I want to publish here some of the results of the image processing techniques we learnt in the 2013 Munich workshop.
People showed a lot of interest on narrowband imaging so we made an in-depth review of these imaging techniques. First we reviewed how to introduce the H-alpha signal into a color image when both images are in linear state. This technique allows the H-alpha signal enhancement without affecting the color balance of continuum-emitting objects. Here you have before and after images with data by Leo Bette:
We also reviewed techniques to enhance emission-line objects in non-linear images. This is an HaRGB image with data by Velimir Popov (left RGB; right HaRGB):
We didn't have the time to review everything I prepared for the workshop. I provided n USB stick for each participant in which they have all the educational data. In this stick they have additional PixInsight projects with all the processing steps. An interesting example is the one below with M27 data by Max Bacher.
This example show at left a broadband RGB image. The middle image is a narrowband (R:H-alpha; G&B:O-III). The right one shows the mix of both to correct star colors:
A SHO example with the same data. Left the SHO image with color calibration taking as white the light of the nebula; at right the same result with corrected star colors:
Finally, an example we reviewed about dynamic range management with data of a M42 image by José Luis Lamadrid and me. Before and after images:
People got different processing examples covering techniques about LRGB composition, HDR composition and dynamic range management, star masking and narrowband imaging (7 different ways to combine narrow and broad band data).
Hope you like it ad we did.
Best regards,