Author Topic: Crash while saving FITS from Fuji-X RAW  (Read 3168 times)

Offline akiel

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Crash while saving FITS from Fuji-X RAW
« on: 2014 January 17 06:31:49 »

PI 1.8 1071 crashes if I try to save a Fuji-X RAW (RAF) file as FITS. Saving the same file as TIFF works.

I do the following steps to reproduce the problem:
  • start PI
  • open the file 131230-XE1-3613.RAF
  • invoke File -> Save As
  • choose file type FITS
  • in FITS Options: choose 16-bit unsigned integer and ICC Profile (standard options)
  • click OK

After clicking OK PI cashes. OSX show this report.

Doing the same with the file 140101-XE1-6630.RAF works. One difference between the files is that the first one is taken with a Nikon lens and the second is taken with a normal Fuji lens. The Nikon lens has no electronic coupling and so no metadata. Especially the aperture is shown as NAN in the metadata view on the first file. The focal length of 150 mm is given because I can set it in the camera while using a non coupled lens.

Both files are just dark frames. So please don't ask for anything in it :)