Every time when I run the script, I get the following error: ImageWindow.windowById(): invalid view identifier
All I do is; select bias and light frames, select reference file, select output directory, run the script
run --execute-mode=auto "/Applications/PixInsight64.app/Contents/src/scripts/BatchPreprocessing/BatchPreprocessing.js"
Processing script file: /Applications/PixInsight64.app/Contents/src/scripts/BatchPreprocessing/BatchPreprocessing.js
* Begin integration of bias frames
ImageIntegration: Global context
* Loaded cache: 697 item(s)
Opening files:
/Volumes/NAS/... .../QSI/calibration frames/bias frames/bias_-20c_1x1-1_001.fit
Weight : 1.00000
/Volumes/NAS/... .../QSI/calibration frames/bias frames/bias_-20c_1x1-2_001.fit
Weight : 1.00000
/Volumes/NAS/... .../QSI/calibration frames/bias frames/bias_-20c_1x1-3_001.fit
Weight : 1.00000
/Volumes/NAS/... .../QSI/calibration frames/bias frames/bias_-20c_1x1-4_001.fit
Weight : 1.00000
/Volumes/NAS/... .../QSI/calibration frames/bias frames/bias_-20c_1x1_001.fit
Weight : 1.00000
Integration of 5 images:
Pixel combination ......... average
Output normalization ...... none
Pixel rejection ........... none
* Using 1261 concurrent pixel stack(s) = 255.99 MB
Integrating pixel rows: 0 -> 1260: 100%
Integrating pixel rows: 1261 -> 2503: 100%
9.349 s
* End integration of bias frames
Writing master bias frame:
/Users/... .../master/bias-BINNING_1.fit
This is the point where I get the error.
PixInsight Standard Edition
Version Starbuck
Mac OS X 10.7.3
What to do?