Hi All-
Sorry for the interruption but I thought I'd jump in here and share some information and clear up some of the information.
First off, we receive zero financial incentive from either Cyanogen (Maxim DL) or CCDWare (CCDStack). In fact, I have frequently asked both companies (Doug George at Cyanogen and John Smith at CCDWare) to just simply offer some kind of discounts for LightBuckets customers (with absolutely nothing to gain for LightBuckets) and have received no response or action.
Second, I believe I have had one, possibly two requests to make the individual calibration sets available for download. You have to understand that LightBuckets consists of me plus a contract/part-time engineer (Alvin). While we try to get to things as quickly as possible it does take some time to do what we do with the limited resources we have available. And, I don't write code so it is all on Alvin. Without automation, there is no way that we can commit to delivering the individual calibration frames since it is a manual process to package them up and put them on the server whenever we generate new masters. That said, I have asked Alvin to look in to what it would take to create zip packages of the individual master sets (darks and bias) and put them on the server. We are in the process of revamping our dark and bias automation so that we are more constantly refreshing the master so now is a good time to look at this. The files likely won't be in your "Account" area, they will be on our servers where we'll have to provide a link to them. They also likely won't be versioned so what will be on the server will be the latest and greatest sets, you'll have to make sure to retrieve them with some frequency and do versioning locally. I doubt that we will be able to do this with flats since they are all different and generated with relatively high frequency. Again, Alvin is looking in to what we can do, and we will do as much as possible to make sure you can use the data you get from LightBuckets.
Third, I have reached out to the PixInsight folks to see if they might be able to help us solve the core issue that you are experiencing with the calibration masters generated with Maxim DL. I'm not certain that I understand what the problem is so if you guys can use this thread to help us map out what you're seeing, that would greatly help. I have asked them to take a look at this thread and then get back to me with how we can work together to resolve it.
And, finally, I am in the process of uploading the dark and bias sets for each LightBuckets observatory to our server as we speak. You will find them at...
LB-0001 -
http://www.lightbuckets.com/data/LB-0001_calibration.zip (136MB compressed)
LB-0002 -
http://www.lightbuckets.com/data/LB-0002_calibration.zip (544MB compressed)
LB-0003 -
http://www.lightbuckets.com/data/LB-0003_calibration.zip (958MB compressed)
Some of the sets (darks mostly) are incomplete as we are in the middle of a refresh cycle which, as you may know, takes 3+ full nights to complete (plus we're in the middle of revamping the entire calibration frame automation so that has slowed us down a bit). These will take a bit to get to our servers in Dallas so give it a little time.
For those of you who know me, delivering a great experience, outstanding data, and excellent customer service are what we stand for. If you ever have an issue, question, or concern, all you have to do is fire off an email to me. I can't promise that we'll do everything tomorrow, but we are listening and running as fast as we can!