Representation of data and connection color spaces in ICC color profiles. More...
ICCColorSpace::Unknown | Unknown or unsupported color space |
ICCColorSpace::Any | Any color space in an ICC profile |
ICCColorSpace::XYZ | CIE XYZ color space |
ICCColorSpace::Lab | CIE L*a*b* color space |
ICCColorSpace::Luv | CIE L*u*v* color space |
ICCColorSpace::YCbCr | YCbCr color space |
ICCColorSpace::Yxy | Yxy (luminance and chromaticity coordinates) |
ICCColorSpace::RGB | RGB color space |
ICCColorSpace::Gray | Grayscale color space |
ICCColorSpace::HSV | HSV color ordering system |
ICCColorSpace::HLS | HLS color ordering system |
ICCColorSpace::CMYK | CMYK color space |
ICCColorSpace::CMY | CMY color space |
ICCColorSpace::LuvK | LuvK color space |
Other color spaces supported by the ICC profile specification, as for example 2-color and 15-color spaces, are unknown to this implementation.