cannot reproduce Bug Report: PixInsight Core 1.8.9-2 Ripley (x64) - Issues with Missing Processes and Unexpected Closures


New member
I am writing to report a bug I encountered after installing the latest version of PixInsight Core 1.8.9-2 Ripley (x64) (build 1601 | 2024-03-01). The software is exhibiting erratic behavior, specifically with the absence of RC-Astro processes and some scripts in the listed options, even though they are installed.

Additionally, I have observed that the software becomes unresponsive and abruptly closes when executing certain processes. This issue has occurred consistently with processes such as SPCC, GradientCorrection, DarkStructureEnhance, and ImageSolver. In each case, PixInsight closes without providing any error messages or warnings, resulting in the loss of ongoing work.

I want to note that there have been no hardware changes, and the only modification made was the update to the version mentioned above. Unfortunately, I cannot provide further information as I do not have any logs or records of the problem.

Could you please confirm if this bug has been reported, and if there are any known solutions or workarounds? I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your assistance in resolving the issue.
You seem to be reporting half a dozen bugs. I suggest you stick to a single failure that involves only native PixInsight processes (not third party processes and scripts), and describe exactly how and when the failure occurs.
Since it is working fine for most folks, it would help to give details of you system (processor; operating system; memory; etc.).
I am writing to report a bug I encountered after installing the latest version of PixInsight Core 1.8.9-2 Ripley (x64) (build 1601 | 2024-03-01). The software is exhibiting erratic behavior, specifically with the absence of RC-Astro processes and some scripts in the listed options, even though they are installed.

Additionally, I have observed that the software becomes unresponsive and abruptly closes when executing certain processes. This issue has occurred consistently with processes such as SPCC, GradientCorrection, DarkStructureEnhance, and ImageSolver. In each case, PixInsight closes without providing any error messages or warnings, resulting in the loss of ongoing work.

I want to note that there have been no hardware changes, and the only modification made was the update to the version mentioned above. Unfortunately, I cannot provide further information as I do not have any logs or records of the problem.

Could you please confirm if this bug has been reported, and if there are any known solutions or workarounds? I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your assistance in resolving the issue.
As the vast majority of people are using these features without problems, it's unlikely to be replicable, and therefore unlikely to be classified as a bug. At the least, you need to provide details of your hardware (processor, graphics card, memory) and software (OS version and build).
Have exactly the same problem. System is Win 11, Ryzen 7950, 128 GB, 4060Ti graphics , 2 Gb Nvme hdd. If it "forgets" installed modules and scripts and crashes several 3rd party scripts , than I would not so confidently address issue to others. But anyway, I reinstalled PI twice, and now everything seems to be OK . Will see for how long.
Exactly which of the problems do you have?
When I exit the program , all additional modules do disappear from the menus when I start the program again. Starting scripts (GHS, WBPP, Image solver, for example, ) causes program program to stop , no error messages. The same as I would exit the program regularly. So , all problems as Gperuzzo described. All was easy to reproduce as many times as I tried.As mentioned, I reinstalled the program twice and currently I do not have any probloms .
Please specify your system configuration; Operating system type, version and build; processor type; memory. Confirm Pixinsight version and build.
Since the great majority of users do not have these problems, we need to identify what feature(s) of your system is / are causing them.
When I exit the program , all additional modules do disappear from the menus when I start the program again.
I understand this to mean that all third party scripts added using "manage updates" process disappear from the script menu every time that you exit and restart PixInsight. This is indeed a major failure. Since there are not hundreds of reports, it is almost certainly caused by some fault or feature specific to your system.
Starting scripts (GHS, WBPP, Image solver, for example, ) causes program program to stop , no error messages. The same as I would exit the program regularly.
Can you confirm that "causes program program to stop" means that the PixInsight process is no longer running (not that it is just unresponsive). Does this happen for all scripts; if not, can you identify what scripts do cause this, and at least one script that does not cause this.

I think I have a bug in relation with the script editor within Pixinsight.

Problem: can only open/change/save excisting .js file.
trying to save or change as is impossible (none of the explorer field, except cancel-cross) can be accessed).

I tried it on two different win11 machines with the same result.
First I thought that it might be an authorisation problem but saving to a public map results in the same problem.
Also with the previous PI release: same problem.

Thanks in advance for solving or advising about this problem.

Pixinsight: core version 1.8.9-2 build 1604.
windows11 pro version 23H2.

Edited by the forum administrator: Do not seize an existing thread to report a new problem different from the initial topic. Please start a new thread for a new topic.
Last edited by a moderator:
Let us try and be quite clear what you are saying:

you open the script editor;
you type in a short script:

you select FILE > Save As from the menu:

The Windows "Save As" dialog is displayed:

You navigate to a folder with access permissions, enter a file name, and select "Save";
Where exactly is this process failing?
Hi Fred, thanks for your time and quick response.

when I create a new script and want to "save as", I get the explorer on the left where I can not access any field except the upper right "x" .

If I create a .js file with notepad or so, then I can access it, change it and save it back.

Thx again for your time

Although your display style settings are different, the content of the dialogue is the same:

If I then place my cursor over the "save" button, it is highlighted:

And if I click on it the file is saved.
Note that this is using the "FILE > Save as" in the script editor window, not the main PixInsight menu bar.
Hi Fred,
yes, I use the save-as button in the script editor and when the explorer windows shows uo, I can't change the filename or reach any field, except the upper right "x" to close.

it's very odd but not the end of the world.
I can, ofcourse, create a .js before I use the script editor and than do my things and save it back.

I only wanted to report this and ": hoped" that someone experiences the same so I know that I'm not doing something wrong elsewhere where I don't expect it.

Cs, Ed
Same issues, CTD. Honestly getting tired of it. Ever since the latest release. I could be doing color correction, I could be stretching. I could be doing anything really and it just CTD. I may just go a few versions behind so I can process a photo without having to save the project after each process. I already sent in Logs, eventvwr, system specs.
There will always be problems with software, some are very difficult to solve but we have to be thankful to people spending lots of (spare-) time trying to be of help !
I appreciate all of the hard work put into this amazing package but this is getting crazy. Crashed again. I just want to process my image sessions.. Now everytime I load PI I have to scan for modules to get BlurX/StarX/NoiseX to even show up. Here is the latest crash, same as the last one I posted.

Faulting application name: PixInsight.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x65fb42b4
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.22621.3374, time stamp: 0xeae8eecc
Exception code: 0xc0000374
Fault offset: 0x000000000010c169
Faulting process id: 0x0x480
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1DA848E0380D826
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\PixInsight\bin\PixInsight.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Report Id: 95a3e327-5cc8-4a0d-ba76-84fdda282ec6
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
Run in a console (DOS window as Administrator) sfc /scannow.
The highlighted windows library is damaged or old and causing the crash.
If this doesn't work, run In-Place Upgrade with Build 3374 for your Windows 11 (22H2/23H2) installation.

Run in a console (DOS window as Administrator) sfc /scannow.

The highlighted windows library is damaged or old and causing the crash.
If this doesn't work, run In-Place Upgrade with Build 3374 for your Windows 11 (22H2/23H2) installation.

Thanks, I tried that and am running PI through some tests.
Updated to 23H2. Still crashing randomly. I can add Flats to wbp and it crashes. I can add lights, it crashes. I can run any process and it crashes. Each time I load PI I have to scan for modules because it never adds BlurX, NoiseX or StarX

Faulting application name: PixInsight.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x65fb42b4
Faulting module name: PixInsight.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x65fb42b4
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000000765a8b
Faulting process id: 0x0xAD94
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1DA97DE09670D14
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\PixInsight\bin\PixInsight.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\PixInsight\bin\PixInsight.exe
Report Id: c5c60014-224b-4a79-a373-c7d7c616fdef
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID: