Author Topic: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?  (Read 24029 times)

Offline dhalliday

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Is this actually going to happen..?
Like a "throwdown"..?
Who is on our team  ?

Was just reading a few posts..and wondered if anyone has got back to Ron...

I will volunteer as a cheerleader...and bring dip.
Someone see what Juan is doing.. >:D
Game on !

Dave Halliday
8" Newtonian/Vixen VC200L/ TV 101,etc etc

Offline Harry page

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #1 on: 2010 March 20 00:27:28 »

I have contacted ron to offer my services , weather he takes me up I do not know  ???

Ver 1.6 would be good for armoury    8)

« Last Edit: 2010 March 20 01:00:36 by Harry page »
Harry Page

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #2 on: 2010 March 20 01:05:43 »

Others might have to contact Ron , Even though he has not ruled me out he thinks I might be biased towards PI   ???

I did point out to him that how are you going to get anybody unbiased  as most will have their favorite application  >:D

Do yourself a favor though do not offer a opinion as he does not like them ,  just facts  ;D

Harry Page

Offline dhalliday

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #3 on: 2010 March 20 03:53:40 »
After "reading between the lines" a bit in that group,I PM'd Ron a few days ago and "fell on my sword" about not being in there to flog PI...
Just wanted to learn imaging,etc,etc.
This AM I see R Nulman getting into a mind for some sort of "trial"...
I still say we put a wig on Juan...and have him "sign up"... >:D
That is a very intensly moderated place....not that anything is wrong with that.
The DSLR was not moderated,it was RUN.... >:D

Dave Halliday
8" Newtonian/Vixen VC200L/ TV 101,etc etc

Offline Jack Harvey

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #4 on: 2010 March 20 04:03:10 »
I noted the thread and it is an interesting thought, but I doubt a truly objective test can be set up to test the merits of one processing package against another.  The big variable is going to be the "teams" and their collective experience to process the test data set.  So if Team A is more experienced than Team B and for the first round each team uses their favorite processing package, then I suspect Team A wins not necessarily on the merits of the package but on their collective experience. On the second round Team A and B swap processing packages and both use ones in which they are perhaps not as familiar.  Again I suspect Team A wins.  SO we have not really objectively tested the two packages against one another.

Looking at sites and APODs I see many great images produced by all three of the packages being discussed.  Since one package is older and has many more users as one would expect it often is seen in APODS etc.

Finally you get down to the subjectivity of the judging.  As seen on this forum, as well as others, we all have different ideas of what constitutes a good finished image.

So an interesting idea but I think difficult to pull off objectively?  The good part of this is it will introduce more people to PixInsight, and they can then make their own choices<G>.
Jack Harvey, PTeam Member
Team Leader, SSRO/PROMPT Imaging Team, CTIO

Offline Harry page

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #5 on: 2010 March 20 04:09:02 »
Hi Jack

This is my opinion also ,look at the last post on rons group

I'm still stuck with the basics...CCDSoft, Maxim, CCDStack, PS and related known
plugins to do my work. These new programs sound interesting and I could
certainly try to help (as time allows) and I would have no bias in any direction
since I am totally unaware of these latest programs. <G>

He says he is not biased , but will be because of his use of the packages he owns

But I did not want to let slip the chance to show what PI can do

Harry Page

Offline dhalliday

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #6 on: 2010 March 20 04:47:24 »
I just sent Randy a "reprocess" of his M101...(so did T Tuggle)..
So I offered up my thoughts on PI to him pretty directly..(visually)

Now waiting for a note saying "who are you ?..piss off !!"

Dave >:D
Dave Halliday
8" Newtonian/Vixen VC200L/ TV 101,etc etc

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #7 on: 2010 March 20 08:56:41 »
I emailed him yesterday. I am sure we will do well with any comparison.


Offline Harry page

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #8 on: 2010 March 20 11:11:41 »

Even though I have huge respect for Ron's tech knowledge , remember he is king of photoshop land  ???

Also remeber we need to play fair even if others do not  , Because a level playing field I do think it will be

Harry Page

Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #9 on: 2010 March 20 11:39:54 »
I noted the thread and it is an interesting thought, but I doubt a truly objective test can be set up to test the merits of one processing package against another. ...

I agree 100% with everything Jack has said.

Besides that, there are too many things that can't be objectively quantified in a rich software platform like PixInsight. When I drag and drop a view selector to activate a mask on an image in PixInsight, I feel like giving full gas pedal to a Mustang. A Mercedes is much more comfortable and secure, but it just can't bring the emotion. ;D

When it comes to compare the results achieved with two or more software applications, the following theorem applies:

Given two sufficiently sophisticated software applications A and B, for any image IA processed with A, there exists a finite, ordered sequence of operations applicable with B that achieve an image IB that is virtually identical to IA.

So good luck, but the above theorem states that software preferences are actually a matter of feelings!  :laugh:

Jokes and emotions apart, PixInsight is much more than an imaging application. A thorough evaluation would require much more than comparing the results achieved on an image. PixInsight's architecture and user interfaces are very different from what is customary; they do make a huge difference IMO. Along with that, PixInsight is a software development platform; its goals are also very different from most applications. A comparison based on "see what you can achieve" is largely superficial.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team

Offline dhalliday

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #10 on: 2010 March 20 12:03:56 »
Well still....if we CAN get something organized it would be good...
Sort of like the Blood's and the Crip's having a volleyball game..(!!!)
Maybe start a bit of dialogue...
(This is USA analogy..)

So I hope it might happen.
Maybe/hopefully someone will formalize this.
I have just gotten a reply from Randy Nulman,and he likes my work on his M101... >:D
So...I am just going to write back and say that "some of us" here at the "Pixinsight Ranch" are ready to go...

But this does not mean that Ron or whoever is up for "organizing" anything...I will gently push for this to happen.

And again,I am cognizant of Ron's group being,at least,partially dedicated to Photoshop stuff.
AND I am cognizant of me being a bit of a social misfit,and "foot in mouth" specialist.
As far as Randy's is on the SBIG group...(? yesterdays posts..)
All I actually did was ONE pass of HDR wavelets... :angel:

Dave Halliday
8" Newtonian/Vixen VC200L/ TV 101,etc etc

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #11 on: 2010 March 21 23:53:47 »
If I've got this right, this sounds like an imaging "contest" to see which software is "better"???

Sounds like an ill idea to me.

Offline dhalliday

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #12 on: 2010 March 22 04:30:31 »
An ill idea...?  >:D

It sounds more like an idea that is not going to happen......
Welcome to Pixinsight...What are your first impressions..?

Pixinsight;Home of the brave,land of the...under appreciated..?

Dave Halliday
8" Newtonian/Vixen VC200L/ TV 101,etc etc

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #13 on: 2010 March 22 04:43:05 »
I thought the point of this forum was to discuss all things PI, and advance in our knowledge of imaging,Not to take on other software and point out its flaws(AS WE ALL KNOW MANY BUGS AND PUT RIGHTS IN PI OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS) I only use PI for my processing and happy to do so,Many people spend a lot of cash buying software,and produced stunning Images,a workman tools are as good as his skill in using them,Whatever they are.

I will continue to tell people about PI,and let them make there own minds up!


Offline Harry page

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Re: Pixinsight "scrum/team" forming on "CCD Astro group "...?
« Reply #14 on: 2010 March 22 06:07:26 »

One thing I never do when trying to get people to try PI is to slate other software , Its not the done thing old boy  ;D

While I now think a  "contest"  is probably not right , I will keep my toe in the water as I do not want PI slated because someone can not / does not want to use it properly.

To me this imaging thing is a hobby and done for enjoyment and I will never get involved in mud slinging  8)

Harry Page