...and yes Mike Oates, MLT, MMT, etc. are isolating structures based on their size in the individual wavelet layers, so no need to break the image up under general workflow. Multiscale techniques are a different story and they can be quite powerful. While complementary wavelets can in theory deconstruct and reconstruct an altered image, in practice you'll find that you can't always simply add them back together with PixelMath. There will be times that you'll have to alter the expression in a variety of ways to get a good recombine, depending on how much alteration has been done to the large scales, small scales, or both images. Try things like a multiplier (i.e. 2*image) to the weaker image or mitigating a result by adding the original image back in with the large and small scales (i.e. SS+LS+Original), re-scaled of course.