that is the correct behavior. under certain configurations of DSLR_RAW, the file is debayered for you when it's opened and so you've got a 3-plane RGB file.
however, for calibration of OSC images, you need to keep all the calibration subs (and masters) in some kind of undebayered, raw format. that means CFA format (a greyscale image) or RGB Bayer (a 3-plane image; each channel looks like a checkerboard because the green and blue pixels are missing from the red channel, the blue and green are missing from the red channel, etc.)
only after you have calibrated your lights should you debayer them into RGB format. bias, dark, flats should never be debayered.
this is one possible flow for OSC images:
ImageIntegration (raw cfa) of bias CR2 files -> master bias in CFA format
ImageCalibration (raw cfa) of dark CR2s with master bias selected -> calibrated master dark in CFA format
ImageCalibration (raw cfa) of flat CR2s with master bias selected -> calibrated master flat in CFA format
ImageCalibration (raw cfa) of CR2 lights with master bias, master dark and master flat selected, "calibrate" unticked everywhere in the master sections -> calibrated lights in CFA format
BatchDebayer of calibrated lights -> RGB files of calibrated lights
StarAlignment of calibrated lights in RGB form -> registered lights in RGB format
ImageIntegration of registered lights in RGB format -> integrated image