I created master bias frames using PI ImageIntegration process using the following settings: (there were 44 raw bias frames)
Image Integration section:
• Combination: Average
• Normalization: No normalization
• Weights: Don't care (all weights=1)
• Uncheck Evaluate Noise
Pixel Rejection sections
• Averaged Sigma Clipping for < 10 frames
• Winsorized Sigma Clipping for 10 to 20 frames
• Linear Fit Clipping for > 20 frames
Here are 'ADU' values obtained from PI compared to values obtained with CCD-Stack
bias 1x1 raw, CCD-Stack: mean = 1097.97
bias 1x1 master, CCD-Stack: mean = 1180.64
bias 1x1 raw, Pixinsight, left click and move the mouse, K value = 0.0164-0.0167
bias 1x1 master, Pixinsight, left click and move the mouse, K value = 0.0165
light, 1x1 raw, Pixinsight, left click and move the mouse, K value = 0.0018-0.0022
light, 1x1 raw, CCD-Stack, mean = 1262.41
Using CCD-Stack to calibrate:
light - bias = 1262.41 - 1180.64 = 81.77
Using Pixinsight to calibrate:
light - bias = 0.0020 - 0.0165 = NEGATIVE 0.0145
The result was that the lum image calibrated with PI was a very black background with some very bright white stars.
I am guessing that the settings used to integrate the bias frame are not correct.
Does anybody have suggestions?
Thank you.
Larry Leitch