On a side note, combining linear L and RGB
is possible in PixInsight. However you must perform a YRGB combination instead of LRGB.
In this case, instead of the CIE L*a*b* space, the CIE XYZ space must be used. CIE XYZ is a linear color space; however, the underlying RGB working space must also be linear in order to preserve linearity in the combined image. The basic procedure would be as follows:
- Define a linear RGB working space. With the RGBWorkingSpace tool, set gamma = 1.0 (disable sRGB gamma function). In addition, I would define a
uniform RGB working space in the same operation. So the steps with RGBWorkingSpace are:
* Set the three luminance coefficients = 1.
* Define a
uniform energy illuminant by setting the six chromaticity coordinates = 0.333333.
* Disable the sRGB gamma function and set gamma = 1.
* Apply to
both the RGB and L images.
- Use the ChannelCombination tool to perform a YRGB combination. Select the CIE XYZ space, disable the X and Z components, and select the L image for the Y slot. Apply to the RGB image and you're done.
- To process the linear luminance of the combined YRGB image, you must select "Linear luminance" in the applied tools, when applicable (for example, Deconvolution and ATrousWaveletTransform allow you to select it).
- After the initial nonlinear stretch with HistogramTransformation, you may want to apply the default RGBWorkingSpace parameters, as a linear uniform space no longer will describe the image appropriately.
should work
Setting the three luminance coefficients to the same value and all chromaticity coordinates to 1/3 leads to a singular matrix, so the above procedure is not feasible as I described it back in 2010. See the
related thread where this problem was pointed out.
You can, however, try to perform a YRGB combination as described above in a linear RGB working space with gamma = 1 and equal luminance coefficients, but using the default chromaticity coordinates.