1) The script needs all file slots to be filled and a reference image selected. It should be possible to run the script with calibration frames only
The script requires you to specify a registration reference image only if the 'Calibrate only' checkbox is unchecked. If you check it, then no registration reference is (should be) required.
By 'all file slots filled' what do you mean besides the reference image?
I have found this in v02, it works as expected.
2) The reference image was selectable simply by clicking in the file list in 007h
It is selectable in 0.1, too, by double clicking one of the light frames. A single click is too prone to mistakes IMO, and we probably will implement more functionality associated with clicking frame items on the treebox structures.
This works too, I have overlooked the change.
3) Checking of the masterframe checkboxes select only the first frame in the list as a master. The script fails therefore to calibrate and align with predefined masters (for example with 4 channels LRGB).
If the L, R, G and B images have the correct filter identified in their FITS headers, there should be no problem. Can you verify this?.
The FITS keywords are not rewritten to the masters in v02 (function() doIntegrate
The last dev version has
// write FITS header in master frames
if(result == true)
var img = ImageWindow.windowById("integration");
var keywords = LoadFITSKeywords(frameset[0]);
var postfix = "";
for(var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++)
for(var j = 0; j < FrameType[imagetype].length; ++j)
.name)) != -1)
postfix += "_" + trim(keywords.name) + "_" + trim(keywords.value);
img.keywords = keywords;
path = checkDir(engine.savePath + "/masterframes");
path = path + '/' + masterframe[imagetype] + postfix + ".fit";
img.saveAs(path, false, false, false, false);
engine.addFile(path, true);
to be able to reuse predefined masters simply by 'File add'
Of course we have to improve master frame management. How about an option to manually specify a filter for each frame? In this way we'd remove another FITS header dependence, and the script would be more flexible.
In my opinion an excellent option. For the last dev version I have had written a small dialog to add FITS key/values and thus to bypass the FITS header in a flexible way. This was based on sets of FITS keys in the global section ordered by mono/OSC and frame type. I have to clean up this a little bit, but it will be next weekend.