Hello All
I’m stuck in the process and I have no clue how to continue.
I have preprocessed all images with PI. RGB channels were done fully automated (registered, calibrated and integrated) whereby H-Alpha and OIII were registered and calibrated automatically and then integrated manually. The combination of RGB was done with Channel combination.
I did a dynamic crop on RGB (on each channel) and used the same dynamic crop also on OIII and H-Alpha. The problem is, that H-Alpha and OIII are both different size and also different to RGB. RGB has all the same size.. No clue what happened.
Nevertheless, my main problem is as follows: I want to integrate H-Alpha to the RGB image by using the NRGB Script. Now I got always the error that the image sizes does not match which is true. But how to crop the images that they have the same size and are registered to each other (stars from RGB should match H-Alpha and/or OIII). If I crop the images first to the same size and I use the NRGB Script the stars do not match but integration is possible. Do I need to do a different combination first (other than NRGB Script) crop it (when they are combined) and then split it again? Has anyone an idea how to continue respectively what to do? I know how to integrate RBG with HA-OIII with other products but I want to do everything with PI. I would be happy if someone can help me out here…
Thanks in advance