I would appreciate some advice from this forum on how to approach the workflow and processing of a data set that I have captured of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). The data set has been captured using my Canon F2.8, 200mm prime lens and QSI 683 camera and includes the following subs:
- L, R, G, B = 20 x 30s
- Ha = 20 x 90s
- L, R, G, B = 20 x 300s
- Ha = 20 x 900s
The field of view of the image includes the SMC and the globular clusters NGC 104 and NGC 362. Additional short exposure subs were captured to support a HDR combination to fix saturation of the core of NGC 104.
The workflow process that I am considering is as follows. Any suggestions or alternative ideas would be appreciated.
1. Run the raw subs through the batch processing script (with darks, flats bias) to produce linear masters thus:
30 second master for each of L, R, G, B
90 second master for Ha
300 second master for each of L, R, G, B
900 second master for Ha
2. Colour combine the individual R, G and B masters to give:
30 second master for RGB
300 second master for RGB
We now have linear masters thus:
L 30s / L 300s / RGB 30s / RGB 300s/ Ha 90s / Ha 900s
3. Execute the HDR combo function thus:
L 30s + L 300s -> Lum HDR
RGB 30s + RGB 300s -> RGB HDR
Ha 90s + Ha 900s -> Ha HDR
4. Process these masters now with following steps:
DBE/Colour Calibration/Noise Reduction/Histogram Stretch/Curves/Sharpen/Obsessive fiddling until we are happy
We now have non linear HDR masters for:
5. Add Ha to RGB using NBRGB script
We now have masters for:
6. Channel combine using LRGB tool
7. More obsessive fiddling to produce final image
Feedback on this workflow would be appreciated to make sure that I am on the right track.