Error Message?


I was using WBPP to calibrate data and got the following error message that I've never seen before:

*** Error [000]: /Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/WeightedBatchPreprocessing/WeightedBatchPreprocessing-helper.js, line 148: Error: File I/O Error: Unable to create directory: File exists: /Users/reggiejones/Pictures/Astro Imaging/RJones AT102ED/AT102QHY268C/AT102QHY268C Light Frames/NGC869NGC884 AT102QHY268C

Anyone have an idea what this means and the problem I need to address?

WBPP thinks for whatever reason that a file (a non-directory file) exists in that place, and so it can not create the directory that it wants to. what happens if you look in that folder using the finder?

the pathname kind of looks like a place where you have your raw subexposures, is that right? you should probably tell WBPP to create its directory somewhere outside of that folder... usually people don't want to mess with the area where the original subs are stored on disk.

Thanks Rob, this makes sense. I'll double check this but the target folder wasn't in the same folder as my raw subs.
