errors prevent Saving Projects


Active member
I should have paid closer attention! I used the new projects feature for the first time today, saving every so often. I guess after the first save, I used one of Carlos Milovic's modules...Gaussian Blur. The next save warned me that:

"GaussianBlur: Unable to lock parameter data for read-only access: ratio".

I clicked OK and went on my merry way, not noticing that the save fails on the error. I can't live without the Gaussian's in my favorite module group! Is there a way to ignore the error and go ahead and save the project?

Hi Steve,

I apologize for this problem. However, please bear in mind that if one of the process instances in the processing history of an image is incorrect or does not behave correctly, the project cannot include the image in question in a consistent way.

I am working to make the project system more and more robust against partial errors. For example, in your case the project save operation should have continued excluding the faulty image, instead of aborting completely. The current version of the project functionality is just the first one; we'll improve it much more during the next weeks.

I can't live without the Gaussian Blur

Take a look at the new Convolution tool (Convolution category) working in Gaussian mode.
Thanks, I'll check out the convolution tool. I will pay closer attention now! Perhaps letting us know the offending image might help, we could then just close it or save it seperately at least.

Sorry Steve!!!
Since the Gaussian Blur convolution is already in the standard package, I'm going to remove it from the next set. Please note that they were compiled for PI 1.6, not the 1.7, so I cannot guarantee that they work right now.
Anyway, thanks for the catch ;)
Had a similar problem with the Read PSF module as described in this thread:

No one responded to that thread so mentioning it again here. Carlos, I do like and use the Read PSF module so hope you can update it so it will work in 1.7.
