out of scope Small bug with GHS process using Ubuntu under Wayland


Well-known member
A small bug I have noticed in the latest versions of PI is that in my Ubuntu 24.04 system -although it also happened in 23.10-, when I use the GHS process it works fine the first time but if I close it and call it again it doesn't appear correctly. It makes a kind of blinking but it is no longer visible and accessible. This only happens if I am using Ubuntu under Wayland but not if I start with X11 session. I haven't noticed the same thing happening with any other process either. It only happens with the GHS process. The script version of GHS works normally in both session types.

It's not a big problem but I wanted to report it in case the team is interested in finding out the cause and polishing this little problem in order to improve future builds.

Please note the following from the official System Requirements for PixInsight.

Wayland is not supported because it does not implement a global coordinate system, and consequently, it does not allow setting the position of a top-level window programmatically. This limitation is incompatible with our graphical user interface. Supporting Wayland would require the complete rewrite of a significant part of the PixInsight core application, with profound implications for the rest of our platform. Don't expect this to happen anytime soon, considering the number of high-priority tasks ahead. So if you want to use PixInsight on Linux, you need a working X11/XCB implementation. Or try to convince Wayland developers to write a versatile windowing system.

CS, Mike
Ubuntu 24.04 is just about to go into beta mode. It is quite possible that there will be minor bugs until they are all shaken out after it is released on April 25.
Thank you both for dropping by and commenting. I actually had in mind the two issues you mentioned. Regarding the Ubuntu version as Jbinpg points out... I already checked that in 23.10 the problem was present and I don't get the impression that it will be solved in the official 24.04 release. It could be the case but I would be surprised.

Regarding what Mike 1485 says, well actually it's information from the PI team itself... that's true but with nuances. Juan Conejero himself clarified it to me a few days ago:
PixInsight will run on X11, irrespective of your desktop compositing window manager or display server. It will simply force the use of X11, and hence requires a working X11/XCB implementation on the target machine.

So in principle it is not strictly necessary to log in to Xorg to use PI because even under Wayland PI runs in X11/XCB mode and so there is no problem... except the one I have pointed out about the GHS process.

Actually, on my modest PC the graphic system and therefore PI runs a bit better under Wayland than under X and that's why I prefer to log in under Wayland. I just try not to close GHS again if I think I will need it later and if I do by mistake I just save everything as a project, restart PI and reopen the project.

Now seeing it marked as out of scope I understand that it is not an issue related to PI but to the GHS developers or something like that I seem to have read since it seems that both the process and the script have been developed by the same team.

At least, if someone from the development team reads this thread they might check the code. And I know the script works perfectly but the process in my opinion works better.
Also keep in mind that someone may approach PI through Ubuntu as it is known that PI works better under Linux systems than under windows and if they don't know the details they will most likely do it with an Ubuntu session which by default runs on Wayland and may encounter this little problem. Maybe this thread will help as a reference.
I have tried running Kubuntu 23.10 under Wayland and I am not seeing this issue - without being able to reproduce the issue there is not much I can do.
CS, Mike
(PS - I am "the GHS developers"!)
Thank you very much for testing it Mike 1485. In that case it must be something more related to my specific hardware rather. There don't seem to be any other people reporting this problem either so I wouldn't read too much into it. I will try to install PI on another machine and see how it works to confirm that it is a bug related to my personal hardware.
After formatting another disk on a different machine, installing Ubuntu 24.04 and then PI, I have found that the bug I reported only happens on the main PC but not on the other one. So it is directly related to my hardware. The bug can be counted as non-existent in my opinion.
After formatting another disk on a different machine, installing Ubuntu 24.04 and then PI, I have found that the bug I reported only happens on the main PC but not on the other one. So it is directly related to my hardware. The bug can be counted as non-existent in my opinion.
Thanks for reporting back on this.
CS, Mike