cannot reproduce WBPP now hangs without opening



Well it's been a few months since I've used WBPP, but I tried to open it and... I get the forever hourglass. So I reset my repository and reloaded everything, rebooted, and tried again. Same hang. This is using 1.8.9-2 on Windows 10, 8 core, 64Gig Ram.

Any suggestions on what to try next?


Well it's been a few months since I've used WBPP, but I tried to open it and... I get the forever hourglass. So I reset my repository and reloaded everything, rebooted, and tried again. Same hang. This is using 1.8.9-2 on Windows 10, 8 core, 64Gig Ram.

Any suggestions on what to try next?

Which PI build? Which Windows build?
Ideally you should update to the latest build (1605).
Since it is specifically WBPP that is hanging, I suggest that you delete the WBPP cache file:


Particularly if you have only just updated to version 1.8.9-2, there are somtimes problems converting this file from the earlier format (inside the old .ini file).
Thank you for such quick replies. I did both and although updating to the latest build didn't do it, I then deleted the cache and... presto! It worked!

That was the trick.

Thanks again!
Thank you for such quick replies. I did both and although updating to the latest build didn't do it, I then deleted the cache and... presto! It worked!

That was the trick.

Thanks again!
Also, be aware there are known problems running PI on W10 21H2. Some processes will crash with that build. It is also out of support. So you need to updated to 22H2 or 23H2.