0.0.7g should have removed the bug when clearing the light frame list.
@Max: to use IRAF designation of light frames you may try to comment out line 3 in CalibrateAlign-def and uncomment line 6. But it is not possible to mix files with different IMAGETYP designations. If you have for example light frames with wrong IMAGETYP values you can try the BatchConvertImagetype script posted already some time ago (use with backup data!!!). Rotator support: do you include the correct pierside values to the flat files?
The image type designations is now under control not that I know not to use IRAF or Mira key words.
I used the batch script to fix these. It might be nice to widen its usage by allowing editing of additonal keywords ie pierside, filter, bin.
Yes, we are only trying to match flats to lights.
The pierside key word will work nicely for rotators.
For MaxIm Dl you just have to the scope setting on german equitorial and the Maxim DL observatory connected to the mount.
It generates a Pierside : ' East ' or ' West ' entry.
I was a little confused at first because it based on the which side the OTA is located on rather than where the scope is pointing in the sky. There is a option in MaxIM dl to switch it to enter the scope pointing. However, as long as the pierside entry consistant the convention does not matter.
If your not using Maxim the adding a pierside key word through a batch to only one side of the merdian should work for matching porposes.
I will post a fits header with the pierside format or send you a few images.