Calibration issues in PI


I am using an AT115EDT refractor with an ASI2600MC pro/ 2" filter drawer for imaging. Of recent, I am having some strange ring artefacts pop up in the master light. The image with the slight vignetting is a dub. The other image has been processed through WBPP and shows a larger white vignette at the bottom and a larger black vignette at the top.. I am using dark flats and 1.4 sec flats using a Pegasus AstroFlat panel. Any idea how this is happening?View attachment MasterLight.jpgView attachment LightSub.jpg
I think you will need to post a link to the full images (Dropbox?) as it’s very hard to see what you describe from a reduced jpg.
@chris.bailey , here are the DropBox links to jpgs from the originals. They have been STF stretched only. One is a single sub and the other a master light after going through WBPP. I also included a starless masterlight to accentuate the artifact.
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@chris.bailey , here are the DropBox links to jpgs from the originals. They have been STF stretched only. One is a single sub and the other a master light after going through WBPP. I also included a starless masterlight to accentuate the artifact.
JPEGs are not useful. What is needed are FITS or XISF sources. At least one dark sub, one flat sub, one light sub, a dark master, a flat master, and a light master.
This is a link to a DropBox Folder containing one dark sub, one flat sub, one light sub, a dark master, a flat master, and a light master.

The samples you provided are not for the same target as your initial post. I don't really see any calibration issues with the samples you provided here. There's a slight light leak showing in the darks which you might want to address (assuming it wasn't a one-off). And the light sub you provided would normally be rejected because the scope moved in the middle of the exposure. But the light master looks fine, and only needs gradient correction.