Excited by the RAM disk performance boost, I did a quick test but found out higher Benchmark has nothing to do with my real-work performance.
So I tested on two machines, A: Intel core i5 4 cores + 16G ram with Win7 and most recent PI, and B: Intel Xeon E5506 2.13GHz 2 cpu 4 cores each + 24G ram with Win7 and recent PI.
Machine A benchmark result= Total:1895, CPU: 4043, Swap: 594, Trans: 107.25 MiB/s
Machine B has 8G RAM disk (softperfect) and the benchmark results:
No Ram disk= Total:1672, CPU: 3975, Swap: 494, Trans: 89 MiB/s
8GB Ram disk, listed x1 as Swap space = Total:4081, CPU: 4020, Swap: 4368, Trans: 788 MiB/s
8GB Ram disk, listed x2 as Swap space = Total:4369, CPU: 4017, Swap: 6848, Trans: 1236 MiB/s
8GB Ram disk, listed x4 as Swap space = Total:4610, CPU: 4148, Swap: 8550, Trans: 1544 MiB/s
8GB Ram disk, listed x6 as Swap space = Total:4448, CPU: 3962, Swap: 9060, Trans: 1636 MiB/s
So it seems that Machine B will easily out-perform machine A with increasing margin as RAM disk being added in and also starting using the parallel swap space feature. However, when I did a real-world test with my image (a Ha frame shoot by QSI683wsg), just doing normal MLT, multi-iteration HDR, and StarMask, I found that Machine A ALWAYS finish the task faster (eg. 3s vs 5 s, 7s vs 9s, 10s vs 13, 5s vs 9s) no matter I use parallel swap space or not. So the real-world test shows the similar benchmark result when NO ram disk was added.
Since I was about to build another new machine so I was hoping to use this test as a guideline for CPU, memory, and SSD decision, but now I am really confused.
Does that mean at core i5 speed, the CPU performance is still dominating? And benchmark may not be really relevant in my configuration?