Juan Conejero: Yes, I used your tutorials step by step with linear images. You can get the fit files here:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QIBN0JDMGinge: My processing steps (more or less)
- Deconvolution to L with DPSF, applied the deconvolution only to the brigther zones.
- RGB combination with the parameters defined by excalibrator.
- SCNR to the green
- Histogram transformation to both RGB and L images, linear fit the L's
- Combination of the final LRGB and histogram transformation
- HDRWT to the brighter part of the image minus the stars, to avoid the black centers
- LocalHistogramEqualization to the weak parts, increasing contrast
- Morphological transform with a star mask and then a ATWT to get smooth stars back
- Weak ATWT to brighter parts (not stars!) to recover the contrast lost
- ACNR to the crominance
- Greycstoration to the luminance with various masks
Lex: 5 years of savings, and 5 years of credit
. I'm not rich, but a dream is a dream.
Yuriy Toropin: to avoid star bloating, and because I don't have any special reason to go with larger subs. In narrowband I go with 30 min subs always, but there it's quite clear that I have to expose more time
Thanks all!