Non-interpolating Rotations and Specular Transformations.


class  pcl::HorizontalMirror
 Mirrors images horizontally. More...
class  pcl::Rotate180
 Rotates images by 180 degrees. More...
class  pcl::Rotate90CCW
 Rotates images by -90 degrees (counter-clockwise) More...
class  pcl::Rotate90CW
 Rotates images by 90 degrees (clockwise) More...
class  pcl::VerticalMirror
 Mirrors images vertically. More...

Detailed Description

Fast rotations are non-interpolating geometric transformations: they carry out image rotation and specular projection operations exclusively by copying and swapping pixels.

Since no pixel interpolation is performed, there is absolutely no data degradation after an arbitrary number of consecutive fast rotations.