Hi Kayron,
Please note that ATrousWaveletTransform is obsolete in all current versions of PixInsight. This process (along with the even older ATrousWaveletTransformV1) is only kept for compatibility with existing projects, icon files and scripts generated years ago. It will be moved to the Obsolete category in the next version (it belongs now to the Compatibility category), and eventually removed in a future version.
ATrousWaveletTransform has been replaced with MultiscaleLinearTransform, which implements two multiscale transforms (starlet transform, equivalent to the old à trous, and multiscale linear transform) and a linear mask feature identcal to its counterpart in MultiscaleMedianTransform.
Also note that ACDNR is also obsolete, although it still works quite well in many practical cases for deep-sky images. There are no plans to formally obsolete or remove it, though.
Finally, MultiscaleMedianTransform implements two different transforms: the 'pure' multiscale median transform and the hybrid median-wavelet transform. The advantages of the latter are summarized in the tooltip text available on the tool.