So I'm currently on astrotrip in Namibia and trying out the combination of data of different scopes + camera's, but run into some problems;
The first night I had spacing problems with the flattener on one camera+scope, but still the images combined with just using the default settings in StarAlignment
However, on all the other data I shot after this the StarAlignment can't align the frames of one setup with the other. Funny thing is I fixed the spacing problem and therefor have a good flat fov which I thought would make it more easy to align the frames
One thing that's different as well is the camera rotation, in relation to each other (1 of them is rotated 180 degrees), but I can't imagine that this would be a problem?
I've tried different settings for the descriptors; triangles, pentagons, heptagons and upped the number of descriptors to 200. All to no effect.
It does find star pair matches (1428 using heptagons for the files linked below), but the RANSAC fails.
I've upped the RANSAC iterations to 8000 and tolerance to 4, all to no avail.
Anyone any idea what is going wrong here?
I've put 2 calibrated frames as example in dropbox:
Nikon D5100 with quadruplet: D600 with APM