I noticed something interesting the other day. Truesense have a new type of sensor, of which the KAF16200 is one example. It is interesting as it doesn't have a RGGB colour filter array, but rather a RGBW. That is, one red, one green, one blue and one 'white' or clear 'pixel'. QHY (if not others) are likely to release cameras based on this sensor.
The 'white' pixel supposedly has greater sensitivity than the others, although of course it's not Mono.
Now there may be many many reasons not to bother with this technology, it does at least sound very interesting to me.
Point of this post is to ask if/how PI would cope with an image formed in a RGBW type of colour filter array? RGBW does not appear to be in the list, and as the 'W' could translate roughly to L, I expect that handling this could be quite different, especially w.r.t. BatchPreProcessing scripts.
Anyone got any suggestions as to if/when/how PI could work with these types of images?
Cheers -