Wow this is a great script, thanks heaps.
I have been using it for a few hours and unfortunately I have a few issues that I hope you can resolve for me.
When loading images it does not seem to be reading the FITS header information of the image files.
For example it always loads images under the heading “Binning 1” even though in the FITS header of the image it reads binning 2 under the XBINNING or YBINNING fields.
Also it never loads my light frames automatically although the FITS image type “IMAGETYP” field is set correctly, value = 'Light Frame'.
Another issue is that after the script has completed I only ever get 1 Master Light named “” in the master folder. No others are listed even though I have added light frame images of Red, Green, Blue and Luminance images to compile.
Hope you can point me in the right directing to resolve these issues.