Client-side interface to a PixInsight process interface window. More...
#include <ProcessInterface.h>
Public Member Functions | |
ProcessInterface () | |
~ProcessInterface () noexcept(false) override | |
virtual IsoString | Aliases () const |
virtual void | ApplyInstance () const |
virtual void | ApplyInstanceGlobal () const |
virtual void | BeginReadout (const View &view) |
virtual bool | BrowseDocumentation () const |
virtual void | Cancel () |
virtual void | CancelRealTimePreview () |
virtual bool | CanImportInstances () const |
virtual String | Description () const |
void | DisableAutoSaveGeometry (bool disable=true) |
virtual bool | DistinguishesTestInstances () const |
virtual bool | DynamicKeyPress (View &view, int key, unsigned modifiers) |
virtual bool | DynamicKeyRelease (View &view, int key, unsigned modifiers) |
virtual void | DynamicMouseDoubleClick (View &view, const DPoint &cursorPos, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers) |
virtual void | DynamicMouseEnter (View &view) |
virtual void | DynamicMouseLeave (View &view) |
virtual void | DynamicMouseMove (View &view, const DPoint &cursorPos, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers) |
virtual void | DynamicMousePress (View &view, const DPoint &cursorPos, int button, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers) |
virtual void | DynamicMouseRelease (View &view, const DPoint &cursorPos, int button, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers) |
virtual bool | DynamicMouseWheel (View &view, const DPoint &cursorPos, int wheelDelta, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers) |
virtual void | DynamicPaint (const View &view, VectorGraphics &graphics, const DRect &rect) const |
virtual void | EditPreferences () |
void | EnableAutoSaveGeometry (bool enable=true) |
virtual void | EndReadout (const View &view) |
virtual bool | EnterDynamicMode () |
virtual void | Execute () |
virtual void | ExitDynamicMode () |
virtual InterfaceFeatures | Features () const |
virtual bool | GenerateRealTimePreview (UInt16Image &image, const View &view, const Rect &rect, int zoomLevel, String &info) const |
virtual void | GlobalCMDisabled () |
virtual void | GlobalCMEnabled () |
virtual void | GlobalCMUpdated () |
virtual void | GlobalFiltersUpdated () |
virtual void | GlobalPreferencesUpdated () |
virtual void | GlobalRGBWSUpdated () |
virtual String | IconImageFile () const |
virtual IsoString | IconImageSVG () const |
virtual String | IconImageSVGFile () const |
virtual const char ** | IconImageXPM () const |
virtual IsoString | Id () const =0 |
virtual void | ImageCMDisabled (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageCMEnabled (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageCMUpdated (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageCreated (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageDeleted (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageFocused (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageLocked (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageRenamed (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageRGBWSUpdated (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageSaved (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageSTFDisabled (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageSTFEnabled (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageSTFUpdated (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageUnlocked (const View &view) |
virtual void | ImageUpdated (const View &view) |
virtual bool | ImportProcess (const ProcessImplementation &) |
virtual void | Initialize () |
bool | IsAutoSaveGeometryEnabled () const |
virtual bool | IsDynamicInterface () const |
virtual bool | IsInstanceGenerator () const |
virtual bool | Launch (const MetaProcess &process, const ProcessImplementation *instance, bool &dynamic, unsigned &flags) |
bool | Launch (unsigned flags=0) |
size_type | LaunchCount () const |
virtual void | LoadSettings () |
virtual void | MaskDisabled (const View &view) |
virtual void | MaskEnabled (const View &view) |
virtual void | MaskHidden (const View &view) |
virtual void | MaskShown (const View &view) |
virtual void | MaskUpdated (const View &view) |
virtual ProcessImplementation * | NewProcess () const |
virtual ProcessImplementation * | NewTestProcess () const |
virtual MetaProcess * | Process () const =0 |
virtual void | ProcessCreated (const ProcessInstance &instance) |
virtual void | ProcessDeleted (const ProcessInstance &instance) |
virtual void | ProcessSaved (const ProcessInstance &instance) |
virtual void | ProcessUpdated (const ProcessInstance &instance) |
virtual void | ReadoutOptionsUpdated () |
virtual void | RealTimePreviewGenerationFinished () |
virtual pcl::RealTimePreviewGenerationFlags | RealTimePreviewGenerationFlags (UInt16Image &image, const View &view, const Rect &rect, int zoomLevel) const |
virtual void | RealTimePreviewGenerationStarted () |
virtual void | RealTimePreviewLUTUpdated (int colorModel) |
virtual void | RealTimePreviewOwnerChanged (ProcessInterface &iface) |
virtual void | RealTimePreviewUpdated (bool active) |
virtual bool | RequiresDynamicUpdate (const View &view, const DRect &rect) const |
virtual bool | RequiresInstanceValidation () const |
virtual bool | RequiresRealTimePreviewUpdate (const UInt16Image &image, const View &view, const Rect &rect, int zoomLevel) const |
virtual void | ResetInstance () |
bool | RestoreGeometry () |
void | SaveGeometry () const |
virtual void | SaveSettings () const |
void | SetDefaultPosition () |
IsoString | SettingsKey () const |
virtual String | SmallIconImageFile () const |
virtual const char ** | SmallIconImageXPM () const |
virtual void | TrackViewUpdated (bool active) |
virtual void | TransparencyHidden (const View &view) |
virtual void | TransparencyModeUpdated (const View &view) |
virtual void | UpdateReadout (const View &view, const DPoint &position, double R, double G, double B, double A) |
virtual bool | ValidateProcess (const ProcessImplementation &instance, String &whyNot) const |
virtual uint32 | Version () const |
virtual void | ViewPropertyDeleted (const View &view, const IsoString &property) |
virtual void | ViewPropertyUpdated (const View &view, const IsoString &property) |
virtual bool | WantsGlobalNotifications () const |
virtual bool | WantsImageNotifications () const |
virtual bool | WantsMaskNotifications () const |
virtual bool | WantsProcessNotifications () const |
virtual bool | WantsReadoutNotifications () const |
virtual bool | WantsRealTimePreviewNotifications () const |
virtual bool | WantsTransparencyNotifications () const |
virtual bool | WantsViewPropertyNotifications () const |
![]() | |
Control (const Control &)=delete | |
Control (Control &&)=delete | |
Control (Control &parent=Null(), uint32=0) | |
~Control () override | |
void | ActivateRealTimePreview () |
void | ActivateTrackView () |
void | ActivateWindow () |
void | AdjustToContents () |
RGBA | AlternateCanvasColor () const |
RGBA | BackgroundColor () const |
pcl::Rect | BoundsRect () const |
void | BringToFront () |
RGBA | ButtonColor () const |
RGBA | ButtonTextColor () const |
bool | CanUpdate () const |
RGBA | CanvasColor () |
Control & | ChildByPos (const pcl::Point &p) const |
Control & | ChildByPos (int x, int y) const |
pcl::Rect | ChildrenRect () const |
Control & | ChildToFocus () const |
void | ClearInfoText () |
int | ClientHeight () const |
pcl::Rect | ClientRect () const |
int | ClientWidth () const |
void | ControlToLocal (const Control &, int &x, int &y) const |
pcl::Point | ControlToLocal (const Control &w, const pcl::Point &p) const |
pcl::Cursor | Cursor () const |
void | DeactivateRealTimePreview () |
void | DeactivateTrackView () |
void | Disable (bool disabled=true) |
void | DisableExpansion (bool horzDisable=true, bool vertDisable=true) |
void | DisableMouseTracking (bool disable=true) |
void | DisableUpdates (bool disable=true) |
double | DisplayPixelRatio () const |
virtual void | Enable (bool enabled=true) |
void | EnableExpansion (bool horzEnable=true, bool vertEnable=true) |
void | EnableMouseTracking (bool=true) |
void | EnableUpdates (bool enable=true) |
void | EnsureLayoutUpdated () |
void | EnsureUnique () override |
void | Focus (bool focus=true) |
Control & | FocusedChild () const |
FocusStyles | FocusStyle () const |
pcl::Font | Font () const |
RGBA | ForegroundColor () const |
int | FrameHeight () const |
pcl::Rect | FrameRect () const |
int | FrameWidth () const |
pcl::Cursor | GetCursor () const |
pcl::Font | GetFont () const |
void | GetMaxSize (int &w, int &h) const |
void | GetMinSize (int &w, int &h) const |
void | GetScaledMaxSize (int &w, int &h) const |
void | GetScaledMinSize (int &w, int &h) const |
pcl::Sizer | GetSizer () const |
pcl::Point | GlobalToLocal (const pcl::Point &p) const |
void | GlobalToLocal (int &x, int &y) const |
int | Height () const |
void | Hide () |
RGBA | HighlightColor () const |
RGBA | HighlightedTextColor () const |
String | InfoText () const |
bool | IsActiveWindow () const |
bool | IsAncestorOf (const Control &) const |
virtual bool | IsEnabled () const |
bool | IsFixedHeight () const |
bool | IsFixedWidth () const |
bool | IsFocused () const |
bool | IsHidden () const |
bool | IsHorizontalExpansionEnabled () const |
bool | IsMaximized () const |
bool | IsMinimized () const |
bool | IsModal () const |
bool | IsMouseTrackingEnabled () const |
bool | IsRealTimePreviewActive () const |
bool | IsTrackViewActive () const |
bool | IsUnderMouse () const |
bool | IsVerticalExpansionEnabled () const |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsWindow () const |
void | LocalToControl (const Control &, int &x, int &y) const |
pcl::Point | LocalToControl (const Control &w, const pcl::Point &p) const |
pcl::Point | LocalToGlobal (const pcl::Point &p) const |
void | LocalToGlobal (int &x, int &y) const |
pcl::Point | LocalToParent (const pcl::Point &p) const |
void | LocalToParent (int &x, int &y) const |
int | LogicalPixelsToPhysical (int size) const |
int | LogicalPixelsToResource (int size) const |
int | MaxHeight () const |
int | MaxWidth () const |
int | MinHeight () const |
int | MinWidth () const |
void | Move (const pcl::Point &p) |
void | Move (int x, int y) |
Control & | NextSiblingToFocus () const |
void | OnChildCreate (child_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnChildDestroy (child_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnClose (close_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnDestroy (event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnEnter (event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnFileDrag (file_drag_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnFileDrop (file_drop_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnGetFocus (event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnHide (event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnKeyPress (keyboard_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnKeyRelease (keyboard_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnLeave (event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnLoseFocus (event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnMouseDoubleClick (mouse_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnMouseMove (mouse_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnMousePress (mouse_button_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnMouseRelease (mouse_button_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnMouseWheel (mouse_wheel_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnMove (move_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnPaint (paint_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnResize (resize_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnShow (event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnViewDrag (view_drag_event_handler, Control &) |
void | OnViewDrop (view_drop_event_handler, Control &) |
Control & | operator= (const Control &)=delete |
Control & | operator= (Control &&)=delete |
Control & | Parent () const |
pcl::Point | ParentToLocal (const pcl::Point &p) const |
void | ParentToLocal (int &x, int &y) const |
int | PhysicalPixelsToLogical (int size) const |
pcl::Point | Position () const |
void | Repaint () |
void | Repaint (const pcl::Rect &r) |
void | Repaint (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) |
void | Resize (int w, int h) |
double | ResourcePixelRatio () const |
int | ResourcePixelsToLogical (int size) const |
void | Restyle () |
Point | ScaledCursorHotSpot (const Point &hotSpot) const |
Point | ScaledCursorHotSpot (int xHot, int yHot) const |
int | ScaledMaxHeight () const |
int | ScaledMaxWidth () const |
int | ScaledMinHeight () const |
int | ScaledMinWidth () const |
template<class R > | |
String | ScaledResource (R resource) const |
template<class S > | |
String | ScaledStyleSheet (S cssCode, int fontDPI=0) const |
void | Scroll (const pcl::Point &d) |
void | Scroll (const pcl::Point &d, const pcl::Rect &r) |
void | Scroll (int dx, int dy) |
void | Scroll (int dx, int dy, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) |
void | SendToBack () |
void | SetAlternateCanvasColor (RGBA) |
void | SetBackgroundColor (RGBA) |
void | SetButtonColor (RGBA) |
void | SetButtonTextColor (RGBA) |
void | SetCanvasColor (RGBA) |
void | SetChildToFocus (Control &) |
void | SetClientRect (const pcl::Rect &r) |
void | SetClientRect (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) |
void | SetCursor (const pcl::Cursor &) |
void | SetCursorToParent () |
void | SetFixedHeight () |
void | SetFixedHeight (int h) |
void | SetFixedSize () |
void | SetFixedSize (int w, int h) |
void | SetFixedWidth () |
void | SetFixedWidth (int w) |
void | SetFocusStyle (FocusStyles) |
void | SetFont (const pcl::Font &) |
void | SetForegroundColor (RGBA) |
void | SetHighlightColor (RGBA) |
void | SetHighlightedTextColor (RGBA) |
void | SetInfoText (const String &) |
void | SetMaxHeight () |
void | SetMaxHeight (int h) |
void | SetMaxSize () |
void | SetMaxSize (int w, int h) |
void | SetMaxWidth () |
void | SetMaxWidth (int w) |
void | SetMinHeight () |
void | SetMinHeight (int h) |
void | SetMinSize () |
void | SetMinSize (int w, int h) |
void | SetMinWidth () |
void | SetMinWidth (int w) |
void | SetNextSiblingToFocus (Control &) |
void | SetParent (Control &) |
void | SetRealTimePreviewActive (bool=true) |
void | SetScaledFixedHeight (int h) |
void | SetScaledFixedSize (int w, int h) |
void | SetScaledFixedWidth (int w) |
void | SetScaledMaxHeight (int h) |
void | SetScaledMaxSize (int w, int h) |
void | SetScaledMaxWidth (int w) |
void | SetScaledMinHeight (int h) |
void | SetScaledMinSize (int w, int h) |
void | SetScaledMinWidth (int w) |
void | SetSizer (pcl::Sizer &) |
void | SetStyleSheet (const String &css) |
void | SetTextColor (RGBA) |
void | SetToolTip (const String &) |
void | SetTrackViewActive (bool=true) |
void | SetVariableHeight () |
void | SetVariableSize () |
void | SetVariableWidth () |
void | SetVisible (bool visible) |
void | SetWindowOpacity (double) |
void | SetWindowTitle (const String &) |
void | Show () |
pcl::Sizer | Sizer () const |
void | StackUnder (Control &) |
String | StyleSheet () const |
RGBA | TextColor () const |
String | ToolTip () const |
void | Unfocus () |
void | Update () |
void | Update (const pcl::Rect &r) |
void | Update (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) |
pcl::Rect | VisibleRect () const |
int | Width () const |
Control & | Window () const |
double | WindowOpacity () const |
String | WindowTitle () const |
int | X () const |
int | Y () const |
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virtual | ~UIObject () noexcept(false) |
bool | IsAlias () const |
bool | IsGarbage () const |
bool | IsNull () const |
bool | IsSameObject (const UIObject &o) const |
bool | IsUnique () const |
String | ObjectId () const |
IsoString | ObjectType () const |
bool | operator< (const UIObject &o) const |
bool | operator== (const UIObject &o) const |
size_type | RefCount () const |
void | SetObjectId (const String &id) |
![]() | |
MetaObject (const MetaObject &)=delete | |
MetaObject (MetaObject &&x)=delete | |
MetaObject (MetaObject *parent) | |
virtual | ~MetaObject () noexcept(false) |
size_type | Length () const |
MetaObject & | operator= (const MetaObject &)=delete |
MetaObject & | operator= (MetaObject &&x)=delete |
const MetaObject * | operator[] (size_type i) const |
MetaObject * | Parent () |
const MetaObject * | Parent () const |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | BroadcastImageUpdated (const View &view) |
static ProcessInterface & | Null () |
static void | ProcessEvents (bool excludeUserInputEvents=false) |
![]() | |
static void | HideToolTip () |
static Control & | Null () |
static void | ShowToolTip (const Point &pos, const String &text, const Control &control=Control::Null(), const Rect &rect=Rect(0)) |
static void | ShowToolTip (int x, int y, const String &text, const Control &control=Control::Null(), const Rect &rect=Rect(0)) |
static String | ToolTipText () |
![]() | |
static UIObject & | Null () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
using | child_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, Control &child) |
using | close_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, bool &allowClose) |
using | event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender) |
using | file_drag_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, const StringList &files, unsigned modifiers, bool &wantsFiles) |
using | file_drop_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, const StringList &files, unsigned modifiers) |
using | keyboard_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, int key, unsigned modifiers, bool &wantsKey) |
using | mouse_button_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, int button, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers) |
using | mouse_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers) |
using | mouse_wheel_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, int delta, unsigned buttons, unsigned modifiers) |
using | move_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &newPos, const pcl::Point &oldPos) |
using | paint_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Rect &updateRect) |
using | resize_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, int newWidth, int newHeight, int oldWidth, int oldHeight) |
using | view_drag_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, const View &view, unsigned modifiers, bool &wantsView) |
using | view_drop_event_handler = void(Control::*)(Control &sender, const pcl::Point &pos, const View &view, unsigned modifiers) |
![]() | |
using | children_list = IndirectArray< MetaObject > |
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UIObject ()=default | |
UIObject (const UIObject &x) | |
UIObject (UIObject &&x) | |
UIObject & | operator= (const UIObject &x) |
UIObject & | operator= (UIObject &&x) |
Definition at line 255 of file ProcessInterface.h.
pcl::ProcessInterface::ProcessInterface | ( | ) |
Constructs a process interface window.
inlineoverridenoexcept |
Destroys a ProcessInterface object.
Definition at line 267 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns a list of alias identifiers for this interface.
An interface can have one or more alias identifiers. Aliases are useful to maintain compatibility with previous versions of an interface.
When the PixInsight core application loads a project, it automatically replaces alias interface identifiers with actual (current) identifiers. This allows a developer to change the identifier of a process interface without breaking compatibility with existing projects.
The returned string is a comma-separated list of distinct identifiers that will be treated as synonyms to the actual identifier of this interface, which is returned by the Id() member function. Two installed interfaces can't have the same alias, so each identifier included in the list must be unique across all process interfaces on the entire PixInsight platform.
Definition at line 315 of file ProcessInterface.h.
virtual |
Function called when the user clicks the Apply button on the interface control bar.
For this function to be invoked, the InterfaceFeature::ApplyToViewButton flag must be included in the set of feature flags returned by the Features() member function, or a reimplementation of it, as appropriate.
virtual |
Function called when the user clicks the Apply Global button on the interface control bar.
For this function to be invoked, the InterfaceFeature::ApplyGlobalButton flag must be included in the set of feature flags returned by a reimplementation of the Features() member function in a derived class.
static |
Issues an ImageUpdated notification for a view.
view | Reference to the view for which an ImageUpdated notification will be sent. |
The PixInsight core application will send ImageUpdated() notifications to all objects that listen image notifications on the entire PixInsight platform. This includes not only other process interfaces (including the emitter), but also a large number of interface objects and processing resources whose states can be automatically updated in response to the notification received.
Broadcasting is typically used by dynamic interfaces that modify images as a function of direct user interaction. A good example of this is the CloneStamp interface, which broadcasts ImageUpdated notifications to keep the whole platform consistent with image changes due to clone stamp actions performed by the user.
virtual |
Function called when the user clicks the Browse Documentation button on the interface control bar. Returns true if the documentation was loaded successfully.
For this function to be invoked, the InterfaceFeature::BrowseDocumentationButton flag must be included in the set of feature flags returned by a reimplementation of the Features() member function in a derived class.
The default implementation of this member function is a wrapper for the MetaProcess::BrowseDocumentation() virtual member function of the process class associated with this interface. In other words, it basically does the following:
In general, a derived class should not need to reimplement this member function, as the default behavior is appropriate in most cases.
virtual |
Function called when the user clicks the Cancel button on the interface control bar.
For this function to be invoked, the InterfaceFeature::CancelButton flag must be included in the set of feature flags returned by a reimplementation of the Features() member function in a derived class.
inlinevirtual |
Function called to request cancellation of the ongoing real-time preview generation process.
The core application may call this member function when the current real-time generation process (which is being carried out by a reimplemented GenerateRealTimePreview() function) should be aborted immediately and unconditionally.
The core application can make such a request at its own discretion—and your interface should be ready to honor it during a real-time generation task.
Definition at line 1293 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface is able to import process instances.
If your interface has no processing capabilities, you should reimplement this function to return false.
Definition at line 1110 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns a description of this interface.
This function must provide a brief description of the functionality and purpose of this process interface. This should include which process(es) can be interfaced, and how.
Definition at line 358 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inline |
Disables the auto save geometry feature. For more information on this feature, see the documentation for the IsAutoSaveGeometryEnabled() member function.
Definition at line 2613 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface can provide simplified versions of process instances for strict testing purposes.
For example, the PixInsight core application tries to create temporary test instances each time the user drags a process icon over an image, to learn if the instance that the icon encapsulates can be executed on the view that holds the image. If the user drops the icon, then a regular, non-test instance is generated and executed, if possible. If the checks carried out by the dragged test instances take significant time, PixInsight's user interface can suffer from a performace degradation.
If you can provide substantially simplified instances, but still able to know if they can be used in the context of a particular view, then reimplement this function to return true, and also NewTestProcess() to return simplified test instances.
Definition at line 1007 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called if a key is pressed when a view has the keyboard focus, during an active dynamic session.
view | Reference to the view that had the keyboard focus when a key was pressed. |
key | A KeyCode code identifying the keyboard key that has been pressed. |
modifiers | Indicates the current states of all keyboard modifiers. This value is an OR'ed combination of KeyModifier flags. A flag set indicates a pressed modifier key. |
This function returns true if it processes the keyboard press event. If false is returned, then the keyboard event may propagate to other elements in the PixInsight core application GUI.
Definition at line 1515 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called if a key is released when a view has the keyboard focus, during an active dynamic session.
view | Reference to the view that had the keyboard focus when a key was released. |
key | A KeyCode code identifying the keyboard key that has been released. |
modifiers | Indicates the current states of all keyboard modifiers. This value is an OR'ed combination of KeyModifier flags. A flag set indicates a pressed modifier key. |
This function returns true if it processes the keyboard release event. If false is returned, then the keyboard event may propagate to other elements in the PixInsight core application GUI.
Definition at line 1542 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when the primary mouse button is double-clicked on a view, during an active dynamic session.
view | Reference to a view over which the primary mouse button has been double-clicked. |
cursorPos | Current mouse cursor position in image coordinates. |
buttons | Indicates the current states of all mouse buttons. This value is an OR'ed combination of MouseButton flags. A flag set indicates a pressed mouse button. |
modifiers | Indicates the current states of all keyboard modifiers. This value is an OR'ed combination of KeyModifier flags. A flag set indicates a pressed modifier key. |
Definition at line 1488 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when the mouse cursor enters the viewport of a view, during an active dynamic session.
Definition at line 1362 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when the mouse cursor leaves the viewport of a view, during an active dynamic session.
Definition at line 1375 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when the mouse cursor is displaced on a view, during an active dynamic session.
view | Reference to a view over which the mouse cursor has been displaced. |
cursorPos | New mouse cursor position in image coordinates. |
buttons | Indicates the current states of all mouse buttons. This value is an OR'ed combination of MouseButton flags. A flag set indicates a pressed mouse button. |
modifiers | Indicates the current states of all keyboard modifiers. This value is an OR'ed combination of KeyModifier flags. A flag set indicates a pressed modifier key. |
Definition at line 1401 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when a mouse button is pressed on a view, during an active dynamic session.
view | Reference to a view over which a mouse button has been pressed. |
cursorPos | Current mouse cursor position in image coordinates. |
button | Identifies the mouse button that has been pressed. This value is a unique MouseButton flag. |
buttons | Indicates the current states of all mouse buttons. This value is an OR'ed combination of MouseButton flags. A flag set indicates a pressed mouse button. |
modifiers | Indicates the current states of all keyboard modifiers. This value is an OR'ed combination of KeyModifier flags. A flag set indicates a pressed modifier key. |
Definition at line 1431 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when a mouse button is released on a view, during an active dynamic session.
view | Reference to a view over which a mouse button has been released. |
cursorPos | Current mouse cursor position in image coordinates. |
button | Identifies the mouse button that has been released. This value is a unique MouseButton flag. |
buttons | Indicates the current states of all mouse buttons. This value is an OR'ed combination of MouseButton flags. A flag set indicates a pressed mouse button. |
modifiers | Indicates the current states of all keyboard modifiers. This value is an OR'ed combination of KeyModifier flags. A flag set indicates a pressed modifier key. |
Definition at line 1461 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when the mouse wheel is rotated while the mouse cursor is over a view, during an active dynamic session.
view | Reference to a view over which the mouse cursor was located when the mouse wheel was rotated. |
cursorPos | Current mouse cursor position in image coordinates. |
wheelDelta | Wheel rotation increment. A positive increment indicates that the wheel has been rotated in the forward direction; negative increments correspond to backwards rotation. For example, negative increments should be used to scroll down a scrollable area, as a document browser. |
buttons | Indicates the current states of all mouse buttons. This value is an OR'ed combination of MouseButton flags. A flag set indicates a pressed mouse button. |
modifiers | Indicates the current states of all keyboard modifiers. This value is an OR'ed combination of KeyModifier flags. A flag set indicates a pressed modifier key. |
This function returns true if it processes the wheel rotation event. If false is returned, then the wheel event will propagate to other elements in the PixInsight core application GUI.
Definition at line 1580 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when a view's screen rendition has been updated.
view | Reference to a view where the specified update region should be redrawn by this interface. |
graphics | Reference to a vector graphics context, where all screen drawing work must be performed. |
rect | Update region in image coordinates. |
This function must be reimplemented by dynamic interfaces that maintain their own graphical content over image views.
When this function is invoked, the update region will contain just the screen rendition of the target view's image, with display functions and color management transformations applied as appropriate, but without any additional vectorial contents such as preview rectangles, selections, auxiliary geometric items, cursors, etc, which are always rendered after this function returns.
When this function is called, the update region has already been set as the current clipping region of the graphics context in viewport coordinates. The module being invoked can only define a clipping region as an intersection with the update rectangle, but not outside it. In other words, this function can only paint inside the specified update rectangle. Any attempt to define a larger clipping region, for example by calling Graphics::SetClipRect(), is illegal and will be blocked by the PixInsight core application.
Definition at line 1647 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when the user clicks the Preferences control bar button.
For this function to be invoked, the InterfaceFeature::PreferencesButton flag must be included in the set of feature flags returned by a reimplementation of the Features() member function in a derived class.
If you reimplement this function, its standard behavior is launching a modal dialog to allow editing preferences and options pertaining to the process(es) associated to this interface.
Definition at line 724 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inline |
Enables the auto save geometry feature. For more information on this feature, see the documentation for the IsAutoSaveGeometryEnabled() member function.
Definition at line 2601 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when a new dynamic mode session is about to start. Returns true if the new dynamic session can continue; false if it should be interrupted.
Definition at line 1337 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when the user clicks the Execute button on the interface control bar.
For this function to be invoked, the InterfaceFeature::ExecuteButton flag must be included in the set of feature flags returned by a reimplementation of the Features() member function in a derived class.
Definition at line 612 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called just after a dynamic session has been terminated.
Definition at line 1349 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns a combination of flags defining the contents and functionality of the interface control bar in this process interface.
The returned value must be an OR'ed combination of flags defined by symbolic constants in the InterfaceFeature namespace.
Definition at line 564 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called to generate a new real-time preview rendition.
[in,out] | image | Reference to a shared image where the real-time rendition must be generated. On input, this image contains pixel data of a view selected for real-time previewing. On output, this image must be transformed to represent a preview of the current process instance being edited on this process interface. |
view | Reference to a view that is currently selected in the Real-Time Preview system of the core application. The passed image contains a representation of the image in this view. | |
rect | Current real-time region in view image coordinates. If a nonempty rectangle is received through this parameter, then the input image contains a representation of the corresponding rectangular region of the view's image. If this parameter is an empty rectangle, it must be ignored and image is a representation of the entire view's image. | |
zoomLevel | Indicates the integer zoom ratio that has been applied to the specified image, with respect to the original view's image. If this parameter is a negative number, it represents a reduction factor; for example, -2 corresponds to a 1:2 reduction ratio, meaning that each pixel of image corresponds to 4 source pixels in the view being previewed. If this parameter is a positive number, it can only be equal to 1, indicating that each pixel in image corresponds to one source pixel. In other words, real-time preview images can be scaled down, but are never magnified or scaled up. | |
[out] | info | Reference to a string where a brief informative text (256 characters maximum) can optionally be stored to describe some special circumstances about the generated rendition. Typically, this string can be used to inform about an inexact or partial rendition, for example because the applied reduction ratio (zoomLevel) does not allow a reasonably accurate representation of some process features. |
This function will only be invoked when this interface is the owner of the Real-Time Preview system.
Returns true to signal that the passed image has been modified and can now be used to update the current real-time preview. Returns false to indicate that the image has not been altered by this function, and hence that the current real-time preview update can be aborted or simplified as appropriate.
The passed view and rect objects cannot be modified in any way by this function. A reimplementation of this function cannot be used to modify a view indirectly — we mean it!
Definition at line 1266 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns a large icon for this interface as a path specification to an existing image file.
Supported image file formats include PNG, XPM, JPG and BMP.
For details on interface icon images, see the documentation for IconImageXPM().
Definition at line 487 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the icon image of this process interface as a document in SVG format.
The specified image will be used as an icon appearing on the interface window's title bar. To facilitate the visual identification of processes and their interfaces, most reimplementations of this function should normally return the same SVG document returned by its interfaced process' reimplementation of MetaProcess::IconImageSVG().
The returned string must be the source code of a valid SVG document representing the icon image, encoded in UTF-8.
Since core version 1.8.8-6, all process, interface and file format icons should be specified in SVG format. Raster formats, such as XPM and PNG, have been deprecated for this purpose.
If both this function and IconImageSVGFile() return an empty string, or if the specified SVG document does not exist or is not valid, a default icon will be assigned to this process interface automatically by the PixInsight core application.
Definition at line 390 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the icon image of this process interface as a document in SVG format, stored as an external file.
The specified image will be used as an icon appearing on the interface window's title bar. To facilitate the visual identification of processes and their interfaces, most reimplementations of this function should normally return the same SVG document returned by its interfaced process' reimplementation of MetaProcess::IconImageSVGFile().
The returned string must be a path to an existing file in the local file system (remote resources are not supported in current PCL versions), which must store a valid SVG document representing the icon image. The SVG source code must be encoded in UTF-8.
Since core version 1.8.8-6, all process, interface and file format icons should be specified in SVG format. Raster formats, such as XPM and PNG, have been deprecated for this purpose.
If both this function and IconImageSVG() return an empty string, or if the specified SVG document does not exist or is not valid, a default icon will be assigned to this process interface automatically by the PixInsight core application.
Automatic Resource Location
See MetaProcess::IconImageSVGFile() for important information that is equally applicable to this member function.
Definition at line 429 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns a large icon for this interface as an image in the standard XPM format.
The specified image will be used as an icon appearing on the interface window's title bar. To facilitate the visual identification of processes and their interfaces, most reimplementations of this function should normally return the same SVG document returned by its interfaced process' reimplementation of MetaProcess::IconImageXPM().
32-bit RGBA color images (including an alpha channel) are fully supported.
If this function returns nullptr, a default icon will be assigned to this interface automatically.
Definition at line 461 of file ProcessInterface.h.
pure virtual |
Returns an identifier for this interface.
Interface identifiers must be unique (within the set of installed interfaces), valid C identifiers.
is used as the identifier of the FastRotation process and its interface window.
inlinevirtual |
Instance import function.
This function is called when a process instance is being acquired by this interface. For example, this happens when the user drags a process icon to the control bar panel of this interface, or when an instance has been launched and it has selected this interface from a reimplementation of ProcessImplementation::SelectInterface().
When an instance is imported by an interface, instance parameters and data items are usually acquired by the interface to edit them through its available controls and GUI resources.
This function returns true iff the specified instance is accepted and successfully imported.
This function is never called if CanImportInstances() has been reimplemented to return false.
Note that ValidateProcess() has been called just before this function, with a reference to the same instance, only if a reimplementation of RequiresInstanceValidation() returns true. In this case, this function is not called if ValidateProcess() does not return true.
You must reimplement this function if your interface has processing capabilities. Only plain tools don't need to reimplement this function, since they know nothing about process instances.
Definition at line 1095 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Interface initialization routine.
This member function is called when the control handle of this interface becomes valid, that is, just after the window holding this interface has been created.
You can reimplement this function to create all child controls of this interface, as well as to set up a number of important control features, like a window title, colors, fonts, and so on.
Definition at line 767 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inline |
Returns true iff the auto save geometry feature is currently active for this interface.
When auto save geometry is active, the interface remembers its size and position on the PixInsight core application's worspace across sessions. Geometry data are saved to and retrieved from global settings variables automatically. Geometry is only saved for interfaces that have been launched at least once.
Definition at line 2589 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface can be a dynamic interface.
A dynamic interface is a process interface working in dynamic mode. In dynamic mode, an interface provides a high degree of interaction with the user through a set of special functions that allow direct, real-time communication with the core application's GUI. This includes the possibility of generating arbitrary graphical contents on image views, and receiving pointing device (mouse, tablet) messages.
Note that an interface can work in both static and dynamic modes (not simultaneously, of course), depending on the value returned by the Launch() function. However, dynamic interface semantics will not be available to an interface unless it reimplements this function to return true. This has been done in this way to help saving platform resources, which is a design principle of PCL.
If this function returns false (as it does by default), dynamic process semantics will not be available for this interface.
Definition at line 1323 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface can generate new process instances.
If your interface has no actual processing capabilities, then reimplement this function to return false. This helps the PixInsight core application to save resources and improve GUI performance.
An interface has no processing capabilities if its NewProcess() member function returns zero. This happens if NewProcess() is not reimplemented. Although quite infrequent, an interface can be an instance generator sometimes, as a function of process parameters or other circumstances. In this case both NewProcess() and IsInstanceGenerator() must be reimplemented to provide coherent values.
Definition at line 979 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Process interface launch routine.
process | Reference to the metaprocess describing the process class that is launching this interface, either directly as its default interface, or through an existing process instance. | |
instance | Address of a process instance that is trying to launch this interface, or zero if it is being launched directly as the default interface of the process. | |
[out] | dynamic | True if this interface wants to be launched in dynamic mode; false if this interface will launch as a static interface. |
flags | Reserved for future extensions - must not be modified. |
This function is called whenever an interface is about to be launched. An interface can be launched either directly as the default interface of a process class (e.g., from PixInsight's Process Explorer window), or through an existing process instance (e.g., by double-clicking a process icon). The argument values identify the process class and, if nonzero, the process instance.
This function must return true if it accepts to be launched under the conditions specified by the arguments. After successfully launching an interface from a process instance (i.e., if instance is nonzero), the ValidateProcess() member function is invoked with a reference to the instance. If the instance is validated, the ImportProcess() function is finally called.
If this function returns true, the dynamic referenced argument variable must be set to true
if this interface wants to start in dynamic mode. If an interface launches in dynamic mode, a final call to EnterDynamicMode() will occur before the interface window is shown and/or activated. Note that the actual dynamic session will not really start until a first view is selected by the user to serve as a dynamic target.
Interface Initialization
Initializing an interface means building its sub-controls and setting up a number of important control features, such as a window title, colors, fonts, adjusting sizes, and so on. This job can be done by reimplementing the Initialize() member function, which the PixInsight core application calls as soon as the control handle of this interface becomes valid, that is, just after the window holding this interface has been created.
However, the Initialize() function is now deprecated and the standard way to initialize an interface is by reimplementing its Launch() function to perform the initialization work the first time the interface is launched. This technique is known as deferred initialization of a process interface, and has the important advantage that it minimizes resources and memory usage because an interface is only initialized if it is ever used. Most interfaces are almost never launched by the user, except on special occasions, so investing resources for them continually is inefficient in general. All standard PixInsight interfaces use the deferred initialization technique for that reason.
However, developers using the deferred initialization technique must be very careful to ensure that their interfaces will never try to access any child controls and other interface elements prior to initializing them. This is particularly important if an interface responds to platform notifications or events generated by other controls.
Definition at line 842 of file ProcessInterface.h.
bool pcl::ProcessInterface::Launch | ( | unsigned | flags = 0 | ) |
Launches this interface with its default process.
flags | Reserved for future extensions - must be zero. |
Returns true if the interface could be launched successfully; false in the event of error.
This is a convenience function to launch an interface without a process instance. It is functionally equivalent to the following code:
inline |
Returns the number of times this interface has been launched since the beginning of the current PixInsight session.
Definition at line 881 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Retrieves stored settings data for this process interface.
This function is called automatically for all process interfaces the first time they are launched. If your interface needs storing and retrieving configuration data to remember them across sessions, then you should reimplement this function.
When saving and loading settings data, your code must use the key returned by SettingsKey() as a prefix for the subkeys corresponding to each settings data item. For example, the following code snippet:
would save the current width of this interface to the "Interfaces/<id>/Geometry/Width" subkey in the global settings space assigned to the current module. This is the recommended behavior.
Definition at line 2508 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Process instantiation function.
Interfaces capable of generating process instances must reimplement this function to create a new process instance, whose address is returned.
The newly created instance should reflect the current state of this interface. Interfaces usually maintain a private process instance, whose parameters are modifiable through the interface's controls. Then a reimplementation of this function simply creates a duplicate of the private instance and returns its address.
Returning arbitrary instances that have no logical connection with the visible state of this interface is considered bad practice, and is a main reason to deny certification of a PixInsight module. This is because the user has always the right to know exactly what she or he can expect to get, based on the information shown by an interface on its controls.
Definition at line 914 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Test instantiation function.
This function is invoked when a new instance is necessary for strict testing purposes exclusively, not to perform actual processing.
In certain situations, the core application needs a temporary process instance exclusively for testing purposes. This happens, for example, to verify if a given instance can be executed on a given view, or in the global context, during complex GUI operations. The core application tries to optimize GUI performance by calling this function when possible.
For example, the PixInsight core application tries to create temporary test instances each time the user drags a process icon over an image, to learn if the instance that the icon encapsulates can be executed on the view that holds the image. If the user drops the icon, then a regular, non-test instance is generated by calling NewProcess(), then it is executed, if possible. If the checks carried out by the dragged test instances take significant time, PixInsight's user interface can suffer from a severe performace degradation.
If your process can provide a substantially simplified version of an existing instance, and such a simplified version still is able to know if it can be executed globally or on a given view, then reimplement this function.
If your process requires (or may require) some megabytes of data to work, but these data are not needed for testing purposes, then it is a pretty good candidate to reimplement this function. In practice, however, requiring a reimplementation of this function is quite infrequent.
Definition at line 955 of file ProcessInterface.h.
static |
Returns a reference to a null ProcessInterface instance. A null ProcessInterface does not correspond to an existing interface window in the PixInsight core application.
pure virtual |
Returns a pointer to the process associated with this interface.
In general, each interface window works mainly for a particular process. This is what is known as the standard interface of a process in PixInsight.
static |
Processes pending user interface events.
Call this function to let the PixInsight core application process pending user interface events, which may accumulate while your code is running.
Modules typically call this function during real-time preview generation procedures. Calling this function ensures that the GUI remains responsive during long, calculation-intensive operations.
If the excludeUserInputEvents parameter is set to true, no user input events will be processed by calling this function. This includes mainly mouse and keyboard events. Unprocessed input events will remain pending and will be processed as appropriate when execution returns to PixInsight's main event handling loop, or when this function is called again with excludeUserInputEvents set to false.
inlinevirtual |
Function called to retrieve real-time preview generation flags.
This function will only be invoked when this interface is the owner of the Real-Time Preview system.
This function is called by the core application at the beginning of a real-time preview update, just before calling GenerateRealTimePreview(), with the same parameters that will be passed to that function. Use the constants defined in the RealTimePreviewGenerationFlag namespace in a reimplementation of this function if you need to specify real-time preview generation flags.
For information on the parameters of this function, see RequiresRealTimePreviewUpdate(). All the parameters of this function have the same meaning and values.
The passed image, view and rect objects cannot be modified in any way by this function.
Definition at line 1196 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when the user toggles the pushed state of the Real Time Preview control bar button.
active | True if the Real Time Preview button is currently active (or pushed down); false if the button is unpushed. |
For this function to be invoked, the InterfaceFeature::RealTimeButton flag must be included in the set of feature flags returned by a reimplementation of the Features() member function in a derived class.
Derived classes for interfaces that use the real time previewing system must reimplement this function to control ownership of the Real Time Preview window and provide real-time preview images, as necessary.
Definition at line 649 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when a view's screen rendition needs to be updated, during an active dynamic session.
view | Reference to a view that requires a screen update. |
rect | Update region in image coordinates. |
This function must be reimplemented by dynamic interfaces that maintain their own graphical content over image views.
This function must return false if this interface requires no screen update for the specified update region.
If this function returns true, then a subsequent call to DynamicPaint() will occur as soon as possible, including this update region, probably into a wider region, due to optimization of screen updates.
Definition at line 1608 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface requires validation of a process instance before acquisition via ImportProcess().
If you actually need this kind of validation, reimplement this function to return true, and also the ValidateProcess() function to perform the instance validation.
Definition at line 1056 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when the real-time preview image needs an update.
[in,out] | image | Reference to a shared image where the real-time rendition would be generated. This image contains pixel data of a view selected for real-time previewing. A subsequent call to GenerateRealTimePreview() would receive a reference to an image with the same pixel data, for effective real-time preview generation. |
view | Reference to a view that is currently selected in the Real-Time Preview system of the core application. The passed image contains a representation of the image in this view. | |
rect | Current real-time region in view image coordinates. If a nonempty rectangle is received through this parameter, then the input image contains a representation of the corresponding rectangular region of the view's image. If this parameter is an empty rectangle, it must be ignored and image is a representation of the entire view's image. | |
zoomLevel | Indicates the integer zoom ratio that has been applied to the specified image, with respect to the original view's image. If this parameter is a negative number, it represents a reduction factor; for example, -2 corresponds to a 1:2 reduction ratio, meaning that each pixel of image corresponds to 4 source pixels in the view being previewed. If this parameter is a positive number, it can only be equal to 1, indicating that each pixel in image corresponds to one source pixel. In other words, real-time preview images can be scaled down, but are never magnified or scaled up. |
This function will only be invoked when this interface is the owner of the Real-Time Preview system.
Returns true if the real-time preview requires an update for the specified image; false if no update is required. If this function returns true, subsequent calls to RealTimePreviewGenerationFlags() and GenerateRealTimePreview() will occur in that order when appropriate.
The passed image, view and rect objects cannot be modified in any way by this function.
Definition at line 1165 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when the user clicks the Reset control bar button.
For this function to be invoked, the InterfaceFeature::ResetButton flag must be included in the set of feature flags returned by a reimplementation of the Features() member function in a derived class.
If you reimplement this function, its standard behavior is performing a reset of the current process instance in this interface, loading its default parameter values, and updating interface elements in consequence.
Definition at line 741 of file ProcessInterface.h.
bool pcl::ProcessInterface::RestoreGeometry | ( | ) |
Restores previously saved position and dimensions of this interface from global settings variables. Returns true if stored geometry data could be successfully retrieved and established for this interface.
Call this function to restore the geometry of an interface window as it was previously saved by SaveGeometry(). This allows an interface to remember its size and position on the core application's work space across sessions.
void pcl::ProcessInterface::SaveGeometry | ( | ) | const |
Saves the current position and dimensions of this interface in global settings variables.
Call this function to save the geometry of an interface window across sessions. The RestoreGeometry() member function can be invoked to restore previously saved position and size data.
Before calling this function, all interface child controls and interface elements should have been completely initialized. If this interface is not resizable (e.g. because the SetFixedSize() function has been called), size data are not stored.
This function stores geometry data in the following settings keys:
where <id> is the identifier of this interface as returned by the Id() member function.
inlinevirtual |
Saves settings data for this process interface.
This function is called automatically for all process interfaces upon module unload. If your interface needs storing and retrieving configuration data to remember them across sessions, then you should reimplement this function.
See the documentation for the LoadSettings() member function for detailed information about saving and loading settings data for process interfaces.
Definition at line 2480 of file ProcessInterface.h.
void pcl::ProcessInterface::SetDefaultPosition | ( | ) |
Moves this interface window to a default position on the PixInsight core application's work space.
The default position is calculated to place the interface window centered on the primary monitor.
inline |
Returns a settings key that should be used for storage of all settings data associated to this interface.
The returned settings key string will be equal to "Interfaces/<id>/", where <id> is the identifier of this interface as returned by the Id() member function.
Definition at line 2455 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns a small icon for this interface as a path specification to an existing image file.
Supported image file formats include PNG, XPM, JPG and BMP.
For details on small interface icon images, see the documentation for SmallIconImageXPM().
Definition at line 546 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns a small icon for this interface as an image in the standard XPM format.
For details on interface icon images, see the documentation for IconImageXPM().
Small icons are used on interface elements where screen space must be preserved. This may include iconized interface windows. When this function is not reimplemented in a derived class, the PixInsight core application automatically generates a small icon by resampling down the large icon provided by IconImageXPM().
You normally should not need to reimplement this function; the core application usually does a fine work resampling large icons to generate reduced versions.
Definition at line 520 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Function called when the user toggles the pushed state of the Track View control bar button.
active | True if the Track View button is currently active (pushed down); false if the button is unpushed. |
For this function to be invoked, the InterfaceFeature::TrackViewButton flag must be included in the set of feature flags returned by a reimplementation of the Features() member function in a derived class.
View tracking is used by interfaces that modify their behavior and/or information contents as a function of the current view in the PixInsight application's GUI. When a view is selected, the interface receives an ImageFocused() notification and, if view tracking is active, it takes the opportune actions.
Definition at line 702 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Instance validation function.
instance | Reference to a process instance that is being validated before being imported by this interface. | |
[out] | whyNot | If this function returns false, it should return also a brief text (256 characters maximum) in this string, explaining why the specified instance is not a valid instance to be imported by this interface. |
This function will not be called unless the RequiresInstanceValidation() member function is reimplemented to return true in a derived class.
Instance validation takes place when an instance is about to be imported by this interface. Importing a process instance means that its parameters and data will be acquired by this interface, to edit them through the available controls and GUI resources.
Definition at line 1037 of file ProcessInterface.h.
References pcl::GenericString< T, R, A >::Clear().
inlinevirtual |
Returns a version number for this interface, encoded as a hexadecimal number.
For example, version 1.0.5 should be returned as 0x105, and version 3.11.5 as 0x3B5. The default return value is 0x100, corresponding to version 1.0.0.
Definition at line 341 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface will receive global notifications.
Definition at line 2357 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface will receive image notifications.
Definition at line 1671 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface will receive mask notifications.
Definition at line 1910 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface will receive process instance notifications.
Definition at line 2200 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface will receive readout notifications.
Definition at line 2126 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface will receive notifications from the real-time previewing system.
Definition at line 2278 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface will receive transparency notifications.
Definition at line 2006 of file ProcessInterface.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true iff this interface will receive view property notifications.
Definition at line 2062 of file ProcessInterface.h.