Author Topic: using BPP for master cal, int and registering only  (Read 2886 times)

Offline sctall

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using BPP for master cal, int and registering only
« on: 2014 January 10 08:37:20 »
Hi all pixers,

I wanted to ask a newbie question concerning the manual integration and calibration routines using BPP.

I read in the "Image Integration" doc under "Hints" that BPP is not ideal for integration, but OK for master subs.

{Don't use the BatchPreprocessing script to integrate your light frames. In most cases, BatchPreprocessing does a fine job for generation of master calibration frames, image calibration and registration. However, integration of light frames is a critical process requiring manual intervention to fine tune pixel rejection and image combination parameters.{}

I would like to know what steps, and please be as explicitive as possible here,  I would take, if I wanted to use BPP to do everything but the Image Integration as the final step to utilize all the pixel rejection settings.

I am confused with what subs, ( master, bias, flat, light ), that I would add to the BPP script.  And what settings to use. I see the "calibrate" only selection under the lights tab, but do not fully understatnd how it works.
Also, can I still use the "cosmetic correction" this way also?
I have not fully grasped the theory behind all this calibrate, register and integrate.

Scott T.

ES102, WO GT81, astronomics, guide scope  CEM60
Lunt60 SS,  moonlight focuser

Offline pfile

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Re: using BPP for master cal, int and registering only
« Reply #1 on: 2014 January 10 08:45:40 »
keep adding them all. the goal is to calibrate and register the lights using BPP.

in the folder structure created by BPP, there's a folder called "registered" with sub-directories named for filters. inside those folders are files which are the calibrated and registered light frames. if you are using an OSC then they are probably named for calibrated, debayered and registered.

so you open ImageIntegration and load these … files. the reason for the warning in BPP is just that if you are using pixel rejection, you need to choose an appropriate algorithm based on the number of sub exposures, and then you need to fiddle with the sigma sliders to reject the correct amount of pixels, looking at the rejection maps to see how you did. this is too involved to do properly in a script.

you should still be able to use CC in the flow. that happens right after calibration and before registration.


Offline sctall

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Re: using BPP for master cal, int and registering only
« Reply #2 on: 2014 January 10 09:04:43 »
Thanks as always

What does the "Calibrate Only" checkbox do under the Lights tab in BPP?
ES102, WO GT81, astronomics, guide scope  CEM60
Lunt60 SS,  moonlight focuser

Offline pfile

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Re: using BPP for master cal, int and registering only
« Reply #3 on: 2014 January 10 09:17:07 »
if i understand it correctly, it causes BPP to skip both registration and integration, and simply leave the _c.fits frames in the "calibrated" folder.

i do not know if BPP still applies CosmeticCorrection if this tab is checked…


Offline Phil Leigh

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Re: using BPP for master cal, int and registering only
« Reply #4 on: 2014 January 12 07:39:26 »
{Don't use the BatchPreprocessing script to integrate your light frames. In most cases, BatchPreprocessing does a fine job for generation of master calibration frames, image calibration and registration. However, integration of light frames is a critical process requiring manual intervention to fine tune pixel rejection and image combination parameters.{}

This sentence is causing a lot of confusion.
A better way of putting it would be:

"BatchPreprocessing does a fine job for generation of master calibration frames, image calibration and registration. However, integration of light frames is a critical process requiring manual intervention to fine tune pixel rejection and image combination parameters. Therefore, always use the integrated output form BPP as a rough guide that everything looks as expected  and as a starting point for adjusting the settings in the separate Image Integration tool (using the Registered frames from BPP as input) to create the best integrated image possible."