Below is a complete list of all global settings available in current versions of the PixInsight platform (up-to-date as of core version 1.9.0 Lockhart, released November 2024).
Application/AutoUIScaling | |
Application/CompressSettingsBlocks | |
Application/HealRegistryInformationOnUpdates | |
Application/MinifySettingsXML | |
ColorManagement/DefaultEmbedProfilesInGrayscaleImages | |
ColorManagement/DefaultEmbedProfilesInRGBImages | |
ColorManagement/DefaultGamutCheckEnabled | |
ColorManagement/DefaultProofingEnabled | |
ColorManagement/IsEnabled | |
ColorManagement/IsValid | Read-only. |
ColorManagement/UseLowResolutionCLUTs | |
ColorManagement/UseProofingBPC | |
ImageWindow/BackupFiles | |
ImageWindow/CreatePreviewsFromCoreProperties | |
ImageWindow/Default24BitScreenLUT | |
ImageWindow/DefaultEmbedProperties | |
ImageWindow/DefaultEmbedThumbnails | |
ImageWindow/DefaultMasksShown | |
ImageWindow/DefaultMetricResolution | |
ImageWindow/FastScreenRenditions | |
ImageWindow/FileFormatWarnings | |
ImageWindow/FollowDownloadLocations | |
ImageWindow/HighDPIRenditions | |
ImageWindow/LoadAstrometricSolutions | |
ImageWindow/LoadInitialProcessingFromCoreProperties | |
ImageWindow/MeasureScreenRenderingPerformance | |
ImageWindow/NativeFileDialogs | |
ImageWindow/ProjectVerifyIncrementalChecksums | |
ImageWindow/RememberFileOpenType | |
ImageWindow/RememberFileSaveType | |
ImageWindow/ShowActiveSTFIndicators | |
ImageWindow/ShowCaptionCurrentChannels | |
ImageWindow/ShowCaptionFullPaths | |
ImageWindow/ShowCaptionIdentifiers | |
ImageWindow/ShowCaptionZoomRatios | |
ImageWindow/ShowSynchronizationIndicators | |
ImageWindow/ShowSynchronizationVectors | |
ImageWindow/ShowViewSelectorImageThumbnails | |
ImageWindow/StrictFileSaveMode | |
ImageWindow/SwapCompression | |
ImageWindow/TouchEvents | |
ImageWindow/UseFileNamesAsImageIdentifiers | |
ImageWindow/VerboseNetworkOperations | Ignored on Windows. |
ImageWindow/ZoomAtCursor | |
MainWindow/AcceptDroppedFiles | |
MainWindow/AnimateCombo | |
MainWindow/AnimateMenu | |
MainWindow/AnimateToolBox | |
MainWindow/AnimateToolTip | |
MainWindow/AnimateWindows | |
MainWindow/CapitalizedMenuBars | |
MainWindow/CheckForUpdatesAtStartup | |
MainWindow/ConfirmProgramTermination | |
MainWindow/DesktopSettingsAware | |
MainWindow/DoubleClickLaunchesOpenDialog | |
MainWindow/DropShadowChildWindows | |
MainWindow/DropShadowIcons | |
MainWindow/ExpandFavoritesAtStartup | |
MainWindow/ExpandMostUsedAtStartup | |
MainWindow/ExpandRecentlyUsedAtStartup | |
MainWindow/ExplodeIcons | |
MainWindow/FadeAutoHideWindows | |
MainWindow/FadeMenu | |
MainWindow/FadeToolTip | |
MainWindow/FadeWindows | |
MainWindow/FadeWorkspaces | |
MainWindow/FullScreenAtStartup | |
MainWindow/HighQualityWallpapers | |
MainWindow/HoverableAutoHideWindows | |
MainWindow/ImplodeIcons | |
MainWindow/MaximizeAtStartup | |
MainWindow/NativeMenuBar | |
MainWindow/OpenURLsWithInternalBrowser | |
MainWindow/OpenResourcesOnNewWebBrowserWindows | |
MainWindow/PrivateWebBrowsingMode | |
MainWindow/ShowFavorites | |
MainWindow/ShowMostUsed | |
MainWindow/ShowRecentlyUsed | |
MainWindow/ShowSplashAtStartup | |
MainWindow/ShowViewListImageThumbnails | |
MainWindow/ShowWorkspaceThumbnails | |
MainWindow/TranslucentAutoHideWindows | |
MainWindow/TranslucentChildWindows | |
MainWindow/TranslucentWindows | |
MainWindow/UseWallpapers | |
MainWindow/WindowButtonsOnTheLeft | |
Process/AlertOnProcessCompleted | |
Process/BackupFiles | |
Process/EnableCUDAAcceleration | |
Process/EnableExecutionStatistics | |
Process/EnableLaunchStatistics | |
Process/EnableParallelCoreColorManagement | |
Process/EnableParallelCoreRendering | |
Process/EnableParallelModuleProcessing | |
Process/EnableParallelProcessing | |
Process/EnableThreadCPUAffinity | |
Process/GenerateScriptComments | |
Process/InitCUDARuntimeAtStartup | |
Process/VerifyScriptChecksums | |
Security/AllowInsecureRepositories | |
Security/AllowUnsignedModuleInstallation | |
Security/AllowUnsignedRepositories | |
Security/AllowUnsignedScriptExecution | |
Security/EnableLocalSigningIdentity | |
Security/ReportModuleSignatures | |
Security/ReportScriptSignatures | |
Security/WarnOnUnsignedCodeExecution | |
Application/AutoSaveSettingsPeriod | In seconds. |
Application/FontResolution | In dots per inch. |
Application/Instance | The running application's instance number (≥ 1). |
Application/MessageBoxOkCancelButtonOrder | 0 = default, 1 = Ok/Cancel, 2 = Cancel/Ok |
Application/MessageBoxYesNoButtonOrder | 0 = default, 1 = Yes/No, 2 = No/Yes |
Application/SurfaceSwapInterval | The minimum number of video frames displayed before buffer swaps (vertical synchronization). Read-only. |
ColorManagement/DefaultRenderingIntent | See the pcl::ICCRenderingIntent namespace. |
ColorManagement/OnMissingProfile | Core application policies. See the documentation for ColorManagementSetup. |
ColorManagement/OnProfileMismatch | Core application policies. See the documentation for ColorManagementSetup. |
ColorManagement/ProofingIntent | See the pcl::ICCRenderingIntent namespace. |
ImageWindow/CursorTolerance | In device pixels. |
ImageWindow/DefaultMaskMode | See the pcl::MaskMode namespace. |
ImageWindow/DefaultTransparencyMode | See the pcl::TransparencyMode namespace. |
ImageWindow/FastScreenRenditionThreshold | In MiB. |
ImageWindow/ImageThumbnailSize | In image pixels. |
ImageWindow/ProjectThumbnailSize | In image pixels. |
ImageWindow/WheelStepAngle | In degrees, unsigned. |
ImageWindow/WheelDirection | When ≥ 0, rotating forward zooms out. When < 0, rotating forward zooms in. |
MainWindow/MaxRecentFiles | Maximum length of recent file menu lists. |
Process/AutoSavePSMPeriod | In seconds. |
Process/ConsoleCommandTruncationLimit | In characters. |
Process/ConsoleDelay | In milliseconds. |
Process/MaxConsoleLines | Maximum number of stored text lines on Process Console. |
Process/MaxModuleThreadPriority | From 0=idle to 7=real-time. |
Process/MaxProcessors | Maximum number of processor cores allowed for installed modules. |
Process/MaxFileReadThreads | Maximum number of concurrent file reading threads. |
Process/MaxFileWriteThreads | Maximum number of concurrent file writing threads. |
Process/MaxUsageListLength | Maximum length of the Recently Used and Most Used lists on Process Explorer. |
Process/PerformMallocTrimCalls | When > 0, call malloc_trim() to release free memory. Only available on Linux; ignored on macOS and Windows. |
System/NumberOfProcessors | Total number of processor cores available. Read-only. |
TransparencyBrush/Brush | See the pcl::BackgroundBrush namespace. |
Workspace/PrimaryScreenCenterX | Read-only. In physical device pixels. |
Workspace/PrimaryScreenCenterY | Read-only. In physical device pixels. |
Workspace/IconGridSpacing | Grid distance for aligned icon positions on all workspaces. In logical device pixels. |
Since PixInsight core version 1.8.0, most UI colors and fonts are defined in cascading style sheet files loaded automatically on startup. Only the following four color variables remain because they are purely functional (i.e., not related to the appearance of GUI controls).
Currently there are no global font variables. Since PixInsight core version 1.8.0, all UI fonts are defined through cascading style sheet files loaded automatically on startup.
Application/AppDirectory | Full path to the distribution's core application bundle. Read-only. macOS only. |
Application/AsteroidEphemeridesFile | File name or path of the distribution's asteroid ephemerides file (XEPH format). |
Application/AsteroidEphemeridesFilePath | Full path to the current asteroid ephemerides file (XEPH format). Read-only. |
Application/BaseDirectory | Base directory of the core distribution. Read-only. |
Application/BinDirectory | Full path to the distribution's bin directory. Read-only. |
Application/CIP_ITRSDataFile | File name or path of the distribution's data file of CIP coordinates in the ITRS (plain text). |
Application/CIP_ITRSDataFilePath | Full path to the current data file of CIP coordinates in the ITRS (plain text). Read-only. |
Application/ColorDirectory | Full path to the distribution's color directory. Read-only. |
Application/ConfigDirectory | Full path to the application's configuration directory. Platform-dependent. Read-only. |
Application/CoreDirectory | Full directory of the core executable file. Read-only. |
Application/CoreFilePath | Full file path of the core executable. Read-only. |
Application/DeltaATDataFile | File name or path of the distribution's Delta AT (TAI-UTC) data file (plain text). |
Application/DeltaATDataFilePath | Full path to the current Delta AT (TAI-UTC) data file (plain text). Read-only. |
Application/DeltaTDataFile | File name or path of the distribution's Delta T (TT-UT1) data file (plain text). |
Application/DeltaTDataFilePath | Full path to the current Delta T (TT-UT1) data file (plain text). Read-only. |
Application/DocDirectory | Full path to the distribution's doc directory. Read-only. |
Application/EtcDirectory | Full path to the distribution's etc directory. Read-only. |
Application/FiltersDatabaseFile | File name or path of the distribution's spectrophotometric filter definitions database file (XML format). |
Application/FiltersDatabaseFilePath | Full file path to the current spectrophotometric filter definitions database file (XML format). Read-only. |
Application/FundamentalEphemeridesFile | File name or path of the distribution's fundamental ephemerides file (XEPH format). |
Application/FundamentalEphemeridesFilePath | Full path to the current fundamental ephemerides file (XEPH format). Read-only. |
Application/HighResFont | Font family for automatic style sheet replacement on high-dpi displays. |
Application/HighResMonoFont | Monospaced font family for automatic style sheet replacement on high-dpi displays. |
Application/IncludeDirectory | Full path to the distribution's include directory. Read-only. |
Application/LibDirectory | Full path to the distribution's lib directory. Read-only. |
Application/LibraryDirectory | Full path to the distribution's library directory. Read-only. |
Application/LowResFont | Font family for automatic style sheet replacement on low-dpi displays. |
Application/LowResMonoFont | Monospaced font family for automatic style sheet replacement on low-dpi displays. |
Application/NutationModelFile | File name or path of the distribution's nutation model file (XEPH format). |
Application/NutationModelFilePath | Full path to the current nutation model file (XEPH format). Read-only. |
Application/ResourceFile01 | Core resource file #1. |
Application/ResourceFile02 | Core resource file #2. |
Application/ResourceFile03 | Core resource file #3. |
Application/ResourceFile04 | Core resource file #4. |
Application/ResourceFile05 | Core resource file #5. |
Application/ResourceFile06 | Core resource file #6. |
Application/ResourceFile07 | Core resource file #7. |
Application/ResourceFile08 | Core resource file #8. |
Application/ResourceFile09 | Core resource file #9. |
Application/ResourceFile10 | Core resource file #10. |
Application/RscDirectory | Full path to the distribution's rsc directory. Read-only. |
Application/ShortTermAsteroidEphemeridesFile | File name or path of the distribution's asteroid ephemerides file (XEPH format) - short-term version (reduced time span). |
Application/ShortTermAsteroidEphemeridesFilePath | Full path to the current asteroid ephemerides file (XEPH format) - short-term version (reduced time span). Read-only. |
Application/ShortTermFundamentalEphemeridesFile | File name or path of the distribution's fundamental ephemerides file (XEPH format) - short-term version (reduced time span). |
Application/ShortTermFundamentalEphemeridesFilePath | Full path to the current fundamental ephemerides file (XEPH format) - short-term version (reduced time span). Read-only. |
Application/ShortTermNutationModelFile | File name or path of the distribution's nutation model file (XEPH format) - short-term version (reduced time span). |
Application/ShortTermNutationModelFilePath | Full path to the current nutation model file (XEPH format) - short-term version (reduced time span). Read-only. |
Application/SrcDirectory | Full path to the distribution's src directory. Read-only. |
Application/StartTime | Starting time of the core application in ISO 8601 extended format. Read-only. |
Application/StyleSheetFile | Main core stile sheet file. |
Application/WhiteReferencesDatabaseFile | File name or path of the distribution's spectrophotometric white reference definitions database file (XML format). |
Application/WhiteReferencesDatabaseFilePath | Full file path to the current spectrophotometric white reference definitions database file (XML format). Read-only. |
ColorManagement/DefaultGrayscaleProfilePath | Full path to the default ICC color profile for grayscale monochrome images. |
ColorManagement/DefaultRGBProfilePath | Full path to the default ICC color profile for RGB color images. |
ColorManagement/MonitorProfilePath | Full path to the ICC color profile associated with the primary monitor. Read-only. |
ColorManagement/ProofingProfilePath | Full path to the ICC color profile for the color proofing target device. |
ColorManagement/UpdateMonitorProfile | Full path to the scheduled new ICC color profile for the primary monitor. Write-only. See the documentation for ColorManagementSetup. |
FileFormat/ReadFilters | A list of file filters for file formats capable of image read operations, suitable for file dialogs. Read-only. Updated dynamically on-demand. |
FileFormat/WriteFilters | A list of file filters for file formats capable of image write operations, suitable for file dialogs. Read-only. Updated dynamically on-demand. |
ImageContainerIcon/Prefix | Prefix for automatically generated image container identifiers. |
ImageWindow/ClonePostfix | Postfix appended to image duplicates |
ImageWindow/DefaultFileExtension | The default file suffix used to save newly created images. |
ImageWindow/DownloadsDirectory | Full path to the core downloads directory. |
ImageWindow/NewImageCaption | Window title token for signaling newly created images. |
ImageWindow/Prefix | Prefix used for automatically generated image identifiers. |
ImageWindow/ProxyURL | The proxy that will be used for core network operations. |
MainWindow/WallpaperFile01 | Core workspace wallpaper file #1. |
MainWindow/WallpaperFile02 | Core workspace wallpaper file #2. |
MainWindow/WallpaperFile03 | Core workspace wallpaper file #3. |
MainWindow/WallpaperFile04 | Core workspace wallpaper file #4. |
MainWindow/WallpaperFile05 | Core workspace wallpaper file #5. |
MainWindow/WallpaperFile06 | Core workspace wallpaper file #6. |
MainWindow/WallpaperFile07 | Core workspace wallpaper file #7. |
MainWindow/WallpaperFile08 | Core workspace wallpaper file #8. |
MainWindow/WallpaperFile09 | Core workspace wallpaper file #9. |
MainWindow/WallpaperFile10 | Core workspace wallpaper file #10. |
Preview/Prefix | Prefix used for automatically generated preview identifiers. |
ProcessIcon/Prefix | Prefix used for automatically generated process icon identifiers. |
View/BrokenLinkText | Text fragment used to signal broken image and/or process relations, such as missing masks. |
ViewList/NoPreviewSelectedText | Text fragment used when there are no previews selected. |
ViewList/NoPreviewsAvailableText | Text fragment used when there are no previews available. |
ViewList/NoViewSelectedText | Text fragment used when there are no views selected. |
ViewList/NoViewsAvailableText | Text fragment used when there are no views available. |
Workspace/Prefix | Prefix used for automatically generated workspace identifiers. |