Uri Darom
For a more in depth use & installation guide for iHDR, use the following guide: https://uridarom.com/blog/using-ihdr
After many few weeks of refinement and testing, I am happy to present a script I have been working on for a while!
iHDR allows you to stretch the image in a way that preserves the bright areas while revealing its fainter regions.
An example use case for this script would be revealing the faint extensions of a galaxy, while not blowing out the bright center.
Below I have attached the image before iHDR, the image after two executions of iHDR, and the image stretched using HistogramTransformation instead (data courtesy of Prashant Ranganath):
Example 1: Galaxy
Note how the bright core of the galaxy is preserved while its outer arms are revealed, all while preserving the contrast of the image.
Galaxies are not the only use case; below is an example with the Orion Nebula:
Example 2: Nebula
Installation and Use:
To use the script, simply stretch the image (using HistogramTransformation) such that the bright areas (i.e., nebula / galaxy core) are at the brightness you want them to be in the final image. Then, select the appropriate preset and click Execute.
I would love to know people's thoughts or feedback!
After many few weeks of refinement and testing, I am happy to present a script I have been working on for a while!
iHDR allows you to stretch the image in a way that preserves the bright areas while revealing its fainter regions.
An example use case for this script would be revealing the faint extensions of a galaxy, while not blowing out the bright center.
Below I have attached the image before iHDR, the image after two executions of iHDR, and the image stretched using HistogramTransformation instead (data courtesy of Prashant Ranganath):
Example 1: Galaxy

Note how the bright core of the galaxy is preserved while its outer arms are revealed, all while preserving the contrast of the image.
Galaxies are not the only use case; below is an example with the Orion Nebula:
Example 2: Nebula

Installation and Use:
To use the script, simply stretch the image (using HistogramTransformation) such that the bright areas (i.e., nebula / galaxy core) are at the brightness you want them to be in the final image. Then, select the appropriate preset and click Execute.
- Often, you will find you need to run the script multiple times. In the above example, it was run three times.
- If you want to increase how much the bright areas are preserved, increase the Mask Strength parameter.
- If you want to decrease how much the image is stretched, reduce the Stretch Intensity parameter.
- Note: since my developer certificate has not been approved yet, PixInsight will warn you about the script being unverified.
I would love to know people's thoughts or feedback!
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