This is still crude but I tried to do almost all of it in PixInsight.
This is what the workflow looked like:
Subframe select and BatchPreprocess Tak images in PI.
No-star the stacked H O and S images with Straton. Save them back into PI as FITs images.
Manually stretch using HT the de-starred images in PI using HT (next time will try masked stretch)
Create "Tone_Map_No_Stars image in PI using PixelMath and SHO = RGB.
Create Luminosity from H-alpha image (O and S luminosities tried but did not add much as they overlap)
Use Multichannel Synthesis AIP script to produce RGB image.
Create mask of core
Stretch core with LocalHisoEq
Invert mask and noise reduce periphery with AtrWaveletTransform
Manually stretch and clip with HT