Author Topic: PixInsight Standard Beta 1 Released  (Read 19171 times)

Offline Pleiades

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PixInsight Standard Beta 1 Released
« on: 2006 June 07 04:54:39 »
The latest version of the PixInsight Standard core application, Beta 1, is now available for download:

Along with a number of bug fixes and important optimizations, this new version introduces the new MorphologicalTransform process.

This release is entirely based on our customized version of Qt 4.1.3 and PCL RC3. It has been completely rebuilt with the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 compiler.

New MorphologicalTransform process

This process can be accessed from the Process Explorer, and also through Process > Morphology > MorphologicalTransform from the main menu. This is an advanced implementation of morphological transforms. It includes:

    The erosion (minimum), dilation (maximum), opening, closing, morphological median and morphological selection operators.

    Support for interlaced morphological transforms. An interlaced transform is applied at specific dimensional scales (much like the à trous wavelet transform algorithm).

    Support for iterative/recursive morphological transforms (Iterations parameter).

    Adjustable strength with the Amount parameter.

    User-definable, n-way structuring elements with full-featured structure editor, including a structure manager to store structure collections as special disk files.
    Support for thresholded morphological transforms. Thresholded transforms allow you to fine-tune preservation of structures in the shadows and highlights.

Enjoy it!

The Pleiades Development Team