsA structure to hold global pixel readout options
 CReadTextOptionsA combination of file text reading mode flags
 CRealFFTFast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point real data
 CRealFFT2DFast Fourier transform of 32-bit floating point real data
 Cpcl::RealTimePreviewClient-side interface to the Real-Time Preview system
 CRealTimePreviewGenerationFlagsA collection of real-time preview generation flags
 CRect32-bit integer rectangle on the plane
 Cconst_reverse_iteratorImmutable ReferenceArray reverse iterator
 Creverse_iteratorMutable ReferenceArray reverse iterator
 Cpcl::ReferenceCounterThread-safe reference counter for copy-on-write data structures
 Cpcl::ReverseIterable< C >Reverse container adaptor
 Cpcl::RGBColorSystemColorimetrically defined RGB working color space
 Cpcl::RigidTransformationRigid geometric transformation
 Cpcl::RobustChauvenetRejectionRobust Chauvenet outlier rejection algorithm
 CScalarChebyshevFit64-bit floating point scalar Chebyshev function approximation
 Cpcl::SeparableFilterSeparable filter in two dimensions
 Cpcl::SerializableEphemerisDataChebyshev polynomial expansion coefficients for ephemeris serialization
 CSerializableEphemerisDataListDynamic list of Chebyshev polynomial expansions for ephemeris serialization
 Cpcl::SerializableEphemerisObjectDataA set of Chebyshev polynomial expansions and associated ancillary data for ephemeris serialization
 CSerializableEphemerisObjectDataListDynamic list of per-object data for ephemeris serialization
 Cpcl::SettingsPersistent module settings
 Cpcl::SettingsDataSerializable, thread-safe settings data
 Cpcl::SexagesimalConversionOptionsFormatting options for string sexagesimal representations
 Cpcl::SharedPixelDataHandles transparent, type-independent allocation of local and shared pixel data blocks
 Cpcl::ShepardInterpolation< T >Two-dimensional surface interpolation with the local Shepard method
 CShortArrayDynamic array of 16-bit signed integers
 CSortedByteArrayDynamic sorted array of 8-bit unsigned integers
 CSortedIsoStringKeyValueListDynamic sorted list of key-value associations implemented as 8-bit strings
 CSortedIsoStringListDynamic sorted list of 8-bit strings
 CSortedShortArrayDynamic sorted array of 16-bit signed integers
 CSortedStringKeyValueListDynamic sorted list of key-value associations implemented as Unicode (UTF-16) strings
 CSortedStringListDynamic sorted list of Unicode (UTF-16) strings
 CSortedWordArrayDynamic sorted array of 16-bit unsigned integers
 Cpcl::SphericalRotationRotation in spherical coordinates
 Cpcl::StandardAllocatorA block allocator class that uses the standard new and delete operators
 Cpcl::StandardDeleter< T >An object deleter that uses the standard delete operator
 Cpcl::StarDetector::StarStructure to hold the data of a detected star
 CStarletTransformStarlet wavelet transform, a synonym for ATrousWaveletTransform
 Cpcl::StarPositionPositional data of a star
 Cpcl::StatusCallbackProvides status monitoring callback functions
 Cpcl::StatusMonitorAn asynchronous status monitoring system
 CStringKeyValueKey-value association of two Unicode (UTF-16) strings
 CStringKeyValueListDynamic list of key-value associations implemented as Unicode (UTF-16) strings
 CStringListDynamic list of Unicode (UTF-16) strings
 Cpcl::StructuringElementAbstract base class of all PCL structuring elements
 Cpcl::SurfacePolynomial< T >Two-dimensional interpolating/approximating surface polynomial
 Cpcl::SurfaceSimplifierShape-preserving simplification of 2-D surfaces
 Cpcl::SurfaceSpline< T >::NodeDataAuxiliary structure for data sanitization
 Cpcl::SurfaceSplineBaseBase class of two-dimensional surface splines
 CSVGRenderOptionsA collection of rendering options for raster image representation of SVG documents
 CSzVectorSize_type integer vector
 Cpcl::TimePointAn instant in any timescale
 Cpcl::TwoSidedEstimateTwo-sided descriptive statistical estimate
 CUI16Matrix16-bit unsigned integer matrix
 CUI16Vector16-bit unsigned integer vector
 CUI32Matrix32-bit unsigned integer matrix
 CUI32Vector32-bit unsigned integer vector
 CUI64Matrix64-bit unsigned integer matrix
 CUI64Vector64-bit unsigned integer vector
 CUI8Matrix8-bit unsigned integer matrix
 CUI8Vector8-bit unsigned integer vector
 CUIMatrixUnsigned integer matrix
 CUInt16Image16-bit unsigned integer image
 CUInt32Image32-bit unsigned integer image
 CUInt8Image8-bit unsigned integer image
 Cpcl::UIObjectRoot base class for all user interface objects
 CUIVector32-bit unsigned integer vector
 CUndoFlagsA collection of history data item specifiers
 Cpcl::UnidimensionalInterpolation< T >A generic interface to one-dimensional interpolation algorithms
 Cpcl::UniqueFileChecksA simple POD structure to hold file uniqueness and overwrite verification results
 Cpcl::VariantActs like a union to store instances of different data types
 CVector64-bit floating point real vector
 Cpcl::VersionProvides PCL version numbers
 Cpcl::WaveletFilterAbstract base class of all orthogonal wavelet filters
 Cpcl::WCSKeywordsA structure for management of WCS FITS header keywords and associated image properties
 Cpcl::WinsorizedSigmaClippingRejectionWinsorized sigma clipping outlier rejection algorithm
 CWordArrayDynamic array of 16-bit unsigned integers
 Cpcl::WorldTransformationAbstract base class of world coordinate transformations
 Cpcl::XISFUtility functions, data and constants for XISF support
 Cpcl::XISFFileSignatureXISF monolithic file signature
 Cpcl::XISFLogHandlerXISF stream message logger
 Cpcl::XISFOptionsXISF-specific file options
 Cpcl::XISFReaderXISF input file stream
 Cpcl::XISFWriterXISF output file stream
 Cpcl::XMLUtility functions and data for XML document parsing and generation
 Cpcl::XMLAttributeListDynamic list of XML element attributes
 Cpcl::XMLComponentRoot base class of all XML document components
 Cpcl::XMLDocumentXML document parsing and generation
 Cpcl::XMLElementFilterA functional class for filtering XML elements
 CXMLElementListDynamic list of XML elements
 CXMLNodeListDynamic list of XML node objects
 Cpcl::XMLNodeLocationSource code location of a parsed XML document node
 CXMLNodeTypesA collection of XML node types
 CXMLParserOptionsA collection of XML document parsing options
 Cpcl::XorShift1024Implementation of the XorShift1024* pseudo-random number generator
 Cpcl::XoShiRoBaseBase class of xoshiro and xoroshiro pseudo-random number generators
 Cpcl::XPSDBase class of point source database implementations
 Cpcl::XPSD::MetadataMetadata items available in point source database files
 Cpcl::XPSD::SearchDataBaseParameters and output instrumentation data for catalog search operations
 Cpcl::XPSD::StatisticsStructural and statistical data about an XPSD database file
 Cpcl::QuadTree< Node >
 Cpcl::QuadTree< vector_type >
 Cpcl::ShepardInterpolation< double >
 Cpcl::SurfacePolynomial< double >
 Cpcl::UnidimensionalInterpolation< double >