Author Topic: Crop and resample issue  (Read 2340 times)

Offline rdryfoos

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Crop and resample issue
« on: 2016 May 06 05:40:32 »
When I dynamic crop an image, then email it so I can down load it to my desktop, the image opens at an increased scale--like a zoomed image.  I thought that cropping an image did not change the image scale.  Is this a Windows artifact (I open the image in windows to view) or is PI doing it?

Conversely, when I use the resample tool to upsample an image by 150% and email the image to view on my desktop, the image opens as an unchanged image--no scale increase at all. 

Any Idea what is happening?

Offline NGC7789

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Re: Crop and resample issue
« Reply #1 on: 2016 May 06 08:22:13 »
Two things are missing from your description to understand what is going on. How are you saving the file before you email it and how are you viewing it once it gets to your desktop. The behavior you are describing is exactly opposite from what I would expect.

Offline rdryfoos

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Re: Crop and resample issue
« Reply #2 on: 2016 May 06 08:46:17 »
That's my point.  I open a xisf file.  Crop it using DC, save it as both an xisf for viewing in PI and as a JPEG for emailing.  I open the email and download the attached JPEG and it opens on my Windows Vista system (what ever picture viewing tool that is standard).  When I open it, the DSO target in the image is a "zoomed in" image that I can't unzoom to its original scale.  When I view the saved xisf cropped image in PI, the DSO target is portrayed at a larger relative scale, but when I zoom to the original 1:1 or 1:2, it is the same size as teh original DSO.