I've read through the postings on the Benchmark Test and don't really see what changes other than the swap space make. I started with 2, increased to 4, and now 8. It seems on single tests there is an increase on the swap numbers. But what are the conditions that make the system perform optimal? As an example, I have a i7 2600K CPU rated at 3.2 GHz, 32 GBs RAM, a 1 TB Samsung 850 EVO SSD as the system drive (C), and several other standard SATA HDs for storage, as well as a Samsung 840 EVO SSD being used as a swap disk for several programs as indicated in the earlier post. While testing I also have several programs open such as Chrome (as I'm writing this) and MS Outlook along with 20 process icons displayed in the System tray (AV, MW, Dropbox and so on). Do these conditions make it less favorable for benchmark tests?
Thanks Again,