PixInsight 1.6.5 - Integration of the Reference Documentation System

Integration of reference etc.
This is a great idea I tried this for one of the processes of which the doc is already integrated it works but it is unreadable the letters are too small. The resolution is set at 50% and is grayed out cannot be changed. My trick is to start the printing screen of the document there you can change letter size.
I do not know is this a bug?
Henrik said:
..... The resolution is set at 50% and is grayed out cannot be changed.......

The print is a bit small. Readable to me but barely.

Enzo De Bernardini said:
With CTRL + W in the doc browser window you can deactivate the "Fit page width" and now change the zoom percentaje.
Ah! That helps! I do agree with another poster that a simple button on each process dialog box that would bring up a browser window with the appropriate help would be a great addition and very simple to add. This would be especially helpful for those of us (most?) that have multiple monitors.

Speaking of multiple monitors, have you ever gathered data on what percent of users make use of more than one monitor for PixInsight? I would bet it is a large percentage. There are a few things that could be improved along those lines, especially that image windows cannot be moved off the main monitor. At least I have not found a way to do so. Also, dialog windows can be moved left and right and down to other monitors, but not up. Weird. Maybe some of these things are just my setup, if so, please enlighten me. Anyone else wishing for better use of multiple monitors?

Henrik said:
The resolution is set at 50% and is grayed out cannot be changed.

With CTRL + W in the doc browser window you can deactivate the "Fit page width" and now change the zoom percentaje.

Hope this help,

