Hi, i am am time after time getting an error when using the Batch Pre Processing script.
I am trying to process 10 Bias, 20 flats (only for luminance filter) and 20 darks. The lights are 7 of each RGB and 25 Luminance
When i run diagnostics, it tells me that 7 RGB is to little to run Windsorized Sigma, so i change that to Percentile and all is well so far.
The diagnostics also tells me that i don´t have any flats for my RGB, but is that really necessary for my dark calibration?
After these settings i run the script, it creates masters of Bias, Flats and even darks, but when the script is going to calibrate the light frames, is sais that it is searching for master dark with the right exposure length (200 sec) even though the preprocess window is saying 200 sec, the fits header is saying 200 sec. everywhere i check, it said that both the dark frames and the Master dark is 200sec, yet PixInsight can´t find it.
What is wrong? me? the script?