Hi Joel!
In your processing the Dynamic BackgroundExtraction did not remove all of the largescale parts of the left side of th Image.
Therefore your tries to make the darker parts more visible were not succesful.
So i did attack this simply by running an ABE first without(!) Change of the Image and kept only the Background Image (the LS part).
From this background image i pulled the L und put this L as mask over the original image.
Than ran a second ABE now with(!) changing the original very minimal because of the mask...
This removed carefully a part of the largescale artefact in the left background of your Image.
Than pulled another L out of this result and pushed it hard with 2 LocalHistogramm equalizations (64 and 220)
and a little curve this got me the below attached LUMINANZ Mask
Using this LUMINANZ mask INVERTED i ran 2 LHEs, one small and one large, over the color result from before.
Finally a very little tweek with curves got me the below result.
New Image