Hi Juan-
We'd certainly like our customers to be able to use PixInsight. Your software is probably the most powerful astro image processing product on the market so it is important that we figure this out. There are a few issues with providing the individual calibration frames from LightBuckets.
The first is that we have 3 observatories (with hopefully more on the way). We have to provide dark and bias frames at 1x1, 2x2, and 3x3 binning. For our dark masters, we use fifteen 1800s darks that are median combined. For our bias masters, we use thirty to thirty-five bias frames that are median combined. Each observatory would have 135 individual calibration frames (45 darks and 90 bias), times 3 observatories is 305 calibration frames to upload. The full data sets are probably 2-3GB so they will take a while to get to our servers in Dallas, TX. This is definitely not a show stopper though.
The second issue is that customers get their data from a private account area. In order to do this correctly, we would have to keep many versions of these individual calibration sets on our servers and properly link them to specific customer runs. Again, not insurmountable but it will require a fair amount of new code. We could do what I have just done and simply always have the latest version on our servers and customers that need them can just download them from a link we provide. However, I know that the first issue we're going to run in to if we do this is someone trying to use the latest individual files with data that is six months old and they're going to want to have access to the older calibration sets. So it is better to do it right.
The third issue is with flats. This is the biggest one. We take custom flats for customers for every run they do (more or less). We have to do this since we support instrument rotators on our telescopes. We take 9 flats for each filter used in each customer run. These are currently median combined in to a flat master. It is not unusual to have a queue of anywhere from 10 to 40 flat sets on an observatory at any one time, especially if we've had a run of good weather and haven't been able to do EL panel flats in the dome (we only do these at night with the dome closed and they take a long time to do...so we have to wait for nights with bad weather). Let's say there are 25 flat runs to get done and each run has 3 filter sets. That is 675 individual flat files that would be generated. For the telescope with the 4k x 4k camera (LB-0003) that would generate approximately 22GB of data. At 1.5MbPS with the T-1 line, that is 33 hours of continuous data transfer just for that one observatory. Let's say the other two generate some proportionally smaller set of data maybe 15 hours for LB-0002 and 10 hours for LB-0001. All totaled, just to clear out our flat queue and upload the individual flat files, we're looking at over 50 hours of transfer time. And that is if 100% of the bandwidth goes to flat transfer. This doesn't account for the fact that customer runs will be going during the 2.5 days that the transfer is happening and now customers are going to be getting their data much, much later than they would have. A whole new issue.
There's more though as we would, again, have to write a bunch of new code to link these individual flats to the customer account.
At the end of the day, it is all doable. It is non-trivial to implement as there would be a lot of new code written to support it. Our plates are already pretty full. That said, I have asked my engineer, Alvin Jeng, to take a look at this thread and let me know what he thinks is possible. Let's see what he has to say, maybe he'll tell me he can have it done in an hour (I doubt it...but you never know with engineers!).