Author Topic: Processing CR2 (RAW) Files  (Read 2172 times)

Offline Mariner10

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Processing CR2 (RAW) Files
« on: 2016 July 09 23:12:17 »
Another newbie DSLR question (seems to be a few of these).
I simply cannot get my Canon DSLR images, saved as CR2 files, to process.
I can open them individually in PI no problems but whenever I try to pre-process I constantly get the following error message:

* Waiting for running tasks to terminate ...
*** Error: Incompatible image geometry
<* failed *>

I've tried the Batch Preprocessing script and the Image Calibration process and both come up with the same message.
I've set Pure RAW in the Format Explorer with the same result.
I've even tried opening each image and saving them in either the XISF or FITS extension first then processing and the same error message comes up.
My calibration files were done using a QHY8L OSC camera so I don't know if that is upsetting things or not.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Re: Processing CR2 (RAW) Files
« Reply #1 on: 2016 July 09 23:34:37 »

My calibration files were done using a QHY8L OSC camera so I don't know if that is upsetting things or not.

that's the problem - calibration files have to be taken with the same sensor. in this case the QHY's pixel dimensions are different than the canon camera, but even if both cameras were QHY8Ls or canons, you need to match up the lights with calibration frames from each camera. every sensor is different, even two of the same kind.


Offline Mariner10

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Re: Processing CR2 (RAW) Files
« Reply #2 on: 2016 July 09 23:52:07 »
Thanks Rob,
I had a suspicion that was the problem but I was told by a colleague who has been using PI for some time that this didn't matter.
So thanks for clearing that up.
Would appear all my work with the DSLR was for nothing, I don't fancy setting the DSLR up just for calibration files.
