Well still....if we CAN get something organized it would be good...
Sort of like the Blood's and the Crip's having a volleyball game..(!!!)
Maybe start a bit of dialogue...
(This is USA analogy..)
So I hope it might happen.
Maybe/hopefully someone will formalize this.
I have just gotten a reply from Randy Nulman,and he likes my work on his M101...
So...I am just going to write back and say that "some of us" here at the "Pixinsight Ranch" are ready to go...
But this does not mean that Ron or whoever is up for "organizing" anything...I will gently push for this to happen.
And again,I am cognizant of Ron's group being,at least,partially dedicated to Photoshop stuff.
AND I am cognizant of me being a bit of a social misfit,and "foot in mouth" specialist.
As far as Randy's M101...it is on the SBIG group...(? yesterdays posts..)
All I actually did was ONE pass of HDR wavelets...