Here is a list of all modules:
 Argument Parsing Routines and Utilities
 Array Insertion Operators
 Array Relational Operators
 Association Operators and Utility Functions
 Astrometry Support Classes
 Bitmap Affine Transformations
 Bitmap Bitwise Logical Operations
 Bitmap Color Replacement Functions
 Bitmap File I/O Routines
 Bitmap Pixel Access Functions
 Bitmap Specular Transformations
 Button Event Handlers
 Byte Array Classes
 Character Traits Classes
 Chebyshev Fit Types
 Checksum Calculation Functions
 CodeEditor Event Handlers
 Color Filter Array (CFA) Descriptive Classes
 Color Management Classes
 ColorComboBox Event Handlers
 ComboBox Event Handlers
 Complex Arithmetic Operators
 Complex Basic Functions
 Complex Number Types
 Complex Relational Operators
 Complex Rounding Functions
 Complex Transcendental Functions
 Console Insertion and Extraction Operators
 Construction and Destruction of Objects with Explicit Allocation
 Control Event Handlers
 Control Helper Functions and Classes
 Cryptographic Hashing and Encryption Classes
 Data Compression Classes
 Dialog Event Handlers
 Dynamic Arrays
 Endianness Conversion and Detection Functions
 Error Handling Macros
 ExternalProcess Event Handlers
 FFT-Based Registration Operators
 FITS Keyword Comparison Functions
 Fast Fourier Transform Direction Specifiers
 Fast Fourier Transforms
 File Size and Position Types
 File Support Classes and Functions
 Floating Point Number Classification
 FontComboBox Event Handlers
 Generic Relational Operators
 GenericString Relational Operators
 Global Notification Functions
 Hardware Identification Routines
 Helper Functions for Selection of
 Helper Macros for Synchronized Status Monitoring of Image Processing Threads
 Image Iterator Classes
 Image Notification Functions
 Image Operators
 Image Scalar Operators
 Image Transparency Notification Functions
 Image Types
 ImageView Event Handlers
 In-Place Gauss-Jordan Solvers
 Integer Conversion Factors
 Integer Limits
 IsoString Concatenation Operators
 Iterator Classification
 Key-Value String List Classes
 Keyboard Utilities
 Mask Notification Functions
 Mathematical Functions
 Matrix Operators
 Matrix Types
 MetaModule Utility Macros
 Module Entry Point Functions
 Module-Defined View Properties
 Multiscale Transforms
 Multivector Types
 NetworkTransfer Event Handlers
 Non-Cryptographic Hash Functions
 Non-interpolating Rotations and Specular Transformations.
 Phase Matrices Computation Algorithms
 Point Operators and Functions
 Point Types
 Portable Integer Types
 Process Instance Notification Functions
 Process Parameter Classification
 RGBA Color Utility Functions
 Random Number Generation
 Readout Notification Functions
 Real Time Preview Notification Functions
 Rectangle Classification Functions
 Rectangle Operators and Functions
 Rectangle Types
 Safe Process Parameter Types
 ScrollBox Event Handlers
 Search Algorithms
 SectionBar Event Handlers
 Selection Algorithms
 Sexagesimal String Representation and Parsing
 Size and Distance Types
 Slider Event Handlers
 Solar System Ephemerides
 Sorting Algorithms
 Special Functions
 SpinBox Event Handlers
 Standard Exception Classes
 Star Catalogs and Point Source Databases
 Statistical Functions
 String Concatenation Operators
 String Key-Value Associations
 String List Classes
 String Relational Operators
 TabBox Event Handlers
 Thread Support Classes and Functions
 Thread-Safe Protection of Non-Reentrant Code
 Time Representation and Utilities
 Timer Event Handlers
 TreeBox Event Handlers
 Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms
 Unicode Character Types
 User Interface Scaling Functions
 Utility Algorithms
 Vector Operators
 Vector Types
 View Property Notification Functions
 ViewList Event Handlers
 WebView Event Handlers
 Word Array Classes
 XISF Support Classes
 XML Document Parsing and Generation