New Script: Image Enhancement of the Sun, Moon and Planets

Yes what Mike says sounds right - its not automatically repainting after the task is performed - it needs some interaction with the image to get it to update.
At last a new version 1.2.0 of “Image Enhancement of the Sun, Moon and Planets”.

Main changes are:
1) Image starts at linear STF (the same as on the desktop). It is possibility to change to nonlinear STF.
2) To stabilize updates of image, the following lines are added in the function "doUpdateImage":
- this.viewport.update(); ( trigger initial display from the script ”CanonBandingReduction.js v0.9.1”)
- this.repaint(); (at last line) proposal by Mike 1485.

I hope the Mac user are happy with this new version.
Keep yours fingers. Everythings can happens whith computers/programing. I have used them since 1984.


Benny. That's a big improvement well done.

The drawing and the STF works fine.

Still getting the *** Error [222]: /Users/domhenry/Pictures/Astro/PI_Scripts/scripts/ImageEnhancementOfSunMoonPlanets ver 1.2.0.js, line 629: TypeError: image is null" when I close but doesn't seem to effect anything.

Thanks again


  • _20231027_2249_100r_48T_388reg_EnhancedByDeconvolutionJansonVanCittert_EdgeFilterNoiseReduction.png
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Dom. Very good image of the moon.

Some thoughts:
The moon rim has a thick border. I suggest decreasing the window in the Jansson-Van Cittert algoritth, until you don't see it anymore.
Maybe the the edge filer is little to strong.

I am glad that you sent the image and that the script is up and runing for you.

Please send an updated version of the moon.
I don't have an image the whole so it interesting to see what the script is capable of.

The error is a mystery. I dont see it!

Hey Benny
Had a quick look at that but realised I wasn't quite sure what I was fixing - so instead here is a link to the original image.

Moon Image

The image is from a tiny Dwarf 2 - video - processed in PIPP - then AS3 to stack.

Be interested to get your thoughts.

Hi Dom
Here is my processed Moon image at left.

It always a challege to sharpening an image with sharp transitions of black and white as the Moons rim. The classic is stars on a black sky.

The solution is to use the Statistical differencing algoritm. I include re-run script instans. Just drop it on the image and press the execute buttom. Chose the nonlinear check box to see if you like it better. STF is saved but not check box. A bug.

This has giving me ideas how to alter other algoritms to handle Moon rims. Thank you for the image!

PS. The Moon image was in Color but I saved it as grayscaled. It was saved by you in PNG and somewhat compressed.



  • _20231027_2249_100r_48T_388reg_EnhancedByStatisticalDifferencing_EdgeFilter_STF.jpg
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  • Re-run
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Tried the Stat Differencing - I think Im a fan of the Cittert with edge enhance :). I re did my image as a Tiff to up the data - works well.
I noticed a couple of things...
1. If I use the "Enhancement " button to see the original image and then go back to the Enhancement then the STF auto gotos to Linear - easy to turn it off though in the tick box.
2. On the error at shut down - I see its in initscrollbars - interesting as I dont seem to have any scrollbars wants running?

Enjoying this script

Labelled up here with the Japanese SLIM location added.


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A new version 1.3.0
1) Zoom for Portrait format image corrected
2) Alternate vieving enhanced / target image corrected for linear and nonLinear STF
3) New inputparameters to Jansson-Van Cittert algorithm. The relax function RelaxA och RelaxB are new.
Decreasing the RelaxB parameter may shrink the thick border around for example the Moon.
4) Re-run saves the STF checkbox for linear / nonlinear STF

Your solar image has a sligntly Portrait format. The zoom should work now.
Try Jansson-Van Cittert on the Moon with RelaxA = -0.4 and RelaxB = 0.75, rest as default. Midtone 0.85.
Try Statistical Differencing on the Sun with StdDev = 0.15 and mean = 0.8, rest as default. Midtone 0.8. You can see the granulation.

The scrollbars are in hide mode now. The scrollbars in hide mode are a must for moving the image by the mouse without the scrollbars.
Dom edith the script at line 632 incerting // befor this.hideScrollBars(); (script should be in write mode) and run the script to se if the error persist.

Your Moon and Sun images has been helpfull for improving the script. Thank you very much!

Those changes went very well - the zoom is fixed, the STF / Enhanced is fixed. The RelaxA / RelaxB on the Moon worked very well especially on the darker edge. The // before this.hideScrollBars(); also removed the close down error. So 100% good job.

On the Sun image the Statistical Differencing values really do bring out the granulation - I'm still getting quite a strong bright ring - although I can mask that out in Photoshop...

I have a black ring in Photoshop that I use to mask it - but if you like the challenge....
While I'm interested in this script, the font is so jumbled I can't do much with it.
I realize my image is not correct for this tool; it is only an example.

Font problem.jpg

Hopefully you can correct this then it can be tried out. This is on my native 3840 x 2160 resolution screen.


Hi Lamar

I really hope this change this will works for you. If you mean a Deep Sky image then use the script Statistical Differencing. Gives star without dark halos with right input parametrs.

All other user: This is not a new version just change of GUI for high resolution screen, an attempt.



Hi Lamar

I really hope this change this will works for you. If you mean a Deep Sky image then use the script Statistical Differencing. Gives star without dark halos with right input parametrs.

All other user: This is not a new version just change of GUI for high resolution screen, an attempt.

Hi Benny,

Some better but as you can see, some of the menus are still cropped and unreadable.


Hi Lamar

We are nearly there. I take deeper look.

In the Process Console you will find the Workspace_width and Workspace_height. What number do they have? Please send them.

Hi Lamar

A new try to adapt the GUI to resolution higher than 1920x1080. It easy to miss items. Hopfully the last try.
Lamar please send screen dumps of Menu, Tool-Box and Output. Thanks!

Note it is only applicable to Full Desktop in PixInsight!

All other users: This is not a new version just a change of the GUI for higher resolutions than 1920x1080 screens, an attempt.



Hi Lamar

A new try to adapt the GUI to resolution higher than 1920x1080. It easy to miss items. Hopfully the last try.
Lamar please send screen dumps of Menu, Tool-Box and Output. Thanks!

Note it is only applicable to Full Desktop in PixInsight!

All other users: This is not a new version just a change of the GUI for higher resolutions than 1920x1080 screens, an attempt.

Here's Menu:

Here's Tool-Box:

And here's Output:

Just a little overlap on the menu choices but otherwise seems pretty good.

