Just did a test on my OSX 64bit again. Selected individual frames for bias, darks, and lights. Didn't have any flats.
The script went through the master bias and dark creation ok it seems, created a /masterframes folder in the root dir of my hard drive and in there it saved masterbias_binning_1.fit and masterdark_binning_1_exptime_1800.fit. All seemed good, although not too keen on this folder in root of hard disk, would prefer somewhere else. Assume that is configurable somewhere, still getting used to things.
But it seems when the script started trying to calibrate the lights, I got this error message:
Writing file:
Writing FITS image: 32-bit floating point, 1 channel(s), 3326x2504 pixels: 100%
searching for master dark frame with 240s - available master dark frame with 0s
*** Error [000]: /Users/troy/Applications/pixinsight/CalibrateAlign-007b.js, line 479: Error: <p><b>ImageCalibration</b></p><p style="white-space:pre;">Couldn't execute this instance in the global context.</p><p>Reason: Missing or invalid master dark frame.</p>
Note also that the html tags were there in the console window too.