My second try- lots of spellllllling mistakes fixed and some editing
I did the last one from memory.
I was away from my usual CPU and did not have PI to look at the script.
Batch Preprocessing Script V1.0
Designed by Kia Wiechen and Juan Conejero.
Release notes.
The script allows for automatic sequential calibration, alignment and initial integration of image sets.
It is able to handle multiple simultaneous image sets with various combinations of binning and filters.
It does so by accessing the already robust modules contained in the PixInsight Platform.
It eliminates much of the confusion with calibrating step by step. Master frames are created and can be reused.
Most of the important alignment and integration settings are available through the script.
Other features include:
* Cosmetic correction application module to remove defects such as hot/cold pixels and columns
* Calibration of color one shot color CCD images
* Direct calibration of DSLR raw files.
* Neatly sorts the output into a directory and subfolders *
* automatic recognition of image types when used with images obtained with MaxIm DL
Images types and parameters such as light, bias, dark, flat, filter, and bin can be recognized automatically
through their FITS header when acquired through MaxIM DL.
This done the by selecting the first add files button. Images will be automatically identified and sorted as light, dark, bias, flat, bin and filter.
Images sets can also be easily be entered into the script with individual "add" buttons for bias, dark, light and flat.
The "add custom" can be used to assign key words used in calibration for matching flats to lights.
Perhaps no key words for each filters has been created in the FITS header by your acquisition software.
No problem enter add "Red" to your list of lights and than the flats and the Red images will be matched for calibration.
Repeat the action for each filter as needed.
A similar action could be used when obtaining images using a camera rotator.
Typically an object will have 180 degree rotation to reacquire the guide star after a crossing the meridian on a GEM mount.
In this case just add a key word such as "West" to the flats and light acquired on the west pier side.
An instance of script can be saved by dragging the arrow and creating an icon. This is very useful since it saves all the paths and parameter for reuse.
The cosmetic correction script will be performed after image calibration when checked.
An icon has to be generated first from the cosmetic correction module.
This is done by setting up the module and dragging the arrow to save an instance of the CC module.
The icon can then be selected by the script.
Don't forget to save the icon for future use.
It can be used again next time you run the script using the same camera.
There is check box for limiting the script to calibration only. The alignment and integration are skipped.
Integration Settings
Settings parallel those on the integration module
Different settings can be applied for each category of master and for the light frames
Options Settings
CFA. Stands for Color Filter Array. Check color cameras
Optimize dark- this the dark optimization option available in the calibration module
Rejection maps - check this when you desire the map obtain from integrating the masters frames or the integration of the lights
Export calibration files- files names exported as generated instances
Up Bottom FITS order - Should be checked for most popular acquisition software packages.
Use master bias, Use master dark, Use master flat, these should be checked when the image loaded is a master that was produced previously.
Registration Reference Image - select the path of a reference image to register all images in the data set.
Output Directory- Select or create an directory to write processed images from this script.
Diagnostics - Check for problems before running the script. It will spot things you forgot.
Run- Runs script
Exit- Closes script