I respect what you are suggesting but tend to disagree with its application here. We are already a relatively small community of users and, as this post has shown, even us non experts can help identify problems (though maybe with a bit less venom at times). I think that is particularly true with sophisticated software like PI which has users with highly scientific/technical backgrounds and us liberal arts types who love the hobby but couldn't write code if our lives depended on it (that said, I love reading the discussions between the experts like yourself and Juan as you chart solutions for the uninitiated like me).
Second, I fear the impact of beta-testing time dilation. From what I have seen, running that system can substantially slow the roll out of new developments. True, when the update does arrive, it may be "cleaner" but I would rather gets the updates weeks or months earlier even if it means a few days of frustration as we hammer out the kinks.
For what it's worth, but as I have said before and as I am sure others feel as well, one of the best aspects of PI is its sophistication. But the other is the amazing dedication of Juan and his team to keep making it better. I have to say, i am thrilled every time I see a new announcement from Juan about a major new initiative even if it takes work to understand it and time for its full potential to be realized. Never once have I thought, "oh god, what if this doesn't work right out of the box?" If I wanted safe, I would have just kept painting my images with Photoshop.