Hi all,
I recently purchased one of Adam Block's new tutorials applying his Photoshop (mostly) workflow on some M1 data. He also sends along all of the data used in the tutorial - many hours of Ha and RGB exposures, along with master bias, dark and flat files. I can't resist watching the tutorial and then attempting to process the data in PI, but I may be cutting off more than I can chew.
The problem, as some of you may have guessed by now, is that the calibration frames were generated by Maxim DL. I have read several older threads dealing with this problem, but I'm still confused about what I need to do to convert from Maxim's 32-bit floating to 16 bit for use in the BatchPreprocessing script. At least, that is the way the problem appears at the moment.
Just to see what would happen, I loaded the three masters and a few lights into the script and ran it. It churned away for a minute or three and gave me some calibrated files. They came out black with a few stars and cannot be stretched.
If you were me (but had more smarts), where would you go from here? Do you think that the BatchFormatConversion script could be used on the master calibration files to make them acceptable to PI?
I also might do my homework on the ImageCalibration tool and use that after the format conversion, but I would really like to be able to stuff them into BatchPreprocessing. I'm lazy, and I have had such good results from it when using my own image data.
Any help, shoulder shrugs, or guffaws will be appreciated.