You might try noise measurement using DarkBiasNoiseEstimator script. Capture two good unbinned bias frames and another two hardware binned bias frames. Run software binning on the unbinned frames to generate a third pair. Run the script on each pair, note the (detector) Temporal (Gaussian) noise value in DN, and convert to e- using the appropriate gain value.
On my detector (KAF-8300) I measure about 8, 12, and 16 e- Gaussian noise respectively on the three pairs (binning here is 2x2). Hardware binning has less noise than software binning, but not as low as unbinned.
On your relatively short exposure narrow band frames, detector noise likely dominates sky background noise. Assuming this is the case, with my detector, hardware binning gives a 16/12 or 4/3 factor improvement in dim target SNR over software binning.
Since detector noise also dominates dim target shot noise, it would take a 4/3 longer total exposure with software binning to equal the SNR of a hardware binning exposure.