I'm relatively new to PI and am rather frustrated at my attempts to process my images of comet Lovejoy with both Pi and Maxim dl6. PI does a great job of dynamic cropping and linear fit along with other features that maxim doesn't offer. Maxim is easier for calibration and stacking to get my masters.
I generate my master darks and bias' for calibration with Maxim, along with master l, r,g,and b frames. Screen stretch in maxim shows 0 to 65400 as you would expect for the l,r,g,and b. Once I bring those into PI and perform the linear fit after dynamic cropping, the screen stretch drops to extremely low numbers in maxim. In performing all the steps to get an rgb color image that looks great in PI, if I move that same image to maxim, nebulosity, or ccdstack, the screen stretch functions are in the range of 008 to 100 or less. Not the typical 0-65k range I would expect . Trying to apply photoshop curves to the rgb image will not work either after converting to tiff format.
I maxim I'm using 32 bit IEEE format to save the images of l, r,g,b and wonder if that may have something to do with a proper transfer to PI for further processing. I've worked on this for three days now and I'm stumped..........HELLLLLP!
Again, thanks for any assistance that you can provide..................Gunny